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Posts posted by AdamLeisemann

  1. Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


    That's the saddest thing about the whole arc, IMO. For something like this to work, the reader has to be able to perceive both sides of the issue, and have sympathy for the characters on both sides. The pro-registration side is so negatively painted that there's no sympathy for them.


    About the only real defense is the Reed Richards extrapolations that continuing the present rate of superpowered activity growth, the human race will be wiped out inside of a generation or two. I could see that leading to a much more panicked reaction and clamping down on superhuman activity, but that factor isn't public knowledge, as I read the series.


    From some of the backups in Front Line, I get the sense some of the writers, at least, think the whole series is a protest against war in general.


    So far, it seems like the ONLY way Marvel can do worse is to create a MATAL mini-series: Marvel Adventures To Adult Lechery...

  2. Re: [Game Idea] Beacons in the Night


    Well... in Gypsy legend, wolves instinctively hunt and kill vampires, so going from that to 'werewolf' isn't such a leap.


    And there are also the Benandanti (and associated orders like the Calusari and Kresniki and such), who were werewolves who traveled to a 'land beyond the sea' every year where they fought stregoni (witches), evil shapeshifters, demons, and assorted monsters. Vampires could fit in easily with that listing, especially considering that the Italian word for 'witch' did double duty for 'vampire'. (And a lot of European witches were vampires and vice-versa.)


    Thanks for the information. Sorry I can't Rep you for this one because I need to spread my Rep.

  3. Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


    Going with the Marvel Civil War situation...


    Lab Rat would register just to stay within the law. Of course, once he realizes what he has to do, his black and white sense of morality would be shatterred, ansd he would probably be traumatized by the experience of having to do something that is fundamentally wrong. (He's only 16!)


    Sonic Eagle will probably fight against it, using his influence as a reporter in the local newspaper to encourage others to fight the act. Oh, and he will certainly research the constitution and point out that it is actually unconstitutional.


    Reinard the Fox, after looking at how the law really works (he's a cop, so he's got some knowledge of how laws should work already) wouild fight the registration act because it is unconstitutional. You can't just stamp on people's rights. In fact, a cop's job is to protect people's rights.


    Kitsune would refuse to register and fight this new law. They never had such a law in Japan, yet America is a freer country. A law like this just doesn't seem right.


    Lord Nocturne, the Vampiric Doc D of the Beacons Universe, would possibly have arranged such a thing to break down America so he can come in to "save" it with his own plan for the counrty. This would only be a step in his diabolical goal of world domination. Of course, this is only a possibility, and probably one he's pass, at least given the Marvel way of doing it.

  4. Re: [Game Idea] Beacons in the Night


    Here's the first monster template: Vampires. Warning: They are pared down to the absolute essentials.


    Ability Cost

    Fangs: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 5

    Drink Blood: Transfer Body to Body 1d6, Continuous (+1), Reduced

    Endurance (0 END; +½), Reduced Recovery Rate (5/hour, +1), +14

    Maximum, Fangs must do BODY first (-½), Concentration (0 DCV,

    must concentrate throughout, -1), Extra Time: Full Phase (Must take

    no other actions, -3/4), Target must be unable to resist (-1/2) 20

    Doesn’t die easily: Healing 3d6 (Regeneration 3 BODY per day),

    Resurrection (Others can stop resurrection by burning the body, staking

    the vampire through the heart, or decapitating the vampire), Reduced

    Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½), Self Only (-½), Extra Time

    + Increased time increment (3 BODY/Day; -2 ¾), Resurrection only

    (-½) 21

    Undead Vitality: Life support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and

    biowarfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical

    warfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in

    High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in

    Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) 44

    Vampiric Nose: Detect blood, Base Perception roll. (smell/taste group) 3

    Total Cost of Abilities 93


    Disadvantages Value

    Susceptibility: To Direst Sunlight; 2d6 per segment (Very Common) 35

    Dependance: Blood. Easy to obtain, Weakness (-3 to all rolls). Needed

    per day. 0

    Enraged when the Dependance triggered: Go 8-, Recover 8-, Berserk 25

    Total Value of Disadvantages 60


    What do you guys think?


    And yes, I know the formatting is pretty bad. That's a fault of the forum's format...

  5. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


    (for a heroic version of someone like "The Blob" of X-Men infamy)


    "Well, I was mugged, beaten senseless, and my clothes were stolen. When I woke up, I had to find something to wear and that's this costume, all to cover my [CENSORED]. And then, to deal with the embarassment, I decided to take it all out on criminals."

  6. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


    So far, you've all come up with some good bad reasons. Congratulations.


    "I was drunk, had no liscense, and was riding a motorcycle at 77 miles per hour, and whern I crashed, my brain was severely scrambled. I recovered and decided that I must be invulnerable or something, because I survived. So I decided to use my invulnerability to fight crime."


    "It seemed like a better idea than stapling myself in the crotch."

  7. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


    You've heard about them, never seen one, and feel qualified to comment?




    Pride Marches are every bit as represenative of the Gay community as Mardi Gras parades are of the Straight community, and I go to both every time I get an opportunity. [edit: And I hope to someday get to the Sidney Mardi Gras parade, which I understand is both!]


    Why do some people get so bent out of shape that someone is throwing a party and having a good time?


    No need to get bent out of shape. I've heard from gay folks who've been to those celebrations and have felt rather demeaned by them, so I have gotten my comments from people who are more than qualified to comment, and I am simply taking their comments and agreeing with them. That's all.

  8. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters!


    However they get written up, I'd have to pretty much insist that they have no science skills past the 8- "Everyman" level.


    Fun show, talented builders, but scientists they are most definitely not.


    Eh, I disagree with branding them as not being scientists. They just have a different approah to science. They actually do experiments rather than just hypothesize, and they do them as thoroughly as time allows.

  9. As a joke, here's a list of some of the worst reasons I can think of to be a superhero. Feel free to contribute your own "worst reasons."


    "I was drunk when I decided to do this."


    "I was torn between wanting to help good people or punch bad people. This seemed like a good compromise."


    "Between you and me, well, I have this thing for how spandex feels on my skin."


    "I lost a bet."


    "This is a part of the community service I have to perform after the 'Tapioca incident.'"


    "I couldn't qualify to be a cop."


    "I couldn't qualify to get a real job."


    "Between you and me, well, my wife has this thing for spandex and I do this just to impress her."


    "Ever since the Pride March, I had come to realize that someone must fight for Truth, Justice, and Gay Dignity!" (Note: I heard about those marches. And frankly, I am convinced that these were drempt up by homophobes looking for something to mock, because the alternative (that LGBT folks really are this stupid) is just not right!)


    "We've got people defending women, people defending children, ethnic defender, gay defenders, and all sorts of other defenders. And yet, we still need someone to look out for the needs of the duckies."


    "Between you and me, well, I have a thing for kids in spandex."


    And now for a very bad reason to be the kid sidekick...


    "Between you and me, well, I have a thing for spandex-clad guys way older than I am."


    What horrible reasons can you think of to be a superhero or a kid sidekick?

  10. Re: WIYCT: Concept


    I have a slightly smaller stable of characters.


    Sonic Eagle: Flying man with power over sound.


    Kitsune: Mythically based shapeshifter from Japan.


    Lab Rat: Teenage mutant genius with a knack for gadgets and the looks of a kangaroo rat. Dedicated to fighting crime primarily because he feels his genius would go to waste if it wasn't used to help people.


    Reinard the Fox: Living cartoon cop from another dimension, much more serious than one would expect.


    The Crimson Carpet: A sorceror's soul trapped in a magic carpet.


    And now for some of my villains...


    Lord Nocturne: (a villain for Beacons of the Night.) An ancient vampire with grandiose dreams of global conquest.


    Lyle Lynx: (Technicaly, my brother came up with the idea, but I went all Stan Lee and stole it from him. :P Nemisis of Reinard.) An "animated" sociopath driven by greed and malice.


    The Skunk: A thief who uses a gas-emitting mechanical tail-belt of his own invention to aid him in his heists.


    And now for some other characters...


    Techsune: A kitsune technology genius in the distant future whose serendiptidy and wits get her into, and out of, trouble.


    DSR: Techsune's Robotic Raccoon Assistant.


    Gunner: A Dark Champions hamster hitman. The business and financial aspects of his job are handled by a little girl named Sata Kohashi.


    Cosmo, the cosmic puppy: a godlike canine whose greatest wea[pon is the Puppy-Dog-Eyes-of-Doom, much akin to Ghost Rider.

  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Fox_series


    Looking at an idea, and I am curious about how you would like to go about with something like that.


    Basically, list how you would want something like this done as a Star Hero campaign using this setting:


    For example, I would probably try to integrate everything prior to Star Fox Assault and come up with some kind of backstory for it all (retconing and stetconing where needed.) Admittedly, that's because I think Star Fox Assault was a bit of a prison-style assault on the franchise.


    Aside from that, I would probably expand more on the worlds in the Lylat System and of course stat out the vehicles and equipment to the best of my ability.


    Anyways, what would you do? What would you want to see in such a game?

  12. Long ago in a book I read about how to write horror fiction, a writer had a massive list of things that a character needs to feel alive. One of these items on that list was a "Theme Song."


    A Theme song, in this case, is not a song you write for the character, but rather a song from elsewhere that fits the character almost perfectly.


    So, what song, when you hear it, inspired your character or brings your character into your mind quickly? You may pick multiple songs if you wish.:dyn

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