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Everything posted by Mr_Yuck

  1. Re: I can't help it, I'm obsessed, made my own STUNx d6 These things roll terribly and are easy to spot. They flop around like a weeble-wobble. On another note, my group of players produced these at the game as strictly a joke to see how quickly I would catch on. Had they tried to actually pass these off as playing dice, I'm certain their character's would've met an untimely demise in a most horriffic manner. Come on... it's a game! Who really needs to cheat??
  2. Re: Six-Armed Ginsu Cuisinart Take a look at Grond in the Ultimate Brick. This is somewhat close to what you are looking for I think.
  3. Re: need a villain organization name This reminds me of a supervillain heavy metal rock band I use in my campaign. They call themselves NeXt Evolution and are all mutants. They spread a word of intolerance and arrogance because they believe they are homo sapiens superior and are the next step in human evolution. They have been banned from almost every major campaign city due to their penchant for starting riots against the "norms".
  4. Re: need a villain organization name I've used a company I call Aegis Global Research Corp to fill in for high tech science-type bad guys. AGRC sells to anyone who has good money, has a pack of lawyers on retainer and has some real crooked corporate officers in their ranks as well as investors in the goverment, military, and police sectors. The heroes always know they are behind the waves of high tech crime, but can't seem to pin them down.
  5. Re: For those of us not artistically inclined
  6. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character) Anthem - A Captain America clone in most every detail. 1. Have a brick grab and remove the OAF Shield focus. 2. Pound Captain Spandex into person putty. Great character, but bricks eat his lunch.
  7. Re: Plot Seed: Six Places to Nuke When You’re Serious Now THIS is thinking like a supervillain with power!!
  8. Re: Help! I'm stuck in a disad rut! I just thought of another that was fun at the time. We had a player playing a hispanic super hero. He chose as a DNPC His 192 Family Members at 11- It made for some very entertaining adventures.
  9. Re: Help! I'm stuck in a disad rut! One of the funniest Disads I had in my campaign was a friend of mine playing a Deadpool clone. I don't have my book with me, by he had something like: Consumate Wiseacre (Common, Strong) In essence, he kep the smart comments coming constantly all night and had us in fits at times. Even when having his spleen donated for him by the villain, he had a smart and sassy comment for the situation. One caveat tho... This takes a player with a quick wit. We have other players in the team that absolutely could not pull this off and would make this disad painfully annoying. Loadstone: "Bring it to ME you ding.... biff!" Then the snickering began....
  10. Re: Plot Seed: Six Places to Nuke When You’re Serious Living in WA state, I've grown up with volcanoes in my back yard. I've seen a lot of information regarding the eventual eruption of Mt. Ranier. If a well placed nuke could kick start this old girl, most of Seattle and the surrounding areas would be destroyed by the pyroclastic flows as well as the population being choked to death by the resulting ash cloud.
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