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Everything posted by JamesG

  1. Hello, I have some questions regarding how a Martial Arts Maneuver that combined both Strike and Escape would work. Using the rules in UMA, it is possible to build something like this: Reversal Strike - +0 OCV, +0 DCV, +10 STR vs. Grabs, +2d6 Strike – 4 points 1) Would the strike take place if the attacker failed to break the grab he is being held in? Or is breaking the grab a prerequisite for launching the strike? 2) Assuming the strike can be attempted whether or not the escape succeeds, does it matter which order the two are attempted? Or is that determined by the special effects of the maneuver? 3) If a character with this maneuver buys extra H-to-H Damage Classes with his martial art, do they increase both the STR to break the grab and the damage of the strike, or only one of the two? If only one, is that determined when the maneuver is purchased, or can it switch between the two as it is used? Thanks.
  2. Hi, The rules state that a character that buys Combat Driving, Combat Piloting, or Riding is entitled to a free 1 point Transport Familiarity of the appropriate type. But what if instead the character buys a TF category; is the cost of the category reduced from 2 points to 1 point? For instance, say a character bought Combat Driving and TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles. Does the TF cost 1 or 2 points? Thanks.
  3. Hi, I was wondering, in the official 5th ed. Champions Universe setting, are Demons and Devils considered part of “Human” Class of Minds in regards to Mental Powers, or are they part of the “Alien” Class. I’m thinking that since they are tied to human beliefs they would be part of the “Human” Class, while the “Alien” class is reserved for really ‘different’ minds like the Kings of Edom. But I’d like to know the “official” stance on this. And does the answer for Demons/Devils also apply to ‘gods’ such as Thor, Apollo, etc? Thank you.
  4. Re: Change the STUN Multiple Rule? Because doing it that way creates a high "floor". For instance, with 30 AP (6 dice) you would ALWAYS do at least 6 Body. If you do it the suggested way (no Body on 1, 2 Body on 5 and 6) you can have results lower than 6 Body.
  5. Re: Force Wall Modification I would also allow a No Rangle Force Wall to englobe an enemy right next to the Waller, without the Waller also needing to be inside the FW. Similar to the way some No Range area effect attack powers do not attack the user. Basically as long as some part of the FoWa is at "No Range" it's OK. So if someone had a 6" by 1" No Range FoWa, they could make a Wall stretching out 6" as long as one end point was adjacent to him.
  6. The FAQ talks about how you can simulate an EC slot using a -1/4 Limitation: Just to clarify, if a power has this limitation is it subject to BOTH the "doubling effect" and the "adjust one, adjust them all" drawbacks of ECs? Thanks.
  7. Re: Force Wall Modification Yeah, it didn't make much sense to me either, but you started to have me worried. Glad we got that settled!
  8. Re: Force Wall Modification I know you've already seen it, but for others who have been following this thread, see here where Steve Long says that the material in the supplements (other than Digital Hero) CAN generally be considered book legal: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50185 And Chistopher, regarding your followup at http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50201 The 5ER rules don't say that Astral Projection MUST be used built with Duplication, at least that I can find. It merely uses Duplication as an example of one way to build an Astral Form. One way, not the only way. 5ER does forbid the use of Dispel for Characteristics. What supplement violated this rule? I'd like to check it out. Thanks.
  9. Are the Power Builds in various books published by DOJ (such as Ultimate books, Genre books, etc.) considered book legal? I had always assumed I could use the samples in the books as a reliable guide for legal Limitation usage and value, etc. But I’ve recently heard that rules restrictions, other than AP/RP cost calculations, are not enforced in books other than the core 5ER book itself. Hence the other books can not be relied upon as a source of “book legal” builds. Is this accurate? PS – I know that material Digital Hero is not checked for legality. My question refers to the actual published books.
  10. Re: Force Wall Modification Can you provide a link to where Mr. Long said this? I know that we can not depend on Digital Hero for "book legal" builds, but I have always been under the impression that the actual books published by DOJ included "book legal" power builds. With the exception of the occasional mistake/typo etc, of course.
  11. Re: Force Wall Modification Sean and I cross-posted, but I just looked something up. Page 70 of the Ultimate Brick includes a sample build of a FoWa with both "no range" and "self only". One of the variants of the Bulletproof power. So it is legal to take both on the same power. Actually that sample power also includes an additional -1/4 lim that the FoWa has a restricted shape (always surrounds char and conforms to his body). I would argue that this limitation DOES double dip with self only. But "officially" it is legit.
  12. Re: Force Wall Modification I don't even find it questionable personally. With "No Range" you could create a one hex FoWa right in front of you that protects you and the targets behind you from attacks launched from more or less in front of you. Once you add "self only" you can no longer protect others, so it is a significant additional reduction over "no range" alone, and is thus worth an additional limitation. Also note that if you are doing a "no range, self only" FoWa, you probably want to make it 2" so you can englobe yourself. With "no range" but not "self only" you could use a 2" FoWa to englobe an enemy in hand-to-hand range. But with "self only" you can't englobe enemies. Another factor pointing to "self only" being worth an additional limitation on top of "no range".
  13. Regarding your last answer, is that a "No" to both questions? In other words, NNDs can not pass through normal barriers like walls, but they can pass through Force Walls, assuming the Force Wall does not have the defense that would stop the NND?
  14. Hello, I see from the FAQ that Aid and other Adjustment Powers can be used on objects as well as characters. But are there restrictions on the size of the object? I assume that an Adjustment Power can be used on any single target (within special effects reasonableness of course), whether that target is a simple sword or a huge Imperial Star Destroyer. But I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing a system like Usable on Others has whereby an Adjustment Power would need an Advantage to effect massive items. Thanks.
  15. Hi, I found a small error on the ARMOR COVERAGE TABLE in 5ER on page 488. The third row has this entry: Protects Locations: 10-13 Limitation (Value): 10- (-1¼) Example: Cap, Long Vest But I know a Cap protects location 5, so either the Protects Locations entry or the Examples entry is in error. So my question is: Should the Protects Locations entry be changed to 5, 10-13 OR Should Cap be removed from the Example entry? Thanks.
  16. Re: House Rule Question: STUN From Impotent KA's Your examples are flawed (IMHO). A mace off the helmet can cause a concussion. That's BODY damage. A bullet against a kevlar vest can crack ribs. That's BODY damage. Just because it does not pierce the flesh does not mean it's "no Body" in HERO terms. So I do not feel you've shown a real world example of a Killing Attack that does "no Body" but still does significant stun.
  17. Re: Defense against Entangle And even then, as long as they have an energy blaster on the team who can help out, the Entangle isn't much of a hinderance. It's so ridiculously easy to target an Entangle w/o risking damage to the person entangled, that in a team on team battle the average Entangle isn't going to be very effective.
  18. Re: Teleport with trigger question. I stand corrected on the timing: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1065500#post1065500 I still think the character can choose distance/direction when the trigger goes off, but I doubt the player will want the power anymore given Steve's ruling.
  19. Hi. Situation: A character has the Trigger advantage on a Defense or Movement power with the trigger defined as "When attacked by a melee attack". Question: Does the triggered power automatically activate before the attack action that triggered it can take effect? Or is there a Dex-off or something to determine if the attack gets to effect the character before the triggered power activates? I had always assumed the triggered power automatically goes first, unless a limitation like "Requires an Opposed Skill Roll" or something was put on it. Thanks for your time.
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