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Steve Long

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Posts posted by Steve Long

  1. You don't necessarily have to buy a Computer for every Skill you want to give a Vehicle. You could buy the Skill with the special effect "the vehicle has an autopilot system." The Supercar does this, for example. Obviously each GM is going to have his own comfort level as to how far this should go.

  2. Thanx for the kind words! Glad to hear you're enjoying TE.


    Check out DH #8 and #9 (the March and April issues, respectively) for lots more stuff from TE, including expanded descriptions of several alien species and a bunch of psionic powers.

  3. No, he can’t make them just go away. The GM could allow that if he wanted to, of course, but the default rule is that’s not possible. He’d need a way to damage the Entangle (an Attack Power of some sort) defined as “I make my Entangle vanish.” The same applies to Uncontrolled Powers — the character can’t just turn them off or “dispel” them at will once they’ve started to run, unless the GM chooses to permit this.

  4. The first issue depends on how the NPCs function. If they function like DNPCs, make 'em DNPCs of the base; if they function like Followers (participate in combat away from the Base, help the character more than hinder him, etc.), then make 'em Followers.


    You can build a Follower on less than the full points you've paid for, just as with a Vehicle (TUV 223).

  5. It's a very interesting idea -- it's something I've toyed around with for years. I'm vaguely tempted to work on it further for FH, but I expect it will take more time to get right than I can afford to devote to it. It'll probably have to wait until some future point when I have more time to spend on such things. Or maybe, if I stretch the concept of "Base" a little, it would be suitable for The Ultimate Base.

  6. The real problem you’re having, I think, isn’t actually “your” problem at all — it’s that CSLs need greater granularity. As it is, things have to be wedged into too few categories, which makes it a little hinky at times. ;) They need a thorough review, expansion, supplementation, whatever you want to call it — something I’ve made a start on for The Ultimate Skill, but haven’t finished yet.


    1. No; by definition it should only apply to Strikes, and as you note Haymaker and Sweep are separate things. At that point the character ought to just upgrade to 5-point HTH Combat Levels.


    2. Yes.


    3. Yes.


    4. I assume you are referring to 2-point OCV Levels with Punch. In that case, the answer is no. “Punch” refers to a specific attack in this case (a Strike made with the hand); it’s not a license to describe anything you can think of as a “punch” and apply the Level. That’d get waaayy too unbalancing too quickly, methinks. ;)


    5. No. Again, Move By and Move Through are not “Punch” as it’s defined for a 2-point Level.


    6-7. As a default rule, no in both cases. However, the GM could certainly consider allowing it if he felt it made sense and wasn’t unbalancing.


    8. I’d agree with your analysis as a default. Again, though, the GM could allow the Levels to apply if he felt it made sense and wasn’t unbalancing.


    9. No. See 4-5. ;)

  7. From the Rules FAQ:


    Q: Can a character apply the Ranged Advantage to an HA, thus creating an attack usable at Range to which he can add his STR?


    A: No. Once he adds the Hand-To-Hand Attack Limitation, he’s signifying that the attack can’t be used at Range. Logically, the two Modifiers simply don’t mix.


    To build such an attack, buy Energy Blast, with dice equal to the amount of damage you think the thrown weapon should do, and define the special effect as “throwing a weapon and using high STR to make it do more damage than it ordinarily would.” If you want to use the weapon in HTH Combat as well, buy the weapon as a Multipower — one slot with an HA, one slot with an EB, 1 Recoverable Charge, Lockout (can’t use other slot until Charge is recovered).


    Another possibility would be to use the Throwing rules. Buy the club (or other weapon) has an HA, Focus. The character could then throw the object (the Focus) the same way he could any other object, doing damage equal to his STR dice or the DEF+BODY of the object, whichever was less.

  8. The END cost would be 3. Technically you’re correct that the character only has to pay END once for all uses of STR in a Phase. However, the potential abusiveness of that rule in this situation is obvious (and with some Autofire HAs and HKAs as well, for that matter), and the GM may, at his option, charge the character the END cost per “shot” used.

  9. It sounds like a pretty cool idea to me.


    The big question is, does changing into super form really hinder or restrict the character? In many ways, it's better for him to become tougher and more powerful when danger threatens. That just sounds like a cool effect for a character's "activate superpowers!" schtick. But if he has a Social Limitation: Secret Identity or the like, the inability to control when he changes could definitely cause problems, so an Accidental Change would be warranted. Also, there may be some difficulties inherent in not being able to activate his powers in peaceful situations.


    As long as your GM has no problems tying the Accidental Change to the Danger Sense roll, you should be fine. Just buy the Accidental Change roll to "match" the DS roll (if there's no exact match, use the next lowest category). The frequency (Common, Uncommon, etc.) I can't judge for you; only you and the GM know how often the character's likely to find himself exposed to danger. ;)

  10. The text does not say the most expensive form pays for the power. It says the true form pays for it, and the true form can be any of the character's forms. The "most expensive form" bit is something you're remembering from 4E that no longer applies.


    If that doesn't clear up your confusion, please post a follow-up and I'll try to explain further.

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