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Posts posted by pinecone

  1. Total disposable and universal computers...almost a given, Biotech become a "mature" technology...a wireless world? maybe, personally I think it is garunteed in the developed world, Politics...by it's very nature its unknowable...how about a world war between China and Japan, including Bioweapons? Who knows where the war on terror will take us as well. The EU will eather be big and influencal Or will fall apart due to nationalism (right now it's France and Germany trying to advance self interest ahead of EU aims,tomorrow?) I personally Hope for true , widespead explotaion of space...but I am a sci-fi fan........

  2. I used to use the old "Giant monster attacks the town" ploy...all of the heros hear about it and are motivated to respond, they see up close that there are threats they need to band to gether to defeat, and they work well as a group. I also have used the "All hunted by X" ploy in this one I set each hero up in a hopeless situation and have another save them from death, then they save their rescuer from death...so they band together to live and owe each other their lives....

  3. I usually assign a squad per hero...in the newest Viper I'd probibly use an 8-Team per 2 heros and throw in a commander and a vehicle or a support unit and expect the heros to be out mached but win anyway due to supperior mobility and fire power.....

  4. I agree it certainly models Movie "reality" I remember from my early youth watching cowboy films where a gunslinger would practice dropping and rolling while shooting....that to me is putting levels with "Guns" on DCV...if you don't agree then you can purchase 2 point levels with OCV for guns and get a price break for a less useful level......

  5. I beleive that you may add your strength to a "Ranged" attack that is bout that way...I am sure that a axe can be thrown and if it is you add the STR...if I'm wrong I as a GM would let it happen anyway...the GM may trump any rule if it adds to the game...in this case the illusion of "realism".......so HA+6D6 ranged, OAF lim must be thrown (loses focus when throw) and you're golden.....

  6. Snarf...one way to build a Invulnrable effect is Absorb:PD into stun and body +1/2....repeat for ED this was covered in a thread on invulnrability a while back....add in defenses linked to aborb and you have a damage sponge of fearsome capability...putting it into a EC makes it exactly twice as effective.......

  7. I base adventures in the bay area and the Monster is a sorcerer that made a deal with horrable unknowable horrors. He live in Colma. The last Monster senario was being tasked to collect 50 pounds of bone marrow, blood type AB neg...the monster can taste blood types but cannot otherwise discriminate so he grabs a victum ,tastes blood...it tastes good! Takes marrow next victum...no taste good, just kills...so he has a purpose and a patturn but the characters are really going to be stumped...WHY does he take marrow about 10% of the time? and it seems so Random.....

  8. I haven't been reading this thread so I may be duplicating....I really liked SA, but the one thing that seemed missing was the impact of super heros....in my old campain in Hawaii the setting was Los Angeles and everyone Loved "Defender park" defender park was a huge park built out of the wreakage left by an attack by a huge robot godzilla...it got the characters together and a few NPCs died, the park was built to honor the defenders of the city, and the towns official super team had their base in the park (The Defenders)....it was a "cool thing" that showed the perminate effects of being able to throw honkin fistloads of dice.....it would be cool to have a park or two of new construction where a superbattle happened or stuff like that....

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