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Posts posted by pinecone

  1. Yeah...I once converted a friends Bruhah vamp to champs for him and I did the "blood pool" thing as a End reserve...I could easaly see a End reserve X REC X SE:Drain End or Sucept 2D6 Stun and BOD on the rec and a Transfer to fill up the reserve from "donors"....should be playable ...though a little "Iron age" maybe....

  2. dude gets trapped in room partially full of water with bad things in it (say electric eels or pirana etc) DNPC trapped in steam powered death machine (say a giant crusher) if hero uses powers he easaly escapes but crushes kenny.......

  3. Zan, it is not recomended for a reason. The reason is it Can be a problem...so take a good long look and decide if this is going to be a problem.If it Might be say no,and if later experience proves differant ,adding a slot to a multi is dirt cheap so letting it in later is not very hard.....One method I used in the olden days was "Cool idea,I'll try it out as a villian power for a few sessions and if you guys have no problem facing it...I guess heros acn have it too" (This is how I ended the"can I take X-dim move as a attack?") best of luck...

  4. Yeah I was thinking with a relativly long range "Leaping Teleport" power you could TP a few hexes down attack,TP a few hexes down (restarting you falling velocity) and if you can reach the ground in one "hop" does that mean you are effectivly unhittable? After all normally a TP is uninterptable between locations, though with all the wacky lims maybe not?????...?

  5. Jimoz I also normally share your distaste, but this an odd construct,the only comic hero I can think of is Fusion from DC ...I was thinking the dominate personality would keep all it's skills and psychs,and the nondominate would be submerged.....

  6. Hmmm...is multiform even needed? Can't someone buy Duplication:altered(less powerfull) Dupes and buy a bus load O' powers with the not when duped limit? So lawyer-lad buys loads o' powers not when duped (and is in this example the dominate personality) buys a 150 point dupe with lot's of streetwise and the like...when duped both halves are compitant normals,when merged he becomes Macho-man (Heh physics humor) maybe buy a SE or sucept that kicks in if too much time is spent merged and you're done...???

  7. To me ,based on what you descibe this sounds like OHI -1/4 not OIF,but I conceal it till I want it.....problem solved and no need for a Images power at all....though you are much more vulnrable in "billy batson" mode, you are also protected from being seen through by poindexders with lots o' Int and being detected by everyone who bumps or brushes past you.....

  8. I've never had a problem with FW...but I've always considered the points in FW to be part of the attack so a MA with a 8D6 attack and FW 13 is about as powerfull as a 12D6 to 14D6, and if they aren't a problem it's unlikely that FW will be either. Basicly FW is a kind of personal speed drain as you burn up phases doing nothing so you can thrash later,but if you are KO'd now...later never comes.I used to have villians deal with it by saying "That dude just stares at us and does nothing...Mentallist!!!" (it is pretty common to "dog pile on the mentallist") FW is one of the simplest ways to build "bat-clones" that are basicly human, yet somehow battle super foes and triumph. Espesially FW with all attacks ,but what does that cost 30 points for FW:All (11)?

  9. One possable way to turn those M&Mers to the path of light and Hero is to just play M&M...then after people have characters they like,convert them over to Hero for a "Cross-dimention" run or two ,then go back to M&M.That way they have a way to get a fair comparison of whats cool about each.I have played a few games of M&M. And for me it was "beer and pretzles" Hero. I'd also suggest someone run some Silver age sentenals for yet annother version of D20 supers. I found SAS to be much closer to D&D D20 than M&M.For me the coolest past of Hero is the controll and ballence.M&M was easy to mess up for a old time min-maxer like me and I can see it becomming a problem over time as people explore the system. Hero is plentry breakable too but is so full of utility that you can explore without busting things......

  10. I'm in the same boat...I don't like the logic of getting hosed for knowing too much..."Hah! you are hosed now Maven,if only you had not been so smart!" basicly probibility says the more rolls the higher the chance of one roll being far from average, so the more you know, the more chances to get hosed by a bad roll....just dosn't seem logical to me. Though others may feel differant. I do sometimes let bad rolls have a minor effect if it is humorous or fits the tone or character. So if Lucky Pierre,canadian extrodinair blows his seduction roll , I say Hmm your compliment of the large size of her rear does not seem to endeared her to you at all,but she decides that you are ,refeshingly, not interested in dating her and has a long conversation with you anyway....jeez what are the odds of that happening?

  11. I beleive the objection to 5 point levels is you (at least in a supers game ) could simply buy up the stat and gain a +1 and other benefits. So The Sage is better off buying up his/her Int than buying 5 pointers with all KS's. I myself am of two minds on this as I seldom see it come up. I usually am totally fine with a wide definition of a "narrow" group because of this and if "Batclone the dark avenger" wants 3 point levels with "crime fighting skillz" I have no problem if that turns out to be 5 or so othgerwise unrelated skills. In a Heroic level game I'd probibly expect the skills to be more cloely related and maybe limit it to 3 or 4 skills to meet the "Narrow focus" definition....

  12. Don't have my book...but I believe that this is a standard option for BOECV, you chose when you build it if it targets vs DX as well as if it targets regular PD or ED or Mental...I once built this concept (sort of) as RKA:Pen:IPE:Indirect...The IPE was +1/2 I think because Mental awareness worked to locate and detect.....(Looong time ago) Ego attack,does body,does KB is a pretty good PK Blast as well.......(maybe add X2 KB?)

  13. Hmmm...I used to use Both...if you do not take a wealth/poverty perq. then you acount for your bux, if you want to be a wealthy Baron, then I basicly hand wave expenses..."Even though you were left naked by robbers, the innkeeper is Happy to extend credit to the 14Th earl of Chesterfeild" if not, then "Well? have you got 10 gold or not?"

  14. I may be being obtuse but based on what you said "I run x but can sprint but it makes me tired" (OK maybe I paraphrase) isn't that just saying +18" running? if you want to sprint can't you just Push running? or buy up your NCM to X4 or X8 and take a lim costs X2 end to run NCM?....

  15. In super level campains I don't see this come up much...I'd have no problem with someone buying 3 point levels ,but most skill monger Supers buy 10 point Overall levels instead cause their so super....in a heroic level I think I'd consider 3 pointers as a sug-group booster such as "deception skills" (say disguise,conversation,seduction and mimic) as a 3 point group and I don't think the game would explode.....

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