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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Personally, I've stuck with 5E because a lot of changes in 6E changed things that I liked. As always, it falls to personal taste and obedience of the first rule of gaming. Are you having fun? With a substantial 5E library (We have every Ultimate except for Mystic) and THE MOST USEFUL SUPPLEMENT EVER PRINTED FOR HERO, the UNTIL Superpowers Database, it's proven easier for me to GM 5E, especially for new groups as I have a lot of reference material to source from and my players were able to build characters more readily. The only things that I've taken from 6E have been the new STUN multiplier for Killing Attacks (Goodbye STUN-lotto) and a modified version of Unified Power.
  2. Well, I can now add drug smuggling to the list. Specifically, Nacro-submarines and Narco-tanks. Every time I think that I might be getting a little ridiculous with the gangs in my game (one of which is heavily influenced by the '80s classic, The Last Dragon), I find that the real world has trumped me.
  3. Yeah, that's the impression that I'm getting as well. It would have been nice if they have included an image of the road unit without the boat.
  4. I gave up at just the preliminary design considerations. Duplication? Carried Vehicle? I'm working on a whole bunch of other vehicles so I might come back to this later, but I figured I'd throw this one out and see what other people come up with. (I know, I know. Combiners in Hero. Rarely the most elegant build, mechanically.) Here's the link: http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2010/05/2-in-1-pleasure-boat-and-rv-vehicle.html
  5. Oh, my. I've looked at google maps of the Umatilla Chemical Disposal Facility, searched online for maps of various military bases, their ready statuses and even for photos of various buildings and interiors. All for my Fallout: Washington game.
  6. Honestly, I was. I'm not going to claim that I didn't already have an idea of WHERE to search, though.
  7. True. Maybe this could just be a different way of reflecting some form overcharge or nitro system? Personally, I feel that the burnout roll has a bit of unnecessary overkill given that unless you are applying them to a 5 active point or less power (before charges), you're using up a fair amount of potential active points for a +5AP boost. Really, it's just a way for charge based powers to push, when you get down to it. But with this built, I'm planning on applying a -1 to all combat driving checks for every extra charge you are using (meaning -4 at max boost) to reflect that most vehicle handling characteristics decline rather sharply when go past optimal.
  8. As a part of my current Champions campaign, I've populated the city (and world) with genetically altered animals. Most are anthropomorphic and are in an economically depressed situation due to the tenuous legal standing that they have. What can I say except that I grew up reading Eastman and Laird, okay? But one of my PCs is a bouncer at a strip club. This strikes me as a fun story point (although as it's not a DNPC, they're not likely to ever be in any real danger) and I decided to populate it a bit. That's where the strange research comes in. I have found myself, in the interests of painting coherent image for my game, searching for images of furry strippers and waitresses. Let me just say that again. I have found myself searching for images of furry strippers and waitresses, for my Champions game. I'm not complaining, you understand, but I had that moment of "I'm really doing this." So, what strange research have some of you found yourselves doing as a result of GMing or playing in a Champions game?
  9. So, messing around with converting some vehicles into Hero 5E (I prefer it, okay?) I came up to a problem. Many games list a range rather than an operating time for their vehicles. Okay, no problem right? Well, yes and no. See, the motorcycle that I was working on would have been left with just 1 hour of fuel. Now, you could use GM handwavium and say that vehicles can use only part of a power, but I wanted to see if I could use the mechanics as they stood to work this out. And I came up with this construct. Charges work exactly the same in 6E, so those of you not familiar with the previous edition should still be able to follow along. Interestingly, on the vehicle that I was working on, this nearly doubled it's actual range (which for the system I was converting from, could be done by not taking the vehicle above half speed) so long as you were only using 1 charge at a time. A simple mechanical way of being able to trade between fuel efficiency and performance. Now, for a vehicle where the charges are measured in hours, you could probably go the hand-wave route but it opens ideas, no? Note: Before anyone decides to criticize the IDEA behind the construct, I want this level of fidelity in some games. You might not and that's just bully for you, alright? But sometimes you want this level of detail.
  10. Okay, throw me a bone here? Because the only reference I could find was for LOM syndrome and I'm having trouble picturing Doctor Destroyer as a songwriter.
  11. That sounds like most groups of PCs that I know.
  12. I have to admit, I had a loooot of fun running this.
  13. The audiobook of "Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain."
  14. Well, Digna now has a total 10 Mechadendrites, so I'll have to see what I can come up with.
  15. Surprisingly, no. I must rectify this. And I'm glad that my retro-kick proved somewhat infectious. But currently, Twisted Sister Frontman Dee Snider rockin' out this rendition of Mack The Knife.
  16. Mister Five by Five - The Andrew Sisters This is from my Fallout: Washington collection (songs I collected for mood-setting in my Fallout PnP) Yeah, I'm still on a retro-kick.
  17. One exchange from my last Earthdawn session stuck in my memory. Windling Shaman is laying on the head of the Human Cavalryman's horse, looking up at the clouds. WS: ...and that one looks like a birdie, and that one looks like a troll, and that one looks like a bunny rabbit... HC: *Looking up* Which one looks like a bunny rabbit? WS: *Turns and give the Human a "are-you-stupid" look* ...the bunny rabbit shaped one.
  18. Careless Whisper (Cover) - Scott Bradley's Postmodern Jukebox (Feat. Dave Koz) I'm in one of my retro-futurism moods.
  19. But then Salazar wouldn't have his gift for Lady Sally.
  20. Credit for that line actually goes to someone here. I forget who, but their signature has an almost identical statement ---Weldun, a.k.a. Salazar, HUMAN Rogue. Heather: Are you evil? Salazar: I like to think of myself as differently motivated.
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