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About Valsegul

  • Birthday 03/13/1984

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  • Biography
    The Watcher
  • Occupation
    Game Retail

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  1. Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters? I always liked the idea of a PRIMUS campaign. It would be kind of similar to what you are talking about, but a bit lower powered. Thinking about what you are pitching sounds a lot like would happen after a meta-human registration act (or something similar) passed.
  2. Re: Question about Linked Powers I am with Sean on this one. Sounds like what you are looking for is compound power.
  3. Re: Tokusatsu HERO...building a setting. "(With out the silly growing Rider bit from the offical cross over. )" Kamen Rider J cries a little inside I always loved the theme behind Orignal stuff, and Faiz. Normal people having to rise to situation. I would leave them questioning what is going on all the time. Are they fighting against the evil organization that made them into monsters, or are they just filling the role that they were made for. Multiform or OIHID? Garo, has alot of nice stuff in it. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.
  4. Hey guys, I am doing a write up for a character who is a lot like The Question from JLU cartoon. I was wondering how you would build an ability/skill that represents knowing useless facts about everyone around you. Right now I just have KS: “Please... I go through everyones trash.” -14 The information is not supposed to be game breaking, it is just meant to creep out, and unnerve people with useless facts about their life. Simulating the fact the character is constantly investigating those around him. I think it would add a fun RP element when interacting with NPCs. I look forward to your input. Thanks
  5. Re: Armor & AI I just wanted to thank everyone for all their help. I have seen some really great ideas, that will help me out alot. This is just what I love most about Hero System, there are always multipule ways to look at, and solve problems. Thanks again.
  6. Hi, I am trying to set up a charater for a PC, and I am running into a few issues. I was hoping to get some input from everyone. He wants to build a powered armor suit with a smartalic AI. The problem is he wants the AI to take over if he should go unconscious. So, it goes from a harmless RP element to something that needs a game mechanic. I couldn't think of a way to get it to work with the way one normaly builds powered armor ( OIF ). So, I have been tinkering with making it a body sized vechicle with an AI in that. Everything seemed ok, but with that method the PC can get five times the amount of points to spend. I am not sure if I should alow that, because of the power imbalance. What are your thoughts?
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