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Posts posted by OzMike

  1. Re: Weapon Designs -- opinions wanted


    Chaingun- looks fine. Although I've always done them as AoE Line, Conforming (I think), 0 range when I've made them in my games.


    Chainsaw - looks good. Would consider raising the DEF of the tunneling to at least 7. After all, the chainsaw HKA can max out at 14 BOD. Maybe make it (ummm...) 8 DEF? Is that standard effect on 2 1/2 D6?


    Railgun - I would up the length of the line to a really big distance - in some games those babies can fire seemingly forever. And maybe 1/2 DCV - they take ages to fire sometimes.


    Good work - look forward to the article

  2. Re: Weird Question About unluck


    Or you could make others have a bad day...


    Have a bad day: Negative Skill Levels (-5 with Any Skill), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2), LOS (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (225 Active Points); Gradual Effect (5 Minutes; -3/4), Incantations ("I hope you have a really bad day"; -1/4)



  3. Re: Door opened in an airplane in flight. What next?


    The PCs are in a commercial jet headed from NY to Alaska.


    The door is torn, blasted, smashed, or otherwise opened.


    What next?


    Is there a system for this burried in one of the books?


    How would you handle it?


    Rules for explosive decompression are in Star Hero on p286 of that book.


    Rules for Low Pressure are on p441 of FRED.


    Wind - FRED p442.


    Just looking at all that, I'd go for something like the following effects:


    Drain of 1 END per phase

    -1 to all skill and combat rolls

    15 STR TK explosive to pull people and stuff out the hole (more or less depnding on the height of the plane... about 15 STR for a high altitude door sized hole methinks).

  4. Re: Batman vs Midnighter


    Seeing as this thread is called Batman vs Midnighter I thought I'd digress but remain loosely on thread topic...


    Admittedly Midnighter has not been written well, not nearly as well as Batman. However, the character is still young and there are some pretty dire Batman stories out there in the 60-odd years of comic book history. I don't think the character is that bad, as far as characters go. And seeing as he is meant to be a Batman analogy and the thread is about the two versus each other ...


    What does Batman have that Midnighter doesn't, and does Midnighter need to fix him?


    (and "a bullet" isn't really the answer I had in mind to the second, even though it is tempting...)

  5. Re: Soliciting Ideas -


    How about the team have to stop a giant lizard and a giant furry hamster from rampaging and destroying a city like Chicago.


    Why not just make it Chicago, rather than a city like Chicago?


    And make it something to do with Lorenzo Lamas...

  6. Re: Soliciting Ideas -


    A great meta-plot to launch a galactic champions feel would be the coming of Galactus. You could have the following arcs:


    1) The Scavengers. Isolated scavenger races secretly arrive to steal what they can before the Eater of Worlds sucks the life from the planet.


    2) The Trojan Horse. An apparently benevolent race openly arrives and offers high technology to the people of Earth. The heroes discover that all is not as it seems and that the aliens are in fact placing world destruction devices around the world. The real reason for this is that they hope to lay a trap for the Eater of Worlds, but the heroes most likely will assume that they want to just blow up the planet to make way for a hyperspace bypass. The aliens are defeated, the devices disabled, but humanity learns for once and for all that they are not alone.


    3) The Herald. A powerful being arrives from outer space and begins taking out powerful heroes and villains. The heroes are on the list, but a bit further down. They need to unite with some of their old villains to stop this menace. Either the heroes win and capture the Herald, imprisoning it (bad) or they lose, but don't die, and the Herald retreats to the stars (good for now, bad for later).


    4) Join the Alliance. A rag-tag group of aliens land and offer membership to the Earth (people should be a little cynical about aliens by now), including a mutual protection pack. They actually try to harry the Eater of Worlds, and have managed to drive it off at least 6 times in the last millennia. There is some hot headedness from some of the warrior races, some cultural misunderstandings, some simple fights and brawls. The heroes must act as peacemakers to prevent the Federation leaving, because by now they know something BIG and NASTY is coming.


    5) The Eater of Worlds. The main event. Start it small - some robot scout ships, a crashed aliiance warship. Then get big - spaceships blocking out the sun, the fate of the Earth hanging in the balance, the Alliance having to flee the lost cause, the rematch with The Herald (ouch). Have the final fight at the south pole or something like that where the Eater is preparing to absorb the life-force of the planet, leaving it a dead and lifeless husk. Have a previously unseen in the alien arcs yet powerful villain like Dr Destroyer or Doom or Magneto (heck, anyone powerful) show up to save the day only to have them swatted like bugs. This villain EATS worlds.


    Work out how you want to resolve it - give multiple solutions but nothing easy. Kill or maim or depower (energy drain) a PC and plenty of NPCS - it doesn't have to be descriptive and iron agey, but people died in earlier ages too.


    Hmmmm... sounds like something I should run too :)

  7. Re: Life Support: Longevity?


    I seem to use it frequently, but then I like playing characters who've been around for a while and have a reason for it (immortal, regeneration, robot, alien).


    If there's no real reason, then nope.



    Oh, I also like to use it if I think to myself "If a game was run in the future, or the past, would I like to play a future or past version of this character?" and answer yes.

  8. Re: Disadvantage that becomes an advantage?


    Umm yeah. I really don't think this will come up much. If the mage casting Cause Pain on his ally doesn't work AND he wants to hurt him for some reason, he'll just start casting fireballs.


    I just thought it was an interesting situation. You guys are taking it very seriously. ;)


    Look at that - it's a can!


    And I have a can opener!



    Uh-oh! This here can's full o' worms!

  9. Re: Disadvantage that becomes an advantage?


    My 2 bits:


    I'd let the Special Effects decide. Feels No Pain vs Cause Pain? No effect at that level. Feels No Pain Due To Deadened Nerves In His Skin vs Causes Pain In the Pain Centres Of The Brain? Now there is an effect. I would just get the players to define their special effects as clearly as they could - if they match up as opposites/cancelling each other out? So be it. It's a minor effect. They get a little bonus for a disadvantage.


    But it is a disadvantage, so I would also go with mystery STUN damage. Maybe. Because STUN isn't just pain... it's consciousness and activity. A person in shock is practically stunned, but that person may not be in pain. Or maybe make them take a Vuln: 2x STUN from pain attacks that can affect them, because the sensation would be so overwhelming. And if they don't want the points for it - give them the disadvantage anyway >:)


    Oh and folks? Be nice.

  10. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency)


    I used UNTIL as a logistical support agency for an international superteam based (loosely) on Stormwatch.


    It worked, especially since they needed to be called before they could act unless a high level or global threat was detected. So usually by the time they arrived at a place (they could teleport, but only site to site ala old Justice League International and had to relay via the satellite and then had to make their way via anti-grav transport or battle van) bad things were happening or about to happen. Or they were asked to investigate something that no one else could solve.


    And much like the Earth Defence Force mentioned above, part of their mandate was intervention in threats to the earth from outerspace (and inner space, and other dimensions).


    It meant for a fairly frenetic pace of game, but with structure. Hmmm... I should run it again sometime - it was big fun.


    And UNTIL is thumbs up from me.

  11. Re: Phantom Stranger


    Constantine seems to be near the top of the list of comics characters respected and feared not for what he can do' date=' but for what (and maybe who) he knows.[/quote']


    I also think that Constantine is one of the few willing to make the sacrifices. It's implied in DC that use of great magics and rituals requires sacrifice - of life, of personal power etc. Constantine seems to be one of the few willing to makes those sacrifices, mainly because he can be quite a narky so and so.


    And he fights dirty :eg:

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