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  1. Re: Bad drain Why not have all figured charecterstics drains take sometthing like not for figured charecterstics limitation. I dont rember whats its worth. Because it is getting that limitation without getting any points anyway.
  2. Re: Reproduction Dependes on the charecter.
  3. Re: Reproduction I have to disagrea with you it is still a disadvantage. There are phycolgical disadvantages that could easily spur from this. Its like buying background skills that may or may not be useful because your charecter is who they are they have it. Now it may be a 5 point disadvantge but its still part of the charecter. Now what you could argue is the benfits weight it down to not a disadvantage. For instance if a charecter has in love with X and the person the charcter is in love with finds out that the charecter cant have children they might get dumped. Which in any charecter i might play would Create another disadvantage. So id say it is a disadvantge and that goes double if one has in love with or something like that.
  4. Re: Inherent, does anyone use it? How? If the person who writes the rules also defines the point cost then it could inhernt could be built in with no cost to the charecter because the power is by defentoin Inherent.
  5. Re: building an endurance reserve that gets bigger every phase Thanks, now i just have to modfy it to work for what i want.
  6. I want to build an End reserve thats starts with a value and evey phase its gets to the previous level +1 any ideas how to do this? ITs for a summoner who summons whats printed on cards. and based on what card game hes using he has slightly diffrent triat/abilitys. In the one based on Magic his end. reserve is to serve as his land so every phase he can summon bigger and badder things.
  7. Re: How to model Trampoline Riccochet The teleport idea should work even if its the end of the oppanants move and he has no more move left by defenition of a move through he is hitting the target at his current velocity. So if the charecter becomes elastic and abosorbs the shock across his/her entire body then the reaction to stretching a rubber band when the pressure is relived it snaps back which would propell the target back the way he came. IF he has no momentum left after he hits his target he also has no velocity (no increased damge and no OCV loss) in which case yes he would be right next to the charecter that just launched him. The elastic charecter still would be hit. its just the energy of the attack would be spread out equally across his/her body. In which case wouldnt it just be a boost to PD during the attack if the defance is broken high enough to do knockback the charecters ancor breaks and he takes the damge that goes over the new PD plus knockback as if the whole attack hit him seeing as he has already been pushed back. It just seems to make more sence that way. Telport is the last in a string of things. Calculate knockback on orginal attack, roll it see if the charecter elastic charecter reaches an opstical if he does he gets no boost to his PD, Boost PD, Apply defances. If he takes no damge after the calculation the telport goes off if he does take damge he also takes full knockback. complicated but that makes the most Real world sence.
  8. Re: Missile Deflection - Can someone explain this? The martial artist diverts the attack off of himself he just doesnt get touched.
  9. Re: Missile Deflection - Can someone explain this? If your going to fuse block deflect and reflect make the standard Block/deflection have a strenght limitation built in. And make its a +1 for deflect +2 if its a reflect. Then it makes sence.
  10. Re: Total Darkness Sight It seems to me that this is just the inverse of normal sight. Therefore it should cost the same as sight as if your charecter had to buy the sight for himself it would just work in darkness rather then light. The best place to look to find out if this theory works is to look at disadvantage blindness. its a 25 point disadvantage. Which implies (in my opinion) that if one was to build sight it would cost them 25 points. Some quick calculator work tell me that there is a -1/4 limitation built in. That bring the cost of the darkness seeing power down to 24 which seems more in the ball park besides the fact that how offten is there going to be pitch darkness? If thats the case the ability should be worth less then sight would if you built it on your own. I may be wrong but thats just how i think it should work.
  11. Re: Help with a power After debating what is best for concept as well as points. Stretching would make all the attacks HTH correct meaning my OCV/DCV boosts for hand to hand would count towards it. In which case stretching is inaporate because the attack is supposed to be less effective in the sence of his aim and control then just using the blade directly. For that resone im going to try and figure out either an EC or a multipower version of it. Thank you for the Advise on stretching though.
  12. Re: Martial arts I cant even afford a copy of Fred or find it when i have the money or both my friend is loaning me his . not to mention i dont have a credit card to order online with.
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