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About actingkeith

  • Birthday 03/03/1966

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    I'm not very funny...
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  1. Re: Does anyone have any idea why this is legal? As an aside, consider the Megascale "house rule" that I use when I'm running a game. It has to do with hex sizes and Heisenberg. And I use house rule in quotes because I'm not sure that it's a rule as much as a logical extension of the rules that already exist. When you teleport on a normal scale, you show up in a specific hex. But where in that hex do you show up exactly? The answer to the question, on a normal scale is that it doesn't matter because the 1"=2m hex is the smallest quantum of distance/area we've got. On a Megascale T-port, in my games, it does matter. I tell my players that if they use Megascale T-port, they will show up somewhere (in some semi-random 1"=2m hex) in that enlarged hex. It's a lot like the Positional Uncertainty limitation on movement powers from way back when. I would make the same ruling on the Megascale Targeting Clairsentience. Sure you can see into that 10,000km hex and target it... but you can only target the whole hex. When you move, you move somewhere/semi-randomly into that hex. I've found that this inherent limitation to Megascale curtails a lot of the things you're concerned about... Peace, -keith, but not the cool one
  2. Re: The Seduction Skill as a "Lab" I have always, when buying 'hot' sports cars with points, purchased a Seduction Skill with the car to simulate how attractive a hot car makes a person (note that this also includes limos). And when I have a character who is Bruce Wayne-ish, I always buy a Seduction Lab for the house. It's usually a nice room with a pool table, a huge plasma TV, a wet bar, interesting selections in a bookcase, a sunken floor with a really comfortable conversation pit and central fireplace, and a nice sound system as its Special Effect. It can also include a butler/maid/servant who is respectful... It's the room that makes people say to themselves "this guy is freakin' cool... I want to be his friend." Truth is that in the game, that's what Seduction Skill is... Peace, Keith
  3. Re: The Interogation Skill as a "Lab" Back on topic... You can have anything you want in the room. The "stuff" is just a Special Effect, and as such is completely up to you. The Game Effect is locked in by what you pay points for - in your case an 11- Complimentary Skill Roll for Interrogation. Anything else is color, and with HERO you can paint with all the colors you want. My recommendation is to match the 'stuff' in the room with the overall concept of the persons who will be using the room. Peace, -keith
  4. Re: Marine Corps Martial Arts Program I think what he was probably saying was (scratching his head in confusion) "...I, I, I just don't get it...it's weird..." <<<>>> One of the guys in my unit had previously been an Army Ranger with service in the Granada invasion (1982). When asked why he changed services, his response was to tell a story about how his Ranger unit (30 guys) was pinned down they called for help... and what showed up was a squad of Marines (a dozen guys)... the Marines ran, laughing and yelping straight into the assault and wiped out the opposition (which turned out to be a platoon-sized unit of about 50 guys) in a matter of minutes. He said it was the joy-filled laughing and yelping that sent a chill down his spine and made him realize that the marines were a different breed. He said he needed to find out what that was all about. <<<>>> It's weird. Marines are weird. Peace, -k
  5. Re: What does "Overall" not cover? I love Overall Levels. Out of Combat Time, they're awesome. One of the things that you need to keep in mind during Combat is that, like any other kind of Level, you can only allocate them to one purpose per Phase. So, for example, if the GM asks you to make a PER Roll, and you use them there, you can't, in that same Phase, use them for OCV, DCV, Dive for Cover... nothing. It makes it very tactically important to juggle them well. Cheers,
  6. Re: Why should I buy Champions? Like others who've posted on your thread, I've been playing this gaming system all during it's evolution. I have a thought about one of your critiques about the speed of combat... It probably the most often voiced criticism of the game. Most long-time HERO gamers know that Combat Speed is the biggest hurdle to recruiting new insane-fanatics. It will run slowly under a great many conditions, and it can be frustrating. The main thing that slows combat, IMO, is a lack of familiarity and comfort with the rules of combat by everyone involved. While the basics of combat are relatively simple, the variations are many. Getting your players familiar enough with their characters' combat style (and the accompanying rules) so that they can know their characters' Combat Values is the first goal. Having the GM or another player help calculate a character's Combat Values every time that character is supposed to act is really slooowwwww. Combat speeds up markedly when the GM only has to worry about counting off time and controlling the bad guys. It speeds up even more when the GM doesn't have to worry about counting off time because the players are so familiar with the way things are supposed to go that everyone helps manage the Speed Chart. Once everyone in the gaming group (or at least most of them) become comfortable with the combat rules, the GM only has to manage combats, not direct them. That stuff takes time, and it's not an insignificant hurdle. But once you get past that, the power of the flexibility of HERO system rules really starts to shine on through... then you're hooked. Peace, Keith
  7. Re: block use Clarification about what please Not really. Here's the basic Step-by-Step: 1. Attacker, who is in range to deliver an HtH attack declares his intention to attack Defender 2. Before Attacker Rolls his Attack Roll, Defender delcares his Block 3. Defender rolls an 'attack' with Defender's OCV vs Attacker's OCV. 4. If the roll succeeds, Attacker's attack is Blocked, and he doesn't even get to roll. 5. If anyone else tries to attack Defender with a Blockable attack, Defender can keep Blocking, with a -2 cumulative penalty for each attack after the first (ie -2 to OCV on the 2nd attack, -4 on the 3rd, etc) until such a time that Defender fails a Block roll... at and after which time, Defender may not Block further attack attempts until his next Phase (or more correctly until his next Abortable Segment) It does a lot more than that... and that's what I think you're missing. AoE also makes an attack unBlockable by definition. Now, while there may be some Special Effects bases for modifying the general rule, you need to keep in mind that those will be exceptions to the rule that AoEs are not Blockable. This is almost completely untrue. That would probably depend completely on the Special Effect of the Power. I would say that Autofire is fairly priced for the effect it has... especially when END cost is taken into account (and note that Reduced END for Autofire attacks is doubled) You could do that too, but what you give up in that instance is the additional damage from STR, which should not be discounted... you'd be better off buying it HtH (or HKA), Autofire, 1/2 END, AE Radius, Personal Immunity. (keep in mind that the Radius for AoE is determined by the Active Points of the Power, not counting the AoE, so the more Advantages you have before the AoE the better. Hope this helps, -keith
  8. Re: block use It is my understanding that the Mechanic vs an AoE attack is not Block... it's Dive for Cover. So I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around your problem with not being able to Block such an attack. One of the reasons to buy an AoE attack is specifically to make the attack un-Block-able. Others include 'Attacking a DCV of 3' and 'Hitting Lots of Mooks.' And one thing I'd like to point out as people discussion how advantageous something like an AoE, Autofire, HtH (or HKA) might be, remember that you're talking about some serious cost... especially when you consider the effects of END cost on the character for an Autofire attack. One of the Amazing things about HERO's point-based game design is that stuff that costs about the same... tends, in the long run, to be equivalently effective in the game. So if you're concerned about how 'effective' a certain design tactic is... odds are you're not looking closely enough at the detriments of that tactic. Peace, Keith
  9. Re: Missile Deflection - Can someone explain this? Neither is Reflection... I'm beginning to see everything more clearly now. I've already Rep'ed Hyperman for his contribution to my opinions. I thank everyone for their input. I was just trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing. It makes sense now, from a Rules standpoint at least. And I tend to be a big believer in the Rules... Peace, Keith
  10. Re: Missile Deflection - Can someone explain this? So... a Fastball Special, a guy following a ballistic trajectory, is considered controlled movement but a Maverick missile isn't? a guy leaping through the air to perform a Move-Through, following a ballistic trajectory, is controlled, but laser beam, moving at the speed of light is fair game? ...
  11. Greetings all, For the first time in my 25 years of playing HERO games, I'm playing a character with Missile Deflection/Reflection. Since I don't tend to pay attention to stuff I don't use, I've never paid much attention to this power (it was actually a skill the last time I looked at it... how long ago was that?). So I started looking into it, and I have become baffled to the point of anger. I'm hoping that someone with wisdom and insight can explain this to me before I jump... Looking at the FAQ, I find this jewel: So, it would seem that a person thrown as a "fastball special" is somehow not the same as a person being thrown 'willie-nilly'? And a character flying through the air using leaping (or falling) is not the same as a big rock, that is flung (or dropped). I mean, if you can Missile Deflect a frickin' laser beam and you can Deflect a 12 ton catapult stone (with a STR of 45), why the heck can't you Deflect a 400kg guy being thrown at you with his fist out? What? Serious Rep to anyone who can defend this crap. Peace, Keith
  12. Re: Door opened in an airplane in flight. What next? Yes they did. As I recall, a bullet hole... any hole smaller than about 30cm in diameter for that matter, had no significant 'vaccuum' affect on the cabin. Holes larger than that (larger than the size of a plane window) had distructive affects on the fuselage. Large openings, like the door coming off, tended to explode the fuselage around opening. There was a plane a couple of years back that had a large part of the starboard side of the plane blown off... it landed in Hawaii with a big gaping wound. I don't know what game effect you want... but I'm sure that you could justify just about anything you wanted. Peace, -keith
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