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Everything posted by Omegaplex

  1. I've noticed in Steve's most recent news update that he jumps straight to Dragons & Machine, while skipping the previously scheduled Ultimate Base. Has this been dropped from the lineup?
  2. Re: Horror Hero Two big thumbs up here, too! Horror - in itself - isn't necessarily my primary interest, per se... it's more the mood from the Horror genre that I enjoy. Getting players just a little on edge can be tricky. Making them sweat a little about what's around the corner - whether it's a Thing From Beyond (true Horror) or the serial killer your Dark Champions have been looking for in the dusty old warehouse. It's a blast, though, when everybody is 'feeling' the scene, and no genre book would help GM's make that happen like Horror HERO. On my docket of things to buy... in '09 And yes, to the above poster, I think Horror HERO would add a lot to Pulp. I mean, Skull Island? Ancient Tombs? Forgotten Lands? Haunted Houses? Pulp HERO and Horror HERO would be like Peanut Butter & Jelly, IMO There's always a little of the unknown (and therefore, getting the players to feel tension is important!) in Pulp HERO adventures - Horror doesn't have to be about the gruesome or the dark
  3. I'm trying to cook up a clairsentience power that targets *people,* not places; ie, the character must A) know what the target looks like (a picture will do, but knowing them personally is mechanically more advantageous), and can see (and hear) the person as they go about their business. The perception follows the target until the power is 'turned off.' This would allow the hero to find friends and/or family members quickly, or spy on enemies (if he knows specifically who to look for). I'm also trying to figure out some way to allow the Hero to then teleport to the location of the person *once he's found them.* This could probably combine with/tread on Mind Scan in some way. I'm not sure how to integrate the moving target point (since the viewing follows the person), or if clairsentience is even appropriate - maybe some sense that functions on megascale is more appropriate to recreate this power? Thanks
  4. I had posted this on the Hero board; it was suggested I try here I've been having an internal debate here. Was hoping some players would offer their thoughts on this match-up. I'm trying to pit these two 'theme' villains against one another in a campaign, and when they inevitably confront each other, which has more power? How would this play out given all things being equal?
  5. I've been having an internal debate here. Was hoping some players would offer their thoughts on this match-up. I'm trying to pit these two 'theme' villains against one another in a campaign, and when they inevitably confront each other, which has more power? How would this play out given all things being equal?
  6. Re: Miami Vice Just an interesting FYI, I read the other day that Miami Vice (inflation-adjusted) was the most expensive TV series ever produced. As for the movie... I've been hearing seriously mixed reviews. The studio's already way over budget (upwards to $140 million-ish), and the initial reviews have been tepid to downright frigid. Mann's apparently scrambling in the editing room to make it work by the impending release deadline. Besides... Farrell & Fox ain't DeNiro & Pacino
  7. I'm just curious as to why the "British Isles" are explicitly excluded from this book... is there a specific book in the works that focuses on Champions of the UK? I know there's a Canada Champions book down the pike. I use the character books primarily as a way for my players to quickly pick and go. I also am thinking of an "UNTIL"-type unit that's composed of Champions from around the world, but it hardly feels complete without a few Brits in the mix Just curious. Thanks for any help!
  8. I thought it would be fun to ask other Champions players what villains they feel are the most powerful - most dangerous overall. The ten I've come up with are (in no particular order): Takofanes Dr. Destroyer Skarn Istvatha V'han Mechanon Menton Tyrannon The Dragon The Warlord Dr. Yin Wu Thoughts?
  9. Re: Help with SWAT I'll also throw out a recommendation for GURPS Swat. I hadn't looked at the book in several years until a couple days ago, and was astonished at how much of it was old hat - but accurate old hat - as I've had a ton of 'first responder' or 'tactical' training (read: PC terms the city prefers instead of 'SWAT') since opening it last time. It's a good read on the subject - direct and to the point from a gamer's perspective. Get GURPS Cops, too, if you really want the whole police package. I admit, I'm a GURPS (3e) junky AND HERO junky (can't a guy be both?)
  10. Re: Any books yet w/ Olympians/Norse/Egyptian Pantheons for 5e? I have read that Mystic World covers a lot of this type of thing, but I'm wondering to what extent, if that's my primary goal for the purchase?
  11. In the genre products pages, Horror HERO is listed as having a "late 2006" release date. However, on the 2006/2007 release pages, Horror HERO doesn't appear anywhere. Does anybody know if this has been pushed back/cancelled/other'ed'? I have a particular affinity for the genre books (and the Ultimate series) and am thoroughly looking forward to next year's Post-Apocalyptic HERO. Cyber HERO and Western HERO are tops on my list, too Back on topic! Any word on Horror HERO's release?
  12. This is my first post in here - long-time HERO fan, though. I was wondering if any books had been released yet with information and/or stats/story hooks for the Greek/Norse/Egyptian pantheons (gods & heroes). I thoroughly enjoyed the "Olympians" supp for ... 3e? I don't know how much of it would have to be revised/tossed to work with 5e. Thoughts? Thanks for any tips or insights!
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