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Everything posted by Certified

  1. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0191520/?ref_=tt_cl_t9
  2. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/consequences
  3. http://www.dorkly.com/comic/58905/why-captain-america-is-perfect
  4. Fighting Styles Value Zaidan 15 - Wisdom/Support Secondary Role: Offense MA - Full Role MA Secondary Role: Defense MA - Full Role MA Zaidan came before all others. Before Zaidan there was only barberism. It is the foundation of all martial study, the perfected style. Over the centuries it has been fragmented and forgotten. Only those that master the Thirteen Cuts are selected by the Zaidan Monks to learn the one true style. There is no judgement of character, only a desire to seek perfection. Cost: 17 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 41
  5. Master Sword Slash 55 (Wisdom 15, Zaidan 15, Kenjustu 10,Sho-Shin Katana 15) Dice 3 Energy 4 Damage 15
  6. http://stuffershack.com/review-fractured-kingdom-rpg/
  7. Situational Support: The Character may use any Characteristic, other than another Attribute to Support a Roll. This Player must narrate how the Characteristic is being used for this roll. Characters can use multiple Situational Supports for a Roll. Each Situational Support should draw on a different Talent. Cost: 1 Willpower
  8. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t31/1801333_507648319355798_949204200_o.jpg
  9. While hurt by Crossfire’s arrow Wrath had reacted quickly hoping to convince the bowman that he was out of the fight. He had known from the beginning the robots were never going to work, but that’s how his employers wanted it. It didn’t matter now, they had the data they needed. Only, Wrath could not leave without a parting gift for Crossfire. Having snuck up behind the archer it was time for his gift, and to grab the truck. No point in leaving the missed opportunity. Normally, Wrath would just put two in his back, but he couldn’t risk the fool’s teammates hearing the shots. Wrath’s uses a set of electrified gloves to make a Light Knock Out Attack: Shock Treatment 33 (Intelligence 10 + Army Training 10 + Support: Study: Military Tactics 7 + Electrifying Drain 6) Dice 4 Energy 4 Damage Drains 8 Energy Roll: (6, 4, 1, 6) + 5 for the Tap = Final Value 55 Crossfire’s Modified Defense is only 29. Because this is a Light Knock Out Attack it would normally Drain 0 Energy. However, it is also a Surprise Attack, and Wrath has Rolled two 6s. The Attack Drains 7 Energy from Crossfire and forces him to check for Knock Out. Crossfire must now Roll his Mental 8 + 2d6 Verses 27 to avoid being Knocked out for 3 Turns. Paul Spends 1 Willpower to Boost his Roll by 10 by 10 with Insight. Roll: (3, 5) Final Value: 26. With a fast blow to the base of Crossfire’s neck the hero collapses. The last thing he hears is a man’s voice say “Night, night.” Before his legs buckle. The suit walks past his collapsing body but Crossfire cannot see the face of his attacker. Only the suit.
  10. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eloylasanta/amp-year-one-a-modern-supers-rpg-from-third-eye-ga
  11. “That would be a conversation to have with your team, not me. While I’m committed to facilitating, SICAD will not be directly involved in your day-to-day operations. I’ve asked Dr. Fletcher to provide additional scientific support, his expertise is not battlefield tactics. As for myself, my lingering presence at this site is based on need. With the original site contained it is likely I will be returning to the capitol in the next day or two.”
  12. Interrupting Action: Characters with a Held Action may interrupt another character’s Action. To Attack another character during their action, the two characters compare their Attack rolls. The winner’s attack succeeds, while the loser’s Action is lost. Example: With Ronin now close the Strajă Robots turn their attention on him, ignoring Guardian completely. Both fire off Multiphasic Force Blasts at the hero. However, Ronin was prepared for this. As the robots prepare to open fire Ronin leaps to a car, then at the chest of one of the Strajă landing horizontally and kicking off to deliver a second heavy blow to the other machine. Ronin is performing 2 Attacks, both are Heavy Blows in an attempt to keep them from hitting him. He is also spending 6 Willpower to add Support: Perseverance for the Scene. While the others might be wondering who sent the toys out to play Ronin knows this is the BMAs way of saying, we haven’t forgotten you. The Strajă Robots Final Attack Values are 51, and 56, with the second attack rolling two 6s. It will inflict 2 extra Wounds, instead of the normal 4 because it is fighting Defensively. . Ronin’s Attack: Survive to Hammer Them Home: 40 (Dexterity 10, MAP Combat Training 10, Specialty: Combat Maneuvers 10, Secondary: Perfected Body 5,Support: Perseverance 10, - 5 Combat Maneuver) Dice 5 Energy 6 Damage 11 Wounds Notes Heavy Blow + 3 Wounds Ronin’s first Attack Roll (5, 4, 6, 4, 5) for a Final Value of 64. On a Successful Hit the Attack will inflict an additional 2 Wounds. The attack goes off as planned, Ronin lands squarely on the robots chest kicking off with enough force to crack the Crystiliam Fiber Body. 13 Wounds - 8 Armor = 5 Wounds Inflicted. The energy blast cuts across the street and the car Ronin lefp from explodes. Ronin’s second Attack Roll (1, 5, 4, 2, 3) for a Final value of 55 Just before Ronin’s heel can collide with the robot’s sensor array a mass of plasma cuts through the air catching him on the descent. A solid blow, the plasma burns Ronin. This was not going to be a good day for the Pride. 8 Wounds - 3 Armor = 5 Wounds inflicted. Ronin’s 11 Stamina is reduced to 6. Had he have been a normal human the same attack would have been crippling.
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