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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Favored Attack: Legwork: 25 (Dexterity 10, MAP Combat Training 10, Specialty: Combos 10, Specialty: Combat Maneuvers 10, Secondary: Perfected Body 5 - 10 Combo, - 10 Combat Maneuver) Dice 4 Energy 6 Damage 5 + Trip/14 Wounds Notes Combo: Ronin shoots forward with a low slide kick to knock the target off balance, then swings around to kick his foe in the back on their way down. Trip to Heavy Blow Secondary Attack: Neutralize Target: 25/15 (Dexterity 10, MAP Combat Training 10, Specialty: Combos 10, Specialty: Combat Maneuvers 10, Secondary: Perfected Body 5 - 10 Combo, - 10/-20 Combat Maneuver) Dice 4 Energy 11 Damage 1 Wound + Staggered for 3 Turns/5 Wounds + Exhaustion Notes Combo: Ear Pop (Stagger) to a Knee to the Face (Knockout). Roll once using the respective Values to resolve each hit in the combo. Exhaustion Roll Difficulty 25 Additional Attacks: Close the Gap: 25 (Dexterity 10, MAP Combat Training 10, Specialty: Combos 10, Specialty: Combat Maneuvers 10, Secondary: Perfected Body 5 - 10 Combo, - 10 Combat Maneuver) Dice 4 Energy 6 Damage - /14 Wounds Notes Combo: Move 1 Range Increment with a sprint into a flying knee (Heavy Blow)
  2. Subterfuge (Expression): The Talent of the sleazy used car salesman and philandering politicians, Subterfuge involves artifice and evasion. It generally covers the fine art of social backstabbing and the path to economic or political power. Characters with Subterfuge can hide meaning behind their words and discern the same in others. Characters with Subterfuge add 1 additional Wound for each 5 Levels of their Talent when attacking a foe using their Surprised Defense.
  3. There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief. Aeschylus
  4. http://drunkandugly.com/category/rogue-trader/ I'm listening to a podcast set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Now, it's no secret that Blizzard cribbed from both Warhammer and 40k for Warcraft, and Starcraft. Also, Fading Suns borrows elements from Dune. As I'm listening to this podcast though, I realize that Fading Suns is close to a rebranded 40k setting, and it's 40k taking a lot from Dune. Finally, it hits me, what these settings all have in common is New Spain, AKA Mexico while under the control of the Spanish Empire. Now, Dune may have been an allegory on he middle east and oil. However, Dune, Warhammer 40k, Warcraft, Starcraft, and Fading Suns may have all been radically different had had it not been for Zorro. The Zorro books highlight this time period, outlining the caste system, and vast separation of wealth. You can see the interplay of politics and adventure, along with elements of intrude that would define the later works. It was really a strange moment to see the connections, and this may not be any kind of real secret, but it was new to me, and I thought it was worth sharing. 
  5. I'm listening to a podcast set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Now, it's no secret that Blizzard blatantly cribbed from both Warhammer and 40k for Warcraft, and Starcraft, Also, I knew Fading Suns cribbed from Dune, but as I'm listening to this podcast I realize that Fading Suns is close to a rebranded 40k setting. 40k also takes a lot from Dune. Finally, it hits me, that what these settings have in common is New Spain, AKA Mexico while under the control of Spain, and Dune, Warhammer 40k, Warcraft, Starcraft, and Fading Suns may have all been radically different had had it not been for Zorro.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO-99F5wzaU&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  7. Lead Pipe: Lift Value 5 Damage 1 Wound Notes Durable, no Charges Drawback. Manhole Cover, Average: Lift Value 10 Damage 1 Wounds Notes Durable, no Charges Drawback. Aerodynamic, no attack penalty when thrown. Sedan, Full Sized: Lift Value 30 Damage 3 Wounds Notes Lots of moving parts 10 point penalty to Charges Roll.
  8. Willpower Attack: Bolo Arrows 36 (Dexterity 9, Army Ranger Training 9, Archery 9, Shoot Arrows 9) Energy 5 Dice 3 Damage 9 Wounds Range Medium Notes Requires: 1 Willpower: Trapping, Entangles Target with an Armor 4 Stamina 1 Bolo line. Willpower Attack: Stunner Arrows 36 (Dexterity 9, Army Ranger Training 9, Archery 9, Shoot Arrows 9) Energy 10 Dice 3 Damage 0 Wounds Range Medium Notes Requires: 1 Willpower: Insight, Stagger Maneuver: Target is Staggered for 3 Turns. Willpower Attack: Desperate Defense 34 (Dexterity 9, Army Ranger Training 9,Never back Down 7, Support: Acrobatics 9) Energy 4 Dice 4 Damage 11 Wounds Notes Uses Never Back Down. If Crossfire runs out of arrows he is able to collapse Willow to use it as a baton, or short staff. Requires: 2 Willpower: Support + Devastating
  9. https://www.google.com/search?q=38+x+.75%3D&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS562US563&oq=38+x+.75%3D&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.11644j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=38+x+.25%3D
  10. Movement: In a conflict all characters can spend 1 Turn to move between a Range Increment. So from Close to Short Range, Short Range, to Medium, and so on. Characters with a Movement Power and the Boost Speed Boon may move an additional Range Increment for each Instance of Boost Speed. The Movement Talent, or Accelerate Boon allow the character to reduce this to a single Action.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKg8wsvlukM&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  12. http://www.soundboard.com/sb/SUPER_HERO_THEME_SONG
  13. http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/1716?src=DTRPGFB
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJpopKXJa0w&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
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