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Posts posted by mangahunterd

  1. Re: Campaign: Lomyrian Relic Hunters in Fahla


    Sounds pretty interesting so far. I really like the premise of the game. Make the characters treasure hunters for a University. It will be interesting to see how it play's out. As for teh "Unnamed PC" in our game if someone does something like that they are penalized until they either change the name or the character... try something like 4d6 of unluck....

  2. Re: What graphic novels should I get?


    Some good stuff that I haven't seen mentioned would be:

    Preacher Graphic novels. Kind of dark... okay really dark but they are well worth the read.

    Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore. I think there are about 6 of these.. very good.. in fact I hated the Swamp Thing until I read the first one.

    Supreme by Alan Moore-great SH hook.. Of course then again it is Alan Moore so it is hard to go wrong.

    The Original Crow series by J O'Barr

    The Grendel series by Matt Wagner. I think that they are all in TPB now and they rock :rockon:

    Sandman the old stuff by Gaiman was incredible. A lot of the Death books are in TPB now as well and they are very good.

    Something a little different that you may enjoy as well is a conversion of a Manga Series called Blade of the Immortal. It has been released by Dark Horse Comics. It is a great story. Of course a classic that has also been released again by Dark Horse is Lone Wolf and Cub. While the last two are not really superhero books the characters could be transplanted in to a modern universe.

    There are a few... hmm... I seem to notice a trend in my reading habits... Can bald people be Goths?


    OMG I can't believe I completely forgot Rising Stars by Straczynski... You MUST go and get that series...

  3. Re: Reccomended Reading: Fantasy Novels


    You know I understand that he basically had to re-write the whole book from scratch but it just seems like he is dragging this thing out... At this point I am wondering if he will ever finish the story.... :straight:

    Okay... how embarassing... I have a Masters Degree and I still can't spell Recommended :stupid:

  4. Re: Reccomended Reading: Fantasy Novels


    Yeah I knew what FH stood for I was jsut being silly.... Um, Yeah. I had been working on TPS reports all night for Lumbergh....

    Don't know about next session though... of course I hear he is running the zombie game so I may have to make a special appearance.... Zombies good....


    Anyway... Another book that I had almost forgotten about is called Initiate Brother by Sean Russell. It is pretty awesome and would make for a good Oriental Style FH game setting. It is a Duology and pretty entertaining.

  5. Re: Reccomended Reading: Fantasy Novels


    What's FH??? I have never heard of it :shock::bounce:

    Actually reading another thread on this board made me think if this today. After I left work I was banging my head to try and remember Jack Vances name while at my FLNBS.... In fact it got so bad that I came home, looked up the thread and am now armed to go tomorrow at lunch to get the Tales of the Dying Earth

  6. I was thinking about this today at work... instead of working which is nothing new... How many times have you had a hankering for a great fantasy book and go to the bookstore only to be assaulted with hundreds of books that you have no idea if their worth it?? You look at the flashy cover and see the blurb on the back and maybe even read a few pages and become intrigued... Then you get it home and promptly sit down to read it and realize that it isn't even fit to use as kindling. As for me the answer is too many times... Luckily all of the guys I game with (Eosin, Nightstick, Edsel and the boys) are really avid Fantasy readers so I tend to pick their fickle brains to see what they liked and what they didn't. However I would like to see what everyone else is reading and what they think is great fantasy fiction. So for simplicity let's omit the "Classics" like Tolkien because I think most of us can agree that he is responsible for shaping modern fantasy as we know it. Instead let's look at modern masters of Fantasy... So with that I will start off with some of my favorites!


    George RR Martin's Song of Fire and Ice series

    Michael Moorecock- Elric Saga, Count Brass, History of the Runestaff

    Fritz Leiber- Fafhrd and Gray Mouser sagas

    Robert Asprin- ED. Thieves World Series, "Myth" Series

    David Gemmel- I like most of his books but in my opinion they all tend to run together as he is a formula writer, not that it is bad, just repetitive...

    Robert Newcomb- Fifth Sorceress


    I know there are more but I am having brain glaze right now... but it is a start.... :stupid:

    So what are you reading??

  7. Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour


    I have not been able to play in a while so I thought this would give some good BG for Eosin to play with.... :angst:

    My character is Leonius who was a warrior in an elite company known as the Immortals. He was being groomed to assassinate the emperor of Vintria when he relized how horrible the man who had saved him from the Gladiator ring was. Instead of killing the Emperor on the night chosen Leonius instead killed his master, Tiberius. This set off a chain of events that forced Leonius to flee from his home while those that were at one time his brothers in arms were sent to bring him back for justice. He has been on the run for nearly four years when he met with the group. Please forgive my meager writing skills..... :stupid:



    I got out of bed as the serving girl finished buttoning her blouse. The air was crisp and made my skin pimple up as I left the warmth of the blankets. She smiled and whispered something as I gave her one last kiss before she left. Her scent lingered in the room as I grabbed my robe and sat to finish the wine and cheese that had brought her to my chamber in the first place. Savoring the last bite of a pungent white cheese I reflected on day’s events. The droll meeting with the baron and his cronies, training with the guards, planning our search of the White Serpent… Gods I would as soon jump off the turrets than sit through another day like this. I had always thought that the business of royalty was boring. They never seem to realize that most of us could care less about what they want. Especially since when they want something it usually means those of us who serve them must die so they can get it. Of course the Duke and his men are not near as belligerent as those two mages. With all their posturing and greater than though attitudes, at times it’s all I can do to keep from putting my blade between their shoulders. I wonder how well their precious magic’s would serve them then. Ah but my mood is foul and I’m not sure why. I think I have been cooped up in this fortress too long. I have not stayed in one place too long since I left Vintria. I guess the wanderlust had grabbed me, or maybe because I know they are after me, my former brothers. I have no fear of facing them; I guess that I am just tired of killing those that I once called brothers. Oh well, let them come and they will remember why I was called the Black Lion. As I filled my glass again I tried to recall my first day in the pits. Though I hate Ticho he taught me my craft well. That reminds me, I still need to pay him a visit, and I still owe him. The wind started to howl through the window and the temperature dropped enough in the room so as not to feel the fire. As I rose to close the window I noticed a flicker. Grabbing my dirk I head towards the window. I guess I was lucky but the man crouching on my sill must have angered the gods somehow. I started at him for a moment before grabbing the lamp and smashing it on his back. He screamed briefly as he lost his balance and fell. As I watched him plummet to the ground below I wondered if those down beneath thought he was a falling star. He did flame brilliantly.

    I knew they would find me; it was just a matter of time. It never fails that no matter how far I go they are always there. I scanned the balcony to see if there were anymore intruders. The only sign I saw was a rope a few feet away but it was slack. Chances are he was the scout. Surely they were not stupid enough to send just one man. The eyes of the Immortals range far and wide. I knew I had stayed too long in one place and was stupid to think that I may be safe here. As I secured the window I heard a rap on my door. Cautiously I cracked it with sword in hand it was my beautiful serving girl with another pitcher of wine, this time with two goblets. She smiled as I opened the door and let her in. As I turned to close the door behind her I began to feel strange. Suddenly everything swooned and I could feel my face pressed against the stone floor. I tried in vain to move my body but it betrayed me. My beautiful maid was now crouched over me still smiling and then everything was clear. I knew she looked familiar. It had been so long since I had been in Tiberius’s palace that I had forgotten what his daughter looked like. My, what a beautiful woman she had become. Then everything started to fade, the last thing I remember hearing is her soft voice, whispering “Hello Lionius, I have come to collect my revenge.â€

  8. Re: Help With Horror-filled High Fantasy Adventures


    The Mourner: The mourner was at one time a normal human female. When the balck death came to her villiage her five children and her husband perished while she felt no ill effects from the dread disease. She slowly watched her entire family perish while she could do nothing to help. As her last child perished her grief could no longer be contained. As she carried her last child to the fire that had been burning for weeks the people she passed started writhing in pain. Somehow she was projecting all her emotion on to those that she came near. Those that were affected soon began to die as they could not get over the extreme apathy and with each death her grief grew. Soon merely passing by another living soul caused them to collapse and scream in pain as her emotions were pressed upon them causing almost instant death. Fearing that the woman was possesed by a demon a stalwart band of villiagers barred her doors and burned her home to the ground. However it failed to stop her....


    Not great but quick and off the cuff. It is something to work with at least. :eg:

  9. Re: What Da Hook Gonna Be?


    You could make them all be part of a military force that gets seperated or are the only survivors of a nasty fight.

    For a campaign that I have been planning all the characters are travellers aboard a ship for some reason or another. I let the PC's determine why they were there which can help build background story as well. As for what happens to the ship.. well let's just see what the Sea Hag has to say about that :ugly:

  10. Re: Monster Squad Ideas


    Do a "Night of the living dead" type games where the heros are normal everyday people that were thrust in to a situation where the dead have risen and they have to band together to figure out how to stop them. One of our GM's put together a quick game just for this weekend that was based on this scenario. You could prolong it of course like the movie "28 Days Later". For a one shot do a re-hash of Evil Dead or Evil Dead 2...

  11. Re: Opinions on Cthulhu Fantasy Hero wanted.


    Maybe a simple thing to do would be to give teh character a disadvantage as part of his sanity loss. Depending on the level of teh encounter and the type of foes faced it would have more severe side effects. Of course by doing it this way it allows the character to eventually buy it off. The reason being that as he experiences more of the otherworldy terror he becomes jaded to it. Of course this does not quite fit in with teh Lovecraftian feel that you will eventually go insane but it woudl be a good thing to do to your PC's because technically they are above "Normal" humans, that is why they are heros.

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