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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. U.S. Agent. He was a take on the dangers of ultra patriotism. People need to remember anything can be taken too far. The joker vs the comedian.
  2. Myrna loy. She was in "the mask of fu Manchu" with Boris Karloff. At the time the movie was made it was a horribly racist piece of anti asian fear mongering against "the yellow peril" but it's so ridiculously overblown and utterly ludicrous it's like a comedy today, sort f like reefer madness was meant to be a big scary anti marijuana movie when it was made but is now basically seen as horribly bad comedy. I know Asian people who can't stop laughing at it. Batman vs doc savage.
  3. According to the trump regime's spokeszombie, if you say something completely and provably false it's not a lie if you sincerely believe it. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/10/24/1709365/-Sarah-Sanders-Kelly-s-lies-about-Frederica-Wilson-were-heartfelt-so-he-wasn-t-wrong Oh well, is this a surprise? After all when a republican congressman accused planned parenthood of using most ofmitcs resources to provide abortions, and was proven wrong, he simply said his lie wasn't a lie because it was not intended to be a factual statement.
  4. Johnny Weissmuller. His Tarzan kicked Nazi ass. (Tarzan understand war now. Now Tarzan make war!) Plus after he was kicked out of the Tarzan movies for being "too old", he rebounded with his own "jungle Jim" movies. Pulp hero pile on! Doc savage vs The shadow!
  5. Saruman. He hated playing Dracula and it showed. His Frankenstein was a mess. Count dooku couldn't beat Kermit the frog's grandfather. Annoying irritating whiney little emo boy b-tch fight. Kylo Ren vs. Edward the vampire.
  6. Clara Bow. Lips. Sybil Danning vs Morgan Fairchild.
  7. MTCO, obviously. Vincent Price vs Christopher Lee.
  8. Dyna girl. More original character. Spetsnaz vs. Green berets.
  9. Dwight D. Eisenhower and JFK had these. I think jimmy carter did. Since then not as much.
  10. Bogart. I liked it when he machine gunned the surrendering Nazi plane pilots who had attacked a refugee ship and killed some people, including a child. Better war movie. the longest day vs. Full metal jacket.
  11. Randolf Scott. He was mentioned in blazing saddles. RAAAN-DOLLLF SCOOOOOT!!!! Area clearance: neutron bomb vs nerve gas.
  12. A superhero we need now. (The video is a better superhero movie that batman and robin, superman 4 and batman vs superman.) https://youtu.be/8nW-IPrzM1g
  13. Pratchett. Discworld became a RPG setting. So as a gamer I vote for it. Power armor punch out: starship troopers vs the forever war.
  14. Have you seen their video ”it's all over? I liked it.
  15. Zits go away. Insane clown posse vs Disturbed.
  16. Bettie Davis because of the Kim carnes song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EPOIS5taqA8 Dr. Manhatten vs. God.
  17. Watching the Italian Lou ferrigno Hercules movies. Oh dear lord they are so horrendously bad it's utterly hilarious!
  18. Trump is going to do what every republican with bad ratings does: start a war. More proof just announced. https://amp.usatoday.com/story/785344001/
  19. Greta Garbo. Damn her voice was deep. H.G. Wells vs. Jules Verne.
  20. Forrested valley. Tropical islands seem to attract tropical storms. Ming the merciless vs emperor palpatine.
  21. Well, upgrade to the round shield. Having that pointy one jabbing you in the ass constantly probably gives you a bad mood.
  22. Horta. Hirogen are sadistic scum who kill for pleasure. Horta only kill in defense. Klingon vor'cha vs. romulan TNG warbird.
  23. Phaser is better all around. TOS distuptors had a better sound effect tho. Alien sex: Raw savage animalistic physical lust of an orion woman vs the empathic mind link of a Betazoid.
  24. 8472. The EP where ray walston played one was good. Plus they scared the smugnoutnof the borg. Hottest trek woman. 7 of 9 vs Deanna Troi.
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