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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. Rogue one. People changing the galaxy without magic space wizard powers. It was good to see people not chosen to be space wizards force users mattered for once. Marvel vs DC.
  2. The claw. Only one that sounds cool. Cartoon toy villains. Skeletor vs cobra commander.
  3. BTW here's a long, dry but interesting article on america's gradual divorce from reality. It starts out as a screed against the 60's left but goes on to show how the right appropriated the left's disdain for empiric data and took it to new levels. So it fairly hits both sides fairly dispassionately. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/how-america-lost-its-mind/534231/ My only real point of contention with the article is how it assumes America's drift away from sanity began solely in 1962. I would point out that the beginnings of America's slide to insanity began with the cold war hysteria and "commie paranoia" of the 1950's. Which the right lead.
  4. This kinf of sums up my view on most trump voters. All they cared about was giving the finger to the "libtards".
  5. Name and describe a TV character you would like to base a RPG character on. I'd go with Bobby Goren from "L&O criminal intent". I really liked him because he was a very good but flawed and troubled character. He had issues with schizophrenia and other inner demons which came along with his great intelligence. He was a mix of sherlock Holmes and columbo, with some real, serious issues like being generally asocial, schizophrenic and having rage issues. He also had hulking size which maybe kept him from being bullied too much as a kid. He was also apparently a "monster magnet" who attracted a lot of downright evil characters to him. Plus those close to him seemed to be tragedy magnets. He had a lot to carry and sometimes slipped but always had a strong moral code and empathy for victims. A real flawed, tragic hero.
  6. The extremists are running the conservative party in america. As long as they're running the party and moderate, non extreme conservatives are effectively irrelevant in the conservative party I don't consider them to be a factor.
  7. Either the Cannae EM drive is a hoax that cannot be killed or we need to face the fact we may have to rebuild modern quantum physics again. https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/10/pilot-wave-theory-suggests-trumpet-shaped-emdrive-would-have-more-thrust.html
  8. Deathstalker. Dick wasted a perfectly good name and left it stigmatized. Observer vs. Professor Bobo.
  9. Kinda liked mike. Dunno know why. Mst3k mad melee. Clayton Forrester vs Pearl.
  10. Girls. I'm not crazy about cheesecake as a dessert. Better dessert: cherry pie or coconut cream pie.
  11. I honestly think the worst portrayed of women in in " temple of doom". God that was awful....
  12. No. Hell man, I had a major crush on the baroness. I really had a thing for her. Then I realized it was totally silly to be thinking of her like that. There is no way in hell she's ever leaving Destro.....
  13. Seriously? Girls with tentacles on their heads? I'm not into cthulhuporn. Also remember ”Once you've been loved by a green skinned woman from Orion your desire for any other kind of woman will be dyin'." Barbarella vs Vampirella.
  14. I kinda got the idea it wasn't literal w hen the 14" length was mentioned. Despite what a lot of people wish....
  15. Oooooohhhhh, that's a tough one... Let's see....both are super hawt brunettes in heart failure inducing outfits. Vampy shows a lot more skin and wears knee boots with stiletto heels. The baroness rocks it in tight black leather and usually carries some guns. The baroness has an accent to die for but vampirella can make you immortal. Gotta just barely give it to vampirella as she was created by SF Fhandom icon Forrest J. Ackerman, who really was "Mr. Fhandom" for a long time. But I respect the baroness for loving a guy without even seeing his face. Most annoying subculture clash. Goths vs vampires.
  16. Yeah, another thing about conservatives in America is they seem to have a very selective sense of economic responsibility. I mean, they say we "can't afford" healthcare reform, or college tuition reform. We can't afford education educational programs in prisons, we can't afford meals on wheels for disabled. But we can always afford a war. Like the war in Iraq which was based on lies and the fact bush was determined to find an excuse to invade and essentially steal the nation of Iraq from his first day in office? How much has the war in Iraq cost just in financial terms? Here are some estimates. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/oct/27/donald-trump/did-us-spend-6-trillion-middle-east-wars/ Another kinda not so good thing conservatives did was to hide the cost of the Iraq invasion and occupation by not listing it on the budget while bush was in office, then when Obama came in add the costs to the deficit and claim "Obama dunnit!” So yeah, when a political party tells us we ”can't afford” to provide healthcare to the poor, can't afford to feed the needy, make education affordable, help poor children, etc but sure never has a problem paying billions or trillions to bomb countries and kill tens of thousands of people I kinda have to consider them a little removed from the " good" side of the moral spectrum.
  17. As to the issue of people bristling about being accused of being evil because they are conservative, all I can do is shrug. In modern america the conservative movement sure seems to be involved in a lot of evil stuff. One of the first things Trump did was to sign an executive order allowing coal companies to dump poison in water poor communities had to drink because having to keep local water safe to drink was costing the coal companies money. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-16/trump-signs-measure-blocking-obama-era-rule-to-protect-streams Recently conservatives allowed funding for S chip to expire taking healthcare away from millions of poor children. http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-chip-funding-20170929-story.html The conservative government of Michigan has passed a law effectively ending democracy at the city level. When the public voted to repeal the "financial crisis management act" they simply put the law back into effect with a provision that the public could no longer vote it down. http://michiganradio.org/post/how-did-we-get-here-look-back-michigans-emergency-manager-law Conservative governor Paul Lapage fought easy access to an anti overdose drug that can save people who OD on opioids because he felt keeping someone from during of an opioid of wasn't really saving a life. http://www.pressherald.com/2016/04/20/lepage-vetoes-bill-aimed-at-increasing-access-to-heroin-anti-overdose-drug/ So while some people may not like the idea of conservativism being labeled "evil" I have to say that from some perspectives a lot of people calling themselves conservatives are doing a lot of things a lot of people consider to be, well, not really all that good.
  18. Black widow. Smart chicks with accents FTW! So beautiful, so evil. The baroness vs.lady death.
  19. While american politics has lately been in the stuff of nightmares for the western world lately, this was a beautiful development. http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/08/politics/danica-roem-virginia-transgender/index.html Basically a right wing glass bowl who made persecuting lgbt people his political priority and proudly described himself as Virginia's chief homophobe just lost his position in the Virginia senate to a transgender person. Oooohhhhh, the delicious irony of it....
  20. Yeah, tura tended to play strong, violent women. Kind of a refreshing change, actually, from the annoyingly helpless screaming objects women had been portrayed as before and after her heyday. But don't forget the blob vs. Invasion of the body snatchers...
  21. Enter sandman cannot be as annoying and unbearable as Mr. Sandman. BTW I don't mind a physically strong woman as I'd hate to feel like I was unintentionally intimidating a woman. Also, if your house caught fire tura satana could probably carry you out of it safely. Yes that is a full grown man not a mannequin and yes she's standing fully upright with him across her shoulders and no there are no wires holding him up. Cold war commie paranoia movie massacre; invasion of the body snatchers vs the blob.
  22. The ironic thing is the MST3K movie ripped on a fairly decent movie, this island earth.
  23. Yes mst3k riffed SCCTM, and the mst3k riff on this is the only way to view this movie without deep suffering and severe lifelong psychological harm. I once wrote to the CIA and suggested forcing terrorists to watch this movie, a'la the clockwork Orange chair, as a form of enhanced interrogation. I got a letter back saying "HOLY SH*T THAT'S TOO CRUEL! WE COULDN'T LIVE WITH OURSELVES IF WE DID THAT! WE'LL STICK WITH WATERBOARDING AND SCROTUM ELECTRODES!”
  24. Kenneth Tobey played Macready in the original "the thing". He wins. Underrated sex goddesses. Tura Satana vs Julie Newmarr.
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