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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. I'm kinda torn in DST. On one hand it was invented by ben franklin who was one of the greatest minds in human history. On the other in modern times and with modern technology is it still necessary?
  2. Oh god I wish this was satire.... http://www.politicususa.com/2017/11/04/moron-abroad-trump-insults-japan-telling-samurais-shoot-n-korea-missiles.html
  3. Riddles. Some of them were clever. Batman vs nite owl.
  4. Sociopath. They are often victims of childhood abuse in various ways. The rule of thumb is "psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made". Svengoolie vs Elvira.
  5. Old man, please convey my gratitude and appreciation to your fellow Hawaiians. https://ourvoiceny.com/trump-greeted-unpleasant-surprise-arrived-hawaii/ PS be sure to give him a piece of volcanic rock as a parting gift. (Hawaiians will get that.)
  6. Wine. Real red wine has been proven to have great health benefits. France vs Italy.
  7. Greater superhero: Captain Cognition who has the power to overcome stupidity and raise the intelligence of everyone around him in a one mile radius vs completely understands woman man, who has the power to understand woman and explain them to mother men. Better tech advance for today: Safe cheap easy fusion power vs nanotech mass material recycling tech.
  8. Magnetism. Discovering all it's secrets would have tremendous scientific and technolpgical uses. Safe cheap easy fusion power vs nanotech mass material recycling tech.
  9. DST. It could be eliminated. Bigger real threat to America: north Korean leader Kim Jung un or Vladimir Putin?
  10. Daleks. The sontarans as just villains for when the daleks have been overused. That one who was with the doctor was good tho. The master vs Missy.
  11. Next time you hear the term "libtard" tossed around, just remember this... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/rick-perry-says-fossil-fuels-can-prevent-sexual-assault-n816896
  12. Bev. Just because.... Augment annihilation. Khan Singh vs Julian bashir.
  13. Vir Cotto. He never pulled a completely WTF betrayal on anyone. Tragic figure in SF: Londo Mollari vs. Gul Dukat.
  14. On, should we keep or scrap DST? please give some reason for your view.
  15. Speaking of politics remember when 58 people were killed in the worst mass shooting in american history and we were told it was shameful to politicize it? https://www.thedailybeast.com/sean-hannity-pushing-gun-control-after-vegas-is-beyond-shameful Guess how long it took you know who to politicize the NYC killing of 8 people? http://www.10news.com/news/national/trump-blames-democrats-immigration-policies-for-nyc-terror-attack
  16. Lyta. Talia had the whole bisexual alure but I preferred lyta's greater strength and intensity. Ivanova vs Gerobaldi.
  17. Twp wrongs may not make a right, but they can make things even.
  18. When nothing could be worse than the devil you know, try the one you don't. It is better to be the lesser of two evils. (Code:black for EABA motto).
  19. BTW, what happened to NK? It seems to have dropped off the radar...
  20. When the enemy is using an effective tactic against you, you may have to reply in kind or be defeated.
  21. Corporations don't want what's Best for you. You should marry a tech priest. You will let the worst fart of your life during the most important job interview of your life. Marijuana is safer than alcohol and many prescription antidepressants. Wayans brothers movies are horrible.
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