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Files posted by sentry0

  1. Rule of X Calculator

    Moved to a Google Sheet doc now - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_g56HAAm67LRC8u0T5KO-NCryRnBWFyu-aVBNqgip0U/edit?usp=sharing
    This spreadsheet attempts to make a workable 'Rule of X' for my personal campaign use (and personal edification). I'm sharing it for others to use (or not use) as they see fit. The 'Rule of X' states that given input parameters (OCV, Damage Dice, etc.), you should be able to calculate some number to represent a character's combat effectiveness. Read HS62.282 for a more in-depth explanation. I found the official rules vague and hand-wavy, so this would be a fun project to take on and see if I could make something workable.
    This tool is one of many tools and techniques GMs have to bring some hard and fast rules in to balance their campaign. This spreadsheet is not a substitute for a GM's critical character analysis; it's an experiment attempting to make the 'Rule of X' workable for my campaign.  Consider this a tool in your toolkit, and like any other tool, it can be used and abused… munchkins will be munchkins.
    Campaign baselines are vital to the equation, and one should consider their impact carefully!
    Everything is configurable, so if you disagree with how I've weighted abilities, then change it to what you feel is reasonable. The same goes for your campaign baselines.
    Disclaimer: I didn't invent the 'Rule of X,' and I'm not interested in arguing its merits endlessly on the interwebs. If you don't like it, don't use it!
    Theory of Operation
     All campaigns have some notion of baseline stats like DEX, SPD, CVs, etc  The spreadsheet takes those baseline statistics as adjustable parameters and assigns a weight to each  The Rule of X is the sum of all weights  Characters who deviate from the norm are affected like this:   Going above the campaign average costs the character proportionally more, depending on how much more they exceed the norm   Going below the norm discounts the stat for the character in the same manner as going above it does (i.e., proportionally)  There's a column labeled "+/- %" that tells you how close a character is to the campaign Rule of X   I recommend trying to keep characters within +/-10% of the Rule of X, max Notes:
     All input variables (CON, DCV, oAP, etc.) assume the highest possible values a character can generate (without pushing)   it's not about what a character is likely to be at in any given segment of combat   it is about what they could theoretically achieve if they had to put everything into a given task (like hitting a target or evading attacks)  Do not factor in standard or optional combat maneuvers into the variables   if anyone can perform the maneuver, then it's not relevant to the calculation (everyone can Dodge, so we don't include that in the DCV entry, for example)  For Martial Arts:   pick the greatest OCV bonus from your list of offensive maneuvers   do the same for DCV, except Martial Dodge counts as +2 only (the other +3 everyone has access to via standard Dodge)




  2. XML Export Template

    This export template will create a simplified XML document of your character. 
    Please note that the HERO System Mobile app used to use the output of this file.  As of 2021-06-20 the app no longer supports reading in characters exported using this format in favor of loading Hero Designer files directly. 




  3. Terra Prime - Hero Designer Files

    This download is for the Terra Prime mini-setting, available for purchase from the Hall of Champions program from DriveThruRPG.
    Included in this download:
    Over 120 spells in a prefab Race and Ancestry Templates 6 playable characters  




  4. 6E Simple Export Template Redux

    A simple export template designed for the Hero System 6th Edition by sentry0.
    Much like the other simple template I created this uses a clean borderless format for printability Unlike the previous template this template includes hit locations, called shots and range modifiers I went with the classic characteristic block print layout as opposed to breaking it apart into different sections (combat, defenses, etc) Skills, talents and perks are now using a dual column layout Appearance, background, complications etc have been moved to the end of the template




  5. Full Characteristics Block (Unofficial)

    Use this template to get a version of the Full Characteristics Block writeups you find in the backs of books.  This is a fan made version not the official HERO Games export template.
    AFAIK there is no standard way of writing out the FCB for 6th edition as each book I looked at was a little different.  This is my own personal format that follows the 6e1 book and the Champions Villains books closest.
    You'll still have to do a some formatting by hand, in particular the Powers and Complications sections will need to be massaged a bit to get them into the proper format.  The export format should get you 90% of the way there though, I hope!


    1 comment


  6. Champions Random Encounter Generator

    A simple random encounter generator for use with Inspiration Pad Pro (free Windows download).




  7. 6e Simple Export Template

    A simple export template for the Hero System 6th Edition
    Designed to be a clean and minimalistic (relatively) template that prints reasonably well Follows the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) whenever possible I tried to make the template easy to read and well labelled Heavily influenced by Legendsmiths excellent RTF export templates




  8. Mobile App Export Template

    This export template will create a HTML5 mobile app that you can use on your phone/tablet/laptop/PC.   I've included a dice roller that is suitable for use in your sessions as a dice replacement...I've ran a session where we used nothing but this app and a pencil and paper and it actually worked out pretty well.  In some cases (particularly around calculating damage) it's actually faster than rolling all those dice and calculating BODY, STUN, KB, etc.
    You can use this on a regular PC it is really meant to be run on a mobile device so I would encourage you to try it out that way.  You can also use the developer tools in Chrome to simulate a mobile device dimensions by hitting F12 and hitting ctrl+shift+m...pick the device you want to use.  You could also just shrink your window down real small
    Windows and Linux
    Install the attached .hde file as you would normally Export your character using the new template Android (Option 1)
    Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Open Chrome and type in file:///sdcard/<PATH_TO_FILE>.  Example - file:///sdcard/Download/red_star.html Android (Option 2)
    Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a HTML viewer like Visor HTML Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 in your HTML viewer (important - open the file from within the app itself, there's some issue with loading it from the file system that's beyond my ability to fix) Android (Option 3)
    Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a webserver (I recommend kWS Server) Start your server Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 Mac
    I'm not a Mac guy but I imagine the usage would be similar to Android...sorry!




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