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Everything posted by cleireac

  1. Re: Gemini Ascendant: Pulp Action! I'd LOVE to see the writeup posted at the Pulp Project 1557 site. There is a page for campaign writeups, and I think this is a great example of SF Pulp http://project1557.wetpaint.com/page/Pulp+Campaign+Write+Ups Thanks! Hank
  2. Re: [somewhat OT] blackmask.com - anybody able to access it? A few months ago, Conde Nast issued a "cease and desist" order with regard to Blackmask's Shadow and Doc Savage text files. The owner of BM decided to fight the order in court. It appears he lost his case, and possibly even his shirt. Not only did the copyrighted Shadow and Doc stories go away, but every other pulp text file he had. I've tried occasionally to see if there is any sign of a return, but no such luck thus far.
  3. Re: Help me create a Pulp Island..... There is a fansite for the TV series: Tales of the Gold Monkey.
  4. Re: Pulp Comic Books Umm, did you forget the Warlord?
  5. Re: Pulp Hero Resources As much as I hate to pimp my own stuff, there are a lot of great resources like this on the Pulp Project 1557 wiki... I'd love to have some good feedback on how to make it more accessible.... Thanks! Hank
  6. Re: [Actual Play] Dial "C" for Chimp Thanks! I'm not sure if you want to show your player this, but Here is an interesting article on the eventual overthrow of the human race by apes. Hank
  7. Re: [Actual Play] Dial "C" for Chimp You know, you could post it to the Campaign Writeup section at the Pulp Project 1557 wiki.... I'm always looking for stuff like this and folks to help edit.... Hank
  8. Re: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Nope, not a joke, but probably not credible either. a little more poking around the links, and I found out that the author of a book on the subject is a Mormon with the theory that the hollow earth is where God "hid" the Lost Tribes of Israel. Hmm. On second thought, with a little filing, it could make for an interesting pulp expedition...
  9. Hey all!I just wanted to update everyone on the progress over at the NEW and IMPROVED Pulp Project 1557 wiki. I am about 85%-90% finished with porting over the data from the old site on SeedWiki. It has been a long and strenuous journey (as I'm essentially doing it all myself), but I can see the end! Please feel free to visit, and if you're so moved, add content. We take just about everything over there, including images (please keep it clean, we are a family operation...). You will need to register with WetPaint (thanks spammers!) to edit, but once you do, it's dirt easy to add info. Come on over! Hank Pulp Project 1557 wiki Coordinator
  10. In the interest of keeping information fresh, I just wanted to let everyone here know that Pulp Project 1557 has moved to a new site: http://project1557.wetpaint.com/ The move became necessary after we had been hit by a number of spammers. The site is viewable to all, but in order to edit it, you need to register (free). I would encourage everyone here to review the material and add their comments. Also, I am still moving pages over from the old site. Any assistance there is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks! Hank
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