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Posts posted by cycosurgeon

  1. 58 minutes ago, mallet said:

    The Ultimate Skill book has some general rules for and examples of building and using traps. Basically breaks down to roughly taking 1 hour for every 10 Active points to build/set the trap. But that can be moved up the time chart at GM's discretion based on characters skill roll, preparedness, assistance, and such. 

    If the trap is portable, I would assume the time to build it would be "spent" at the time of creation, and then the GM would decide how long it would take just to set it up when it is going to be used. 


    If it is a "landmine"  then maybe 99% of the time to create it is when it is built, and only takes a minute or a few seconds to set up/place.  

    if it is a tripwire causing a rock deadfall then maybe only 10% of the time is buying/getting the materials (rope, wooden braces, etc...) and the other 90% is setting it all up on location (raising the big rock up in the air), running the rope down across the tunnel, making sure it is all braced and balanced, etc... 

     I saw those traps and most of them are immobile wall traps.  :(

  2. 3 hours ago, sentry0 said:

    I don't have the books in front of me but it sounds like you would be talking about a RKA with a trigger advantage.  Add in a recoverable charge and focus limitation and you would have what you're looking for.

    Would "recoverable" be valid since if someone hits a landmine type trap ( fire trap in fantasy ) they explode. But if they don't hit it then it is recoverable.  Would traps that destroy them selves have feedback on them?

  3. I figured if they never reappeared they were due to the splitting up of people over the time.  I was just hoping someone would know something besides what was stated in Enemies III. Or maybe something was posted in Digital Hero.

    I sometimes read on here that certain characters were dead in the Champions universe, like Death Commando, and was always curious where this information came from besides maybe other villain or hero origin stories in newer books.

  4. Anyone know what officially happened to Jabberrock and Spectra in the Champions annuals of time? Don't think I ever saw them mentioned past 1st edition? Anyone ever seen Professor Pomegranate stat'ed out  in any official book?

    If anyone has any info on them, it would be great.

    I am thinking about rebuilding Jabberrock in 6th and want to expand his rando mystic "Eyes of Flame" and 60 CON to make him more sinister after him having to watch Spectra go berserk and literately dissolve herself to death in front of him.

  5. Noticed that if you make a 6th Ed super with

    Resistant Protection (1 PD/1 ED/1 Mental Defense/1 Power Defense/1 Flash Defense:  Sight Group)


    when you export to pdf, DEFENSES section says


    Normal PD  2/3
    Resistant PD 0/1
    Normal ED 2/3
    Resistant ED 0/1
    Mental Defense 1
    Power Defense 1
    Flash Defense  blank

    but the powers list does say Resistant Protection (1 PD/1 ED/1 Mental Defense/1 Power Defense/1 Flash Defense: Sight

    if I add a power like  Sight Group Flash Defense

    then the export has Flash Defense 1 ( Sight Group )

    Figured it was worth mentioning

  6. 1.So I built a power.....

    "Techno isikhwili, attacking stick,:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +1/4) (25 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)"

    2. added a New and blank Separator after it.

    3. Then I added a MP Framework with common modifiers...

    "Pheromones sprays: Multipower, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2)"


    4. added a power to the MP

    "Fear Pheromones:  Drain PRE 4 1/2d6 (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2)"


    5. notice the Powers tab ( you can select powers and go to different tabs and come back and everything seems normal )and saving works fine.


    6. Now open "Pheromones sprays: Multipower, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2)" and now add a common limitation Linked and select the ""Techno isikhwili, attacking stick" power


    7. Watch for the powers tab to start being weird, not adding the linked mod to the list, not being able to select different powers, then click another tab like background and try to go back to the powers tab.

    8. Try to save character and note savings is broken also. Try closing Hero Designer too, sometimes HD won't close, but sometimes it will close like normal.




  7. Is there a way to make the character sheet exports not automagically add characteristics you bought?


    For example, I have a 4 speed or 4 PD, and I buy +1 speed or +1 PD that has an activation roll that mostly fails, but my character sheet adds it if it was always on. So the character sheet says 5 speed and 5 PD, is there a way to make character sheet show 4 speed and 4 PD instead?

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