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Everything posted by Tauman.EXE

  1. Man im nervous. Im going to GM a convention quest in the champins setting, I decided to use the premade quest presented in Digital hero 9. But where to start, how do I introduce the game to a group of noobs in a good way and how do I let them know what to expect and what I expect out of them? Could any one of you share some experience on this?
  2. Re: Strange But Useful Powers. This gives me an extremly stupid idea of creating a character that has an uncanny knack of luck, with loads of similar power cramed into a multipower (or VPP).
  3. Re: Question on Multipowers and Special Effects I would rather say that a multipower should be used if the character of some obvious reason can't use all of the at once. The two best multipowers in my champions campaign is one mentalist that can't do to many different things at once, his mental capability simply doesn't allow him to fly, use telekenetic shields and strangle someone with his telekenesis at one time, thats out of his limits. The second is a powered armor where all components has no endurance and the reason that all can't be used in the same time is that the power generator won't allow the character to do to many things at the same time.
  4. I have a player that want to by a whole lot of shurikens with the OAF limitations. As the GM I would have no problem limiting him from it but there is a problem, on this page there is an example here. Well ofc a shuriken should be acceable, but he 32 of them, IMO there should be quite har do take away 32 shurikens.. or did I misunderstand the rules?
  5. Re: Charges is a limitation? Thanx for the replies, it really helps in understanding the system. Well about the reduced endurance suggestion: It does make sense, actully a lot of already existing power already work in this way. Damage shield has to be bought with continous advantage as an example. Also it seems to me that charges limitation is much more effective if used together with different power pools, and the neccecarity of raising the active points to get reduced endurance would kinda counter this. Meh, I don't have much experience so I don't really know.
  6. Re: What does "Overall" not cover? (offtopic) Wouldn't that be quite pointless? I was in the impression that you only gain the DCV bonus against attacks that was covered by the skill level? (eg. HTH applied to DCV don't help you against ranged attacks) Won't that make the dodge useless. (yay, +3 DCV vs block and dive cover)
  7. Re: Charges is a limitation? Well, I know that the rules aren't a science and all but I seems to me that how limiting (or benefiting) charges is depends heavily on the game, when we play supers we oftenly go through 2-3 fights each session (I bet that is about how often ye are supposed to do it), but in some settings (I don't know what) it can seems possible that you play ~10 fights each day, in that case the charges limitation would not be worth it (wich could make it harder to create a fun-to-play character with your concept). About how many times do you think charges is balanced to be used? (wow, that was messy (and uninteresting)).
  8. The charges limitation is a limitation, it stands so in the book, and not only is one of those limitation that you can disallow the players, it is so basic. And what does it do. Well, it removes the endurance cost of you power, it don't seems quite right to me. Well ofc it limits the number of uses you have each day (or month, w-ever), but nulling the endurance cost seems more like an advantage to me. Also there is another thing that makes no sense at all. You can apply adders to the charges limitation to make it into an advantage but not more than +1. but the no endurance cost is only a +1/2 advantage. How can charges be more usefull than no endurance cost?
  9. Re: Damage Conversion Some posibilities to simulate this with the current power could be.. If you just wan't and damage shield that works in this way you could just by some extra stun with a few advantages/diadvantages. Also you mayby could buy healing(Stun) with damage shield advantage, I think that would work just fine. However this power is interesting, my vision with it is the ability to use something instead of endurance, like... STR(?).
  10. Re: New Power: Limbs Well I has to admitt that I didn't read through thw whole post, so mayby I missed a finess. But as far as i know Extra limbs should be bought with the extra limb power (and possibly with extra power with OIF to simulate their special capabilities) and independent limb should be bought with the duplication power. Why wouldn't duplication work instead of this power?
  11. Re: Is anything in the system correctly priced? LMAO, this is THE thread. A great deal of all threads in this forum is like "I think blahblha is overpriced". But is that realy that important? And how usefull a power/skill/perk/w-ever depends wery much on who player are (especially the GM) and how they use the rules, and certain combination of power tends to be more effective than others. In general I think that most things in hero system is priced just right.
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