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  1. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from DoctorImpossible in Character: Lance Dulak, Private Eye   
    Could always pick one specific IRL lake and use the name of it as the surname.
  2. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in Quote of the Week From My Life.   
    "Perfect is the enemy of good and great."
    - not sure of correct original quote attribution
    "Sometimes it is possible to do everything right and still lose. That is not failure. That is *life*."
    - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek The Next Generation
  3. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from DoctorImpossible in Futuristic Sports & Entertainment   
    There are already some Lightsabre martial arts tournaments, and I'm a lot more likely to allow them to be using "plasma swords" in a nearby future than the copyright withheld "lightsabre", but someone invents a real working lightsabre and has the foresight to also develop hard light hologram versions for fun as a toy training tool, then it is totally plausible for other space opera to have a lightsabre fighting tourney.
  4. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in My Speedster Name Ideas   
    Nyooom, (as the sound you make when you go fast...)
  5. Like
    DeleteThisAccount reacted to Doc Democracy in Which is Better, Figured Characteristics or No Figured Characteristics?   
    I am an extremist as far as such stuff goes.  I think getting rid of figured characteristics is like getting rid of hereditary peers, a good first step.
  6. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in Character: Lance Dulak, Private Eye   
    Could always pick one specific IRL lake and use the name of it as the surname.
  7. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from DoctorImpossible in The necessity of complications/disadvantages   
    If nothing else, they sometimes serve as a way to make things about your PC come up in game.
    Like, I *could* simply mention the fact that I've got this tattoo from whatever mystical mentor trained me, or that his old archnemesis is now looking for me, the best of his old enemy's students, to prove his superior magic, or even that I look very strange to people who view souls ever since mine started that change that my magic causes to a caster's spirit. But then everyone can feel free to ignore it totally to go right back to some other thing that they wanted the game to be about.
    But by having disadvantages and complications become an option for a PC, you suddenly have that way of letting everyone know, the things I want to add to the game as a whole include...
  8. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from DoctorImpossible in Desolidification Question   
    Magic, specifically being used to adjust density or affect those with an adjusted density.
    Technology (or a science-based effect, like a mutated person who shoots energy of the right sort to do such a thing) that is specific to adjusted densities.
    Powers that increase or decrease other people's density as is their special effects, with or without a target already being adjusted in their density (a power might have a damage effect fluffed as being decreasing the density of some parts of a person, but not others, so that things begin to go wrong within their body, like blood just falling out of suddenly intangible veins).
  9. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in The necessity of complications/disadvantages   
    If nothing else, they sometimes serve as a way to make things about your PC come up in game.
    Like, I *could* simply mention the fact that I've got this tattoo from whatever mystical mentor trained me, or that his old archnemesis is now looking for me, the best of his old enemy's students, to prove his superior magic, or even that I look very strange to people who view souls ever since mine started that change that my magic causes to a caster's spirit. But then everyone can feel free to ignore it totally to go right back to some other thing that they wanted the game to be about.
    But by having disadvantages and complications become an option for a PC, you suddenly have that way of letting everyone know, the things I want to add to the game as a whole include...
  10. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in The necessity of complications/disadvantages   
    If nothing else, they sometimes serve as a way to make things about your PC come up in game.
    Like, I *could* simply mention the fact that I've got this tattoo from whatever mystical mentor trained me, or that his old archnemesis is now looking for me, the best of his old enemy's students, to prove his superior magic, or even that I look very strange to people who view souls ever since mine started that change that my magic causes to a caster's spirit. But then everyone can feel free to ignore it totally to go right back to some other thing that they wanted the game to be about.
    But by having disadvantages and complications become an option for a PC, you suddenly have that way of letting everyone know, the things I want to add to the game as a whole include...
  11. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from Grailknight in The necessity of complications/disadvantages   
    If nothing else, they sometimes serve as a way to make things about your PC come up in game.
    Like, I *could* simply mention the fact that I've got this tattoo from whatever mystical mentor trained me, or that his old archnemesis is now looking for me, the best of his old enemy's students, to prove his superior magic, or even that I look very strange to people who view souls ever since mine started that change that my magic causes to a caster's spirit. But then everyone can feel free to ignore it totally to go right back to some other thing that they wanted the game to be about.
    But by having disadvantages and complications become an option for a PC, you suddenly have that way of letting everyone know, the things I want to add to the game as a whole include...
  12. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from Eyrie in The necessity of complications/disadvantages   
    If nothing else, they sometimes serve as a way to make things about your PC come up in game.
    Like, I *could* simply mention the fact that I've got this tattoo from whatever mystical mentor trained me, or that his old archnemesis is now looking for me, the best of his old enemy's students, to prove his superior magic, or even that I look very strange to people who view souls ever since mine started that change that my magic causes to a caster's spirit. But then everyone can feel free to ignore it totally to go right back to some other thing that they wanted the game to be about.
    But by having disadvantages and complications become an option for a PC, you suddenly have that way of letting everyone know, the things I want to add to the game as a whole include...
  13. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from DoctorImpossible in Quote of the Week From My Life.   
    "Perfect is the enemy of good and great."
    - not sure of correct original quote attribution
    "Sometimes it is possible to do everything right and still lose. That is not failure. That is *life*."
    - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek The Next Generation
  14. Thanks
    DeleteThisAccount reacted to DoctorImpossible in The Last Word   
    Stuff like this, and the fact that Superman is well-known as having a fortress of solitude, is why I like to think that almost nobody can figure out that he even has any secret identity to figure out, let alone figuring it out. I also think, as of recently, that all of the Luthors, as power-mad as they may be, at least never behave transphobic. I think that they all percieve Clark and Superman, even if they know the secret (these are two of the same person), still refuse to ever acknowledge that revelation if a related topic gets brought up.
    Kal'El is a deadname, as far as they're concerned, so they'll avoid using it, and they always address the person who speaks to them by the name they're giving.
    You want to be called Clark Kent? Great! Clark Kent, famous for his incredible human interest stories! Clark is an incredible person, and really successful and driven in his chosen field, which isn't any of my own passions (business and tech) so I don't need to compete with him. He has a wiry build with old fashioned farmboy style strength, where you've not had to work out cause you grew up lifting hay for hours every day, unlike my own intentionally fairly large physique designed by exercise to *look* a lot more intimidating for a bonus negotiation tool. 
    Superman? A powerful alien, who threatens humanity not only by preventing some of my technically illegal but clearly necessary work, but also by being an unchecked vigilante of such incredible and unstoppable power that, if he is ever convinced to rule over us, humanity will need preparations already in place to stop him.
    The fact that, technically, Lex is friends with Clark and the arch enemy of Superman, while they occupy the same physical form during different times? Irrelevant.
    Like, I'm sure Lex remembers an incredible HR manager, Sax, came out as enby and started using the name Sax, they/them pronouns. Probably, Lex remembers their deadname and what pronouns they used to use, but it would be beneath him to use that info. The same is true of Clark's deadname and of his Superman alter ego.
    (Also, I'm less informed on D.I.D. than I am on my fellow trans folk, so I might be missing the mark...) Lex probably sees Superman and Clark as completely different to each other in much the same way as he sees his cousins, Jeff and Dan, who're both part of the same D.I.D. system.
  15. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    None of the above, to be honest, just "horror", as in the genre of fiction known as horror. Not really scary, but themed around the idea of being scary. Giant insects, lots of sudden natural disasters, animal attacks, plants that attack you *like* animals, a man with a huge gun and the face of your father commanding you to face death like a man, and even the unexplained disappearance of a young child from his parents' house while they were away for the night.
  16. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    I've not finished yet, (not even started technically,) but I've got plans for a complete rewatch of The Librarian, including the three films and the four season long sequel series The Librarians. Kind of like, Indiana Jones if he was James Bond. An omnidisciplinary genius gets the job of "the Librarian", the sole field agent of a secret society running an interdimension safe storage and study of magic, in the form of artefacts too dangerous for the world to know about. 
    In the first, The Librarian And The Quest For The Spear, he is recruited and must go looking for the spear of Longinus before a cult of snake themed ninjas can find it.
    In the second, The Librarian And The Return To King Solomon's Mines, he meets quite possibly the only person in the world who might have more education than him, and they team up, along with his estranged Uncle, to find the Key Of Solomon, an ancient mystical text.
    In the third, The Librarian And The Curse Of The Judas Chalice, he goes on vacation to New Orleans, after dreaming of a woman there, only to realise that she summoned him through his dreams, as she is the guardian of the Judas Chalice, which is the Holy Grail for vampires. Someone has stolen Count Dracula's coffin with his corpse still inside it, and they may be searching for the Judas Chalice to bring him back to unlife!
    Very fun, family friendly, pulp action adventure. The main character is like Indiana Jones but less action oriented and way more knowledge and intellect based, getting through his adventures with information and quick thinking. Great inspiration for a Pulp Hero game.
  17. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in I think I may have stumbled across some potential players   
    Honestly, these look like the ideal extras to the party. We could use more adventurers. After all, the road ahead looks quite woof.
  18. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in Futuristic Sports & Entertainment   
    There are already some Lightsabre martial arts tournaments, and I'm a lot more likely to allow them to be using "plasma swords" in a nearby future than the copyright withheld "lightsabre", but someone invents a real working lightsabre and has the foresight to also develop hard light hologram versions for fun as a toy training tool, then it is totally plausible for other space opera to have a lightsabre fighting tourney.
  19. Like
    DeleteThisAccount reacted to CaptainCoulson in Widening Gyre   
    To be fair, my belief in the death of the author, and my disappointment at finding out awful things about a lot of authors whose books had been fun up until I heard about the author's behaviour, means that whenever I do get into a discussion with somebody about an aspect of a book (or film, or whatever), and I find out that they wrote it (or directed it, or whatever), I still won't feel any more inclined to agree with their opinion about the "canon" is supposed to be.
    Just because George Lucas thinks that Greedo shot at Han, doesn't mean I have to agree, even if there is a special edition.
  20. Like
    DeleteThisAccount reacted to CaptainCoulson in What is the difference between the limitation 'gestures' and 'complex gestures'?   
    The difference between Gestures and Complex Gestures is just that a part of the Special Effects of the power becomes more complex, and therefore potentially more likely to fail or be stopped, and less likely to be replicable. For you to cast a spell that takes Complex Gestures, for instance, might mean that you have to be able to move your fingers in certain positions which you couldn't achieve if, for example, you were in a car accident that damaged the nerves in your hands. On the other hand, simple Gestures might allow you to do the same spell without even having that hand, because you just need to point your wrist in the right direction, since you have the special effects saying that your will to make magic happen is focussed enough that missing a hand is not an impediment. In this instance, "Gestures" is something like pointing roughly in the direction you want the spell to go, while "Complex Gestures" is a precise way of holding your fingers, while pointing exactly at the target.
    Basically, if you want more of a limitation from the Gestures limitation, you take it as a Complex Limitation to let the GM know that this is your power's weakpoint, more so than ever.
  21. Like
    DeleteThisAccount reacted to CaptainCoulson in 6e attractiveness PRE attack modifier question   
    The Presence attack is flavoured with whatever style you want to give it (scary mobster, impressive robot, seductive snake-person). That means that the Striking Appearance rarely affects it (only when the style of flavour includes "being attractive" and the target can percieve the style of flavour that your Striking Appearance takes) but when it does affect the roll, then your Striking Appearance adds +X/XD6 to the roll. +X to the difficulty you must roll under to affect the target, and XD6 added to the 'Damage' effect dice if the attack 'hits home'. The number for X is the number of levels of the Striking Appearance that you have that are applicable.
  22. Like
    DeleteThisAccount reacted to CaptainCoulson in Best jobs for Secret IDs?   
    I don't think Secret ID and Public ID are complications. I think that they are things that *can* be complications. If I'm playing a hero with a secret ID and I don't take any social complications or anything to make my secret ID into a complication, then my identity stays absolutely secure. Even if I go about joking around as "Joey", claiming to be the famous, well-known superhero "Captain Power", even if neither of those wears glasses, or a mask, or has any kind of disguise, my friends and coworkers all just kind of laugh it off and lightly mock me for pretending to be a superhero. Villains just assume that I'm a full-time superhero and never try to uncover my secret, even if I let slip that I actually have a day job at a specific local business. It just all happens to work out. Or, if I have a public ID but not as a complication, the same thing happens but everyone already knows that Captain Power is Joey from downtown. 
    In which case, I would probably still go with a job as a freelancer, preferably one that has some way of utilising your powers or skills as a super-hero on your day-job. 
    Having said that, obviously a secret ID or a Public ID, or even some halfway point between the two, could be a good and interesting complication. Lots of reasons for those to come up, with villain looking into your personal life or tracking you, and plenty of role-playing opportunities.
    In which case, maybe take a job that does make your personal life harder or more tied to the super-hero persona, like a position with the Justice League's museum, so you have to let people see you stood right next to photographs of your super-hero ID a lot.
  23. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from DoctorImpossible in My Speedster Name Ideas   
    Nyooom, (as the sound you make when you go fast...)
  24. Like
    DeleteThisAccount got a reaction from tkdguy in Futuristic Sports & Entertainment   
    There are already some Lightsabre martial arts tournaments, and I'm a lot more likely to allow them to be using "plasma swords" in a nearby future than the copyright withheld "lightsabre", but someone invents a real working lightsabre and has the foresight to also develop hard light hologram versions for fun as a toy training tool, then it is totally plausible for other space opera to have a lightsabre fighting tourney.
  25. Like
    DeleteThisAccount reacted to CaptainCoulson in Beverly Hillbillies   
    Actually, based on the size and strength of them, maybe more of a branch of the extended family of Herman Munster. In fact, the Clampett family do seem like they'd go along with the Munster running gag of considering Herman to be extremely handsome and Marylin to be so unattractive that she'd scare off anyone who she tried to date.
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