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Posts posted by mattingly

  1. Greetings, all. I cleared it with Darren to post this on the Hero boards.


    Most of you know me as the editor of Digital Hero, but I'm also the president of the recent company BlackWyrm Games. Our first book, The Algernon Files, is at the printers and should be on the shelves at the beginning of May.


    The Algernon Files is a Mutants & Masterminds character book -- some heroes and plenty of enemies in a 128-page hardcover. There are over 100 characters in all covering a variety of archetypes and power levels, plus some bases and vehicles, and rules options. There are no HERO System conversions, but the source material should give everyone plenty of plot ideas.


    Previews are available at http://www.blackwyrm.com/extras and we're taking preorders now.

  2. Re: Hero Character Portfolio -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    I'd like to see a points-free one-page summary of the character sheet.


    So something like:

    15 Fireball: Energy Blast 6d6, Explosion; OAF (wand, -1), 8 Charges (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


    could be written as:

    Fireball: 6d6 Explosion; Wand, Gestures, Incantations [8c]


    I use a similar "cheat sheet" for convention games and newbies.

  3. Re: Things a wise super hero should NEVER say


    Paladin as he is wading into the middle of a bunch of bad guys: "CENTER THE FIREBALL ON ME!"


    We had an interesting variation on this on last week's game. The Ultimates (Binder, Darkstar, etc.) were attacking the PCs, and Thunderbolt I fired a lightning ball targeted on his teammates Blackstar (who was desolid at the time, and surrounded by PCs). I described the effect to the players as "Thunderbolt fires a lightning bolt directly into Blackstar's chest. Blackstar's entire body crackles with energy, then the lightning bolt explodes out ward, zapping six of you."


    They tought it was an incredible display of teamwork. :)

  4. On "My Antibody, My Enemy," I came up with a variation on this last week that I'm looking forward to unleashing on my players.


    Make it life-size. That is, don't shrink the PCs, make it a giant patient, or -- better yet -- a theme park dedicated to the human body. :) Roller coasters going down the esophagus, jumping around moonwalk-style inside giant inflatable lungs, etc.


    Our local science center is currently running a collection of exhibits called Grossology -- the study of impolite bodily functions. The kids love it.

  5. 1 sheet of paper costs 8 SP and a small reference library costs 400 SP. Since a 50 page unbound book (with a very generous author) seems like a poor "reference library" to me I assume one of these costs is a typo.


    The book is so much cheaper than the paper because it's a d20 splatbook.


    Just kidding! I play the occasional d20 game, myself, even.

  6. Re: Slaughterhouse Novel Weapons


    The Passive Aggressor...


    Reminds me of the STOP THAT cannon used in the Illegal Aliens book (by Nick Pollotta and Phil Foglio, IIRC). This is a weapon that was developed by a telepathic race that forced the target to cease all movement -- a Mental Entagle, in other words.


    They also had the SHUT UP variant that they developed for use at press conferences...

  7. You're right, it was one of the many things that happened to the original Grond.


    And there's a TUV squirrel reference on page 105, under Mech Types, Bestial, which was where my "...I'll form..." joke came from.

  8. Oh, come on, Bob. If you could only put in one squirrel, it would have to be a giant squirrel, capable of defending downtown Tokyo. "...and I'll form the bushy tail!"


    Here's an easy followup trivia question. What supervillain was bitten by a radioactive frog?

  9. It's not that the one hit destroys the entire craft, but that the one hit destroys a vital part of the craft (the crew area, exposing the crew to space; the engines, which then explode; the weapons systems, which then explode; etc.).

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