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Posts posted by hfergus

  1. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!!


    Don't like anime, and have never read or watched anything with Mecha in it.

    Didn't care for DS9.

    Didn't hate Twilght - except for the idea of sparkly vampires.

    The below were due to difficulty or inabilty of seeing the shows on a regular basis:

    No interest in Dresden Files.

    Not huge fan of Doctor Who.

  2. Re: X Ray-ted Vision


    Volt - No way. Over 60, overweight, shy and against his morals.


    Olorin - Probably not. If in the right mood, he might turn himself into a woman then pose. "Who wants to see a skinny male wizard?"


    Black Tiger - You'd have to be very nervy to even ask. No way. He likes to be mysterious.


    Leadman - Good Catholic boy. No way.


    Futurian - "Me? Nude? Ok. But let me tweak my nanites so I'm more buff first."

  3. Re: Hello to all


    Welcome to the board. You will find this a friendly place. Since someone gave me rep for just getting on the board, I will do the same to you. Hope you enjoy us! (But watch for teh bunneh - he's evil.)


    Maybe not, but that's his rep, and I am not one to test it.

  4. Re: Your evil army


    Since none of my characters have a code vs killing:


    All would say "Stand ten in a circle and kill the guy to your right. Any survivors, repeat it until all dead or only one left. Last one left, stand and wait for further commands and do nothing" The last one will starve.

  5. Re: Crossover events (has anyone else actually done this)


    How about 3 Gms, two universes, three campaigns, two (same universe) being D&D and one being Champions? Mind you, the Champions was in a "dimension hopping" campaign, it was one shot and no combat, but all the characters met. It was a hoot. There was even a "So it's YOUR fault!"moment between the 2 D&D campaigns. I was the GM in the Champions campaign, and kinda ran most of it (Set the tone, etc.)

  6. Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


    Background and character origin/personlity are always a must. Yes, they can have a memory gap, but I know the basics of it.


    And as to VPP - if it is not instantaneous in combat, it's never been a big problem. In this case, I't only powerful when you know what you are facing - which is great for first contact, you lose and later, especailly after digging, then you win. One of my characters is like that - and even has a 0 limitation - must be on list. (0 because it is a rather large list. - and can be added to with gm permission)

  7. Re: No Chat Tonight


    Look! Trudging along the street! It's an buffalo! It's a musk ox! No, its... Yak-man! Gored by a mutant yak, Yak-mans fights for...


    I just could not resist. And I didn't feel like finishing it. Feel free to hijack my intro.


    Or ignore it.


    I really don't care.

  8. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack?


    I have a character that can use teleport as an attack, and it is not too unbalancing. Reasons: 1)no teleporting into solid objects (safe teleport only, and he cannot turn it off.) 2) limited charges. about the only time he uses it as an attack is on non-flyers. 20" straight up. He calls these "Flying lessons. And bounces don't count."

  9. Re: Would you buy...


    1 Probably not.

    2 Oh yes. If only for the insanity.

    3 Probably not

    4 Yes. I like sourcebooks like this, even if I don't use the villian at all. Good idea source.

    5 Oh yes. I'd even like Kingdom Of Champions redone & buy it - even though I have it.

  10. Re: Do you use Dr Destroyer in your campaign and if so, which version & how?


    I've used him (sorta) in each group I've Gm'd. Day of the Destroyer scenario both times, the most recent updated to 6th ed. He' one of the two (the other being Mechanon) villains that the players go "O #$%@, He's involved" when they hear about it. (All my players think I do a wonderful arrogant Destroyer voice.) They foiled the plot but they never even saw the real Destroyer. He's plotting something big, but it'll be awhile.

  11. Re: Final Destination


    Volt is very popular with the public and most hero groups (and even some villians), so there would grieving and a cermony. He leaves a daughter, son-in law and a grandson. (he's 67 and a widower) Rebirth... He's electrical based, and got his powers when a chemical and ligntning combined. Think re-animation ala Frankenstein's monster. But hopefully still heroic.


    Olorin is also very popular, so there would be greiving and a ceremony. He has no family in this universe. As to re-birth ... He already does not age. When asked if he can die he says "I don't know. I haven't died yet. But I"ve come close, so I think I can." If he finds he cannot die and just comes back - he'll be angry first then depressed. Outliving everyone he's ever know has gotten to him before. His biggest fear is outliving everyone. He'd be in crisis for some time, but it may not be obvious at first.


    Black Tiger - few others than his team will miss him. He has a sister, but she has no heard from him in years. She even wonders if he's alive, and really does not care. Re-birth - Probably not, but if so, it had to be a part of his super-soldier treatment. Or something really weird.


    Leaman - Missed mainly by team and other heroes. A waitress in his favorite diner would miss his secret ID. He has brothers and sisters (8 in the family) but they are not too close. Re-birth - His powers come from an earth magic based amulet. Being buried int the earth just might kick something in, and back he comes. And as a good Catholic boy, he'd be very disturbed.


    Futurian - "Whoaaaa. I was dead? Wow, my nanites must be exhausted! They've worked overtime. By the way, got any food? I'm famished." Yes, he has self-repair nanites. But they are not supposed to bring him back from the dead. Note: not supposed to . His teamates, some heros and others will miss him .... since he can be amusing to watch. No relative here that would miss him. Just ancestors.

  12. Re: Tell me about your campaign world.


    For Champions I use a modified combination of the Champions Universe and my own based on where I live - but not quite. In other words, think chili. A little bit of this, a lot of that. Bronze age with a "whisper of iron". The Champions exist as NPCs, and are a bit more experienced than the group I run. But they do not do everything, or even most. The groups have worked well together and like each other.


    For D&D I use a modified Forgotten Realms. If you expect it as published - you'll be surpised. But I use the map and some of the main characters & plots.

  13. Re: Ok GM's weigh in. We've been talking players CvK...how do you handle these things


    I encourage my players to avoid The most severe CVK unless the game is silver age in tone - which mine aren't. They want to do it, fine. I warn them that someday, they will probably regret it. Either the bad guy may go too far, they have to kill or a team member will have to kill. If they find that ok - or even good role-playing, so be it. I will use it eventually (I tell everyone that I will use your complication eventually), but will not rub it in.

  14. Re: "We're just here to help -- honest!"


    All: Force is force. They said it themselves, the change will be forced. Force will be met with force when needed. Olorin would council patience and preperation. Most of my other charaters would too. Except maybe Futurian. And even he might.


    All first would try to talke the aliens out of it. _ Although Black Tiger would hate it. He's not much of a talker. Volt or Olorin would do it best.


    Given time, Olorin can change the people back.


    If the change is tech oriented, Futurian can change the people back, and will do so. "Hey! It's just . I can fix it by ."

  15. Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


    Volt - Persuade the bank to give the money. Follow as best he can (flying) and deal with bad guys when found - if found.


    Olorin - So many choices. So little time. He could t-port the bomb away. (In the middle of Antartica is his favorite spot for this sort of thing.) And then, hours later, find the bad guys (many methods for this) and see if the bomb wearer was in on it. (mind reading) He could also convince the bank to give the money, and follow invisible and flying. And he can t-port if necessary. He'd do the first however.


    Black Tiger - Black ops trained. Demolitions, anyone?


    Leadman - Get the guy away from others. Then using his speed, strength and defenses, take it off and fall on it. Then try to find any other bad guys.


    Futurian "Heh. Heh. Heh. Technology. What fun!" Tranform the whole collar. It'd fall of as dust, no remote device, no detonator. Just C4 on the floor. And knowing him, he'd leave it at that and walk away - unless reminded that there are other bad guys involved.

  16. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill?


    Volt would kill in two circumstances: 1) It's a choice between an innocent dying and the violent criminal dyimg. 2)A Joker type on his third killing spree (after 2 imprisonments.) He might hesitate and would mull over it later.


    Olorin - Well, he's a medieval where life is nasty, brutish and short. He hasn't killed anyone yet, but its a matter of time. If someone ticks him off enough, is violent and he thinks he can get away with it - one dead villian.


    Black Tiger - uh, he was trained in black ops. He'll do it if he thinks it's necessary, and without hesitation.


    Leadman - pretty much like Volt, but without much hesitation or reflection.


    Futurain "Oh wow! He died! Shoot! I forgot you guys do not have healing nanites!" Yup, that would probably be his first kill. Death by forgetfulness. He' hesitatate less than Volt, but more than Leadman - and kill for the same reasons.

  17. Re: How does your hero celbrate the 4th of July?


    Volt - Will probably be in a parade - as Volt. He's a veteran and advertises it - but notes he served in the states in logistics.


    Olorin - A mage that started as a fire mage in the fourth of July? Think Gandalf in Hobbiton in the Lord of the Rings. He'd hold his own fireworks show. Complete with moving explosions.


    Black tiger. - Quietly watch a parade in his secret id. He's also a veteran, but does not advertise it.


    Leadman - Another veteran. Would march in a parade in his secret ID.


    Futurian - "Oh wow! Sound and light explosions." He'd watch the nearest big fireworks near where he lives. Have typical food. Maybe a beer or two. (He prefers a drink that has not been invented yet. And he can't quite get it right, so he does not try anymore.)

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