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Posts posted by hfergus

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Cast of characters:

    Volt – 67 year old electricity/magnetism user

    Disarray – mentalist with strong tk

    Olorin – goofball mage (Vpp)

    Black Tiger – Somewhat grim and suspicious martial artist

    Silver Swirl – dimensional powers

    While fighting some robot having difficulty due to few killing attacks.

    All in character.

    Disarray to Volt: “Grab one leg with magnetism and I’ll grab another. Pull apart.”- Pause- “Make a wish.”

    After a bit, Volt rips a leg off at the knee and Disarray rips the other off at the hip.

    Disarray: “I win! I get my wish!”

    Later they find a surveillance device that looks and acts like a fly.

    Olorin: “Well what do you know. A fly.”

    Black Tiger: “Don’t say it.”

    Olorin: “An insect spying device.”

    BT : “Don’t say it!”

    O: “It’s..”

    BT : “Don’t say it!!!”

    O: “… a bug.”

    BT: “He said it anyway.”

    During this whole scenario, children were being targeted in order to spread a fatal disease. Disarray has a complication about children being hurt.


    Disarray : “When I find the guy behind this he’s going to pay. I’ve heard dragging through a cactus patch naked is a good start.”

    Olorin : “Followed by a salt water bath.”

    Disarray: “Or an alcohol bath.”

    Silver Swirl : “I could send him to my dimension. Trouble is, he might be one of the ones that are immune.”

    (Note: SS’s dimension causes pain for almost all in it. SS was immune before she gained her powers, now she’s more sensitive than normal.”

  2. Re: A Super powered Nation


    I've been asked by a friend who has no access to a computer to post her reaction:


    Disarray - "You talk about the powerful generals and chaos. You seem to want freedom and self determination for your people. Yet you are going to force superpowers on everyone, whether they want it or not. No choice. Where's the freedom in that? And you know that side effects can be horrific. No. If you believe in self determination and freedom, expose only volunteers. And make sure they are good people to start with." If he goes for it, she helps him. Otherwise she does her best to destroy the device.

  3. Re: The Perils Of Helpless Holly


    One at a time...


    Volt. All six options. Use his magnetism to effect the crane to let her down away from the tank. Or hold her above it while others shut it down.


    Olorin. All six options. T-port the beasties to Antarctica. Rescue the girl.


    Black Tiger. All options. Swear. Try his best to rescue her however.


    Leadman. All options. Grumble under his breath. Use his strength to rescue her as best he can (disable the crane would be his first attempt.)


    Futurian. All options. "Ya gotta be kidding! Cliche city!" Use his powers to affect the crane to let her go. And in the case of most, tranform or control the crane to sic the monsters on the villian. How about picking up the shark and aiming it at the baddie?

  4. Re: A Super powered Nation


    Volt - "You realize that many would be supers suddenly with no support mechanism to help them- like ones that have gone before? 'Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.' And 'too many cooks spoil the broth.' Tell you what, lets find people who are already heroic in nature and expose them only. How about that?" If he goes for it, Volt lets it go. Otherwise he fries the device. Too unpredictable.


    Olorin - "Right. Too chaotic. How about exposing a few, ones that seem reliable?" Then acts like Volt.


    Black Tiger. "No." Then detroys the device if he can.


    Leadman - "I have a bad feeling about this. A recipe for disaster." Then bye-bye device.


    Futurian - "Oh wow! Can I flip the switch?" In any case, it's very likely that Futurian can (and will) change the device - so that only one person will be affected and only one shot- the designer of the machine. Instant hero. Helps him get away. Then allows the chips fall where they may.

  5. Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


    My universe if pretty different from the CU. Yes, I have the Champions (renamed one), Doctor Destroyer, Mechanon and others, but my team is separate. The battle of Detroit has not happened yet (but will), the 9/11 destrction occurred and my heroes helped with the aftermath. (Olorin managed to point out where survivors were, as well as the bodies. It allowed others to rescue. Olorin himself was busy maintaining it.) I have several villians of my own. I called the tone of the campaign "Bronze age with wispers of Iron" - but one hero is described as "a Silver age hero in a Bronze age world." Heros have only been around about 20 years, with the earlier ones a bit underpowered compared to the newer ones. A "Super registration" law has just expired, and heroes are coming out of the woodwork. (as are some villians)

  6. Re: Oil spill


    Volt. - His powers don't work under water. He'd help above ground as best he can, mainly providing transport and be a generator if needed. He could ignite the oil if they wanted.


    Olorin - It'll take hours, but he could fix it. He could go under the water and, in effect, do a transform - non-working oil rig to working oil rig. Fixing the spilled oil would be out of his league (too big an area), but he'd try for a while.


    Black Tiger - Literally all he could do is, maybe, find out why. He's good at investigation.


    Leadman - Being a density increase brick, if they could provide air and protect from the pressure, he could fix it. Getting him down there would be easy. Go off the side. Getting him back up......


    Futurian - "Get me one of your robots. Heck, get me about 2 tons of high strength steel. I'll fix it." With either, he could make his own robot that would, trust me, fix it the first time. The oil spill is organic and thus.. "The oil is your problem." That is unless someone mentioned a super vacuum machine. It'd take him longer and he would get at best about 90% of it but he could do that much. He'd have to be reminded though, once he fixed the well, he'd wander off.

  7. Re: Somebody Else's Problem


    Volt - Unless Volt had a lot of time to pursue this, given the nature of the crime, he'd put it way down on his list. If he had the time, he'd see if the police had info on him and give him a talking to if Volt found him. Would bring backup just in case.


    Olorin - Unless he was very busy this would intrigue him. He'd check with the police, then use magic to trace the guy. Then show up in the guys home with the same copy of Buxom Babes saying "Hey, how do you like the babe on page....?" Then he'd get serious. Somewhat. "Naughty naughty. Ok, you know I cant' allow this. Stop it now and I do nothing. Continue and I deal with it." Pause "You do know I come from a world where stuff like this results in hand amputations sometimes? Just a thought. By the way, ever think of being a hero? I can arrange for pay and a subscription to the mag." Will have backup nearby.


    Black Tiger. Ignore it unless it gets bigger.


    Leadman. Use police contacts to find out what he can and use his detective skills to find him then act like Volt. That is, if he has the time.


    Futurian "Umm.... Ok. What do you want me to do about this? Seems a bit penny ante. Did I say that right? If he gets violent or big time, come see me." Then he'd promptly forget about it until reminded.

  8. Re: GMing style, what else apart from 'Round the Table'?


    My players rarely separate if I can help it. I try, and suceed fairly well to keep then together. When they do separate, I bounce back and forth trying to spend equal time on each. My players also pay close attention to what is going on in case it is important to save time, and they are very good at differentiating between what they know and what the characters know. As far as individual background stuff, I often talk to each away from the acutal game for stuff like that. Works out pretty well.

  9. Re: Have you ever built the same character more than once?


    I've really never built a new character only to find it similar to another. However, Volt and Olorin have been rebuilt from 3rd to 4th to 5th to 6th edition. Also ramped down once in 5th edition when I got a new group. (What can I say? I like the characters.)


    One person I knew had all his characters the same as possible, no matter what the game. Even the name and personality. Good ol' Grey Wolf. At least we knew what we were getting.

  10. Re: "Your Most Embaressing Game Mastering Moment"


    I can' remember any embarasssing incidents right now, but I'll ask my players this weekend. I'm sure they will remember.


    However, I remember my big "What the ^&%$* do I do now?" moment.


    I've posted this before but... I set up the intro scene dsecribing various items in the room. I have been known to put things in that: A) are mere grace notes. They have no purpose other than provide color or "just because". B) are red herrings. I was quite good at figuring out what my players would fixate on. C) are real clues.


    I finished the description. The players said "We destroy the clock." I was stunned. The whole scenario fell apart due to this. I started over with a different "maguffin" but still.....

  11. Re: So..what characters from earlier editions have you updated to 6th?


    I've updated all my old characters (Volt, Olorin, Leadman, & Black Tiger) and one new one that was created just before 6th ed. (Futurian) Volt got impacted the most because he used elemental control the most. No matter how I scrimped or "cheated" he cost 14 points more in 6th ed. (I put literally everything under unified power where I did not do that with his elemental control in 5th ed.) The rest broke even or got helped a bit. I've also updated two players characters - SilverSwirl, Disarray and have Raptorian converted & ready to go along with a hero who has a placeholder name of Orion. Will have to come up with a better name soon. Did my own version of the Champions and the Ultimates.

  12. Re: Silly Champions


    How about TIV> (Totally incompetent villian) Dresses similar to Doctor Destoyer. Talks like Doctor Destroyer. Has grandious plans like the Destroyer. However, his attack rarely even function, and when they do, they hit his own minions/machines. (Unluck & activation rolls) And a six year old with a slingshot could cause damage. The only thing that works reliably is his escape plans.


    Just a thought.

  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures


    Hmm. The one time I did grew a beard(it drove me crazy because it got in my mouth, and if I trimmed it so it did not, it looked weird) it ended up on the furthest "very trustworthy".

    Well, yeah if I give my word it is kept. Period.

    Am I trustworthy otherwise? Well, you can trust me aboslutely to say or do somthing bizzare (but harmless) very often.:eg:

  14. Re: Campaign Idea: Silly, or cool?


    I also see it as mainly cool. Even though I'm religious. It's a good "what if". Of course, one further layer would be.... No they are not really God and Satan. Just the leaders of the "angels" and "Demons". Just claiming they are does not make it so. (and they may be behind some legends.)


    And yes, run it by your players. Who knows what they may say... or add!

  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Cast of characters that caused this quote:

    Disarray: mentalist and tk-user

    Silver Swirl: other dimensional energy projecter


    Some sort of plgue in a small town that so far seems to be transmitted by biting.

    After discusing possible transmission including "bodily fluids", specifically blood and saliva:


    Disarray, (ooc): "Transmitted by mastication"

    GM(me) not as gm (nagm) "Mass mastication. Another word that sounds risque but is not: Thespian."

    Disarray (ooc): "A masticating thespian."

    Silver Swirl (ooc) "A matriculating thespian."

    GM (nagm): "A matriculating thespian who masticates."


    Disarray and Silver Swirl::tonguewav and pillows thrown.


    I'm used to it.

  16. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it?


    Our group fought a "stand-in" once. They stopped the plan and the "stand-in" broke down. (Stand in was a fake done by Destroyer to prove even a lesser version could be near impossiible to take down.)


    As to now... I have two characters who just might pull it off.


    Olorin. Large VPP. Not cosmic, has to prepare. Go in desolid, invisible effects. Destroyer blasts him with non effects desolid because he does not seem desolid. Olorin then uses large area effect Dimensional movement usable as attack. Don't see where Destroyer has dimensional movement, but he could be back anyway. Also moving him to say, a dimensional that by it's environment has a large contiguous attack..... Of course, it may not be enough. As a GM I'd have it be a "temporary setback". And Olorin would have to get to Destroyer intact with single the charge on the attack(Only way he could do it) still intact. Not easy.


    Futurian. His problem would be surviving the attack by Destroyer. If he does...

    All his powers are based on tech. He has a very large tech drain. If he's lucky....


    Of course Destroyer is designed to get away if nearly beaten. I like him that way.

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