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Posts posted by hfergus

  1. Re: Back to Normal ?


    Volt- If he thinks its due to enemy action he'd investigate. Otherwise, he'd be a bit relieved- he never wanted to be a hero, but did so due to responsibility of power.


    Olorin - Unless he was also in his old dimension, he'd be sooo suspicious and investigate as best he can. If his "gadgets" were unaffected - he'd soon figure it out and correct the situation. Otherwise, he'd live life as best he can - as a sword maker.


    Black Tiger - Talk about suspicious. He already has a memory gap. Unless his investigative abilities were gone, he'd figure it out eventually. If gone, he'd still try. If his other memory gap was gone- heaven help the person responsible, powers or not.


    Leadman - He'd investigate for a while then go back to being a private investigator.


    Futurian - Unless his memory was altered a lot to make him from our timeline, he'd know something is up very quickly. The technology he is used to does not exist and would be nearly impossible to duplicate except for equal technology or magic. - "Ok, now who did this? And how? Once I find out and get my powers back...."

  2. Re: The Collapse Of Dark Realm


    All of my characters except Olorin would go through the portal, as there really is no choice.


    Volt would shrug and go. Black Tiger would curse and go. Leadman would mutter about being doomed and go. Futurian - Could say about anything silly and go. Examples: "Banzai!" "Geronimo!" "Exit stage left." "Off we go, into the wild blue yonder." "Fly you fools! Fly!"


    If in another dimension (like the Dark Realm), Olorin would have a gate opening spell ready to go at a seconds notice. That is, unless he had his VPP all alocated (unlikely). Then he'd go into the portal. Once on the other side, its a matter of a few hours before he can do his own spell. If he went he'd say "Yet another dimension. Wonder if I've been there before."

  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    ...I knew that. I blame allergies. :doi:

    Boy, can I identify with the allergy comment. I blame them directly for physical lethargy.I blame them indirectly for mental lethargy. "I'm having trouble focusing because of my allergy medicine." used to be a common comment. Most of my current medicines do not do this, and the one that sometimes does I take infequently - only when needed - which this time of year is almost every day.

  4. Re: WWYD - Raising You


    Volt is a bit old to raise a child and would find someoine to do so who would raise the child to be responsible (Are the Kents available?) He'd visit and give pointers.


    Olorin - well, Viper would have been disappointed. Except for the fact that Olorin does not age, everything else he had was training. (and experience due to the fact he does not age.). The child has potential only. And if the child is one year old, it looks like the not aging is not active, unless the child was artificially aged. Which may have ruined the non aging. He may raise it himself. In any case, he'd follow it to adulthood... since he does not age.


    Black Tiger - again he is at least part training. See Volts' route.


    Leadman - Powers are by a focus. See Volt for adopting, and Viper would have been disappointed again.


    Futurian - Oh. My. God. Either the nanites were not copied and the child is normal or they were copied. If copied and the science from the future to control the nanites were not available - The lab where this happened could be goo. Or shards. Or somthing that looks look a lab from Star Trek. Or any combination .... or beyond. The nanites would be totally uncontrolled.


    (and this just gave me an evil idea. Thanks!)

  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    You young whippersnappers have it so easy. I had to tow a galaxy class spaceship in my teeth, becsue my I was carrying the deathstar in my arms, all the way to the lesser Magellanic cloud every day. I did, however, do it in under an hour. Why, I knew some people who....


  6. Re: Shattered dimensions


    All my characters (except Olorin and Futurian) would be a bit taken back, but take it well and note the version that made a mistake may not occur. Olorin has gone through this very thing more than once and would go "Meh. Been there, done that."


    Having future version of Futurian would be intersting, since he is from the future. Also Futurian has his powers because he's from the future. A non-powered version would be from the present. He'd love the animated version... since he is almost a toon himself... as least in attitude.

  7. Re: Product Unavailable


    I both order from DOJ directly and support my local store. I look locally first, and then order from DOJ if they do not have it and I want it soon. Otherwise, I ask when it will be in and try after that. If I miss it two times in a row, I order from DOJ. I want my local store still there and carrying HERO products so I can possibly add players later.


    My local store has a fair selection of both old and new stuff. I have to time the new stuff close to, but after release to get it, as they tend to often run out. (Example: 6th edition Volume one was sold out, but they had one volume 2)

  8. Re: GMs: for your Public Identity heroes


    Our entire hero group only has one with a public ID, and he is not native born. Foxbat has suggested the Constitution be changed just for him. Why? Because Foxbat is crackers, and would love to see a 748 year old mage from another dimension in charge. Olorin would not do it even if Constitutional unless it was the only hope for the US.

  9. Re: WWYD - Battlefield


    All my heroes would try to get bystanders out of the way.

    Volt would try to talk them into "taking it elsewhere"


    Olorin would probably start t-porting (t-port usable as attack) them one by one to Antarctica until they stop or his charges run out.(3charges normally)


    Futurian would take control of all machines possible to wall off the battle - or use them to attack both sides until they stop. "Hey, why not add to the destruction, if not the carnage?"

  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares


    They were just referred to as the Flying Beasts. Tolkien never did reveal anything else about them.

    Tolkien also described them as 'fell beasts', but that is a description, not a name. He did reveal the following, however:

    In book V, chapter 6 "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields" in The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien describes it:

    "[...] it was a winged creature: if bird, then greater than all other birds, and it was naked, and neither quill nor feather did it bear, and its vast pinions were as webs of hide between horned fingers; and it stank. A creature of an older world maybe it was [...]" Seems to be a Pterasaur or something similar.

  11. Re: The Bunnies Are Back


    All but Olorin would try to follow as best he can and try to avoid the train.


    Olorin: He has watched "Who framed Rodger Rabbit" and will take it to heart. Come up with "Toon Disolving Solvent" and dissolve them. Also maybe come up with pencil, paint and ink to make his own doors and such. He'd enjoy this entirely too much.

  12. Re: World Without People!


    Volt - Not much he could do except review records and act accordingly. Assuming he is in a ship (no space flight powers), he'd bring back supplies.


    Olorin - Immediately (well, a couple of hours to change VPP) supply the station. Review records while "waiting". Then use his VPP to do retrocognition. Then act accordingly. If magic was involved, he'd know almost immediately.


    Black Tiger - "Crap!" See Volt, but he's a better investigator.


    Leadman - "I'm a pessamist, and I never thought this would happen. " See Black Tiger as he is also an investigator.


    Futurian "Whoa! Fragic!" (future slang - combination fantastic and tragic) "This didn't happen in my timeline. At least it was not recorded and remembered." Use machine powers to download info - quickly. Also improve space station's workings. (a lot of food, water and air are recycled.) "Man, you guys are primitive. Aren't you scared to be up here in a tin can?" Then act like Volt, and act accordingly based on what he finds. If mechanical, he'll know quuickly.

  13. Re: Champions Auxiliary


    As to Blockhead, I'm going by the name to have distinctive looks: head that looks very blocky. And maybe a (undeserved or not) reputation as not very bright/dense. His powers could be density increase (with more strength on top of it) making him look blocky.


    And do not worry about not contributing much yet. This is a friendly group. Just do so when you can.

  14. Re: Super powered Nation-The Gathering storm


    None of my heroes would fit option 1.


    Option 2:

    Volt: He is very likely to start a new team with himself as leader if they want and it is necessary. He would step down when a leader emerged and he thought they would be ok. He'd also congratulate the guy on a good choice. He'd definetly help the guy choose the candidates.


    Olorin: Use magic to vet the the guys choices and act as advisor as needed. He might help chose the leader. He'd love the idea, and tell the guy so.


    Black Tiger: Considering BT only said "No." and stopped him, it'd be unlikely he'd be called. However, if called he'd say "Sensable." and help vet the choices by investigating. Then he'd leave them alone to do whatever.


    Leadman: Also help vet the choices by investigation. Would warn them of posiible consequences (he's a bit a of a pessamist), and rarely help them.


    Futurian: "Liked my trick of only having you as a super huh? But listen, me help? You gotta be kidding. I'm only a hero because I'm too lazy to be a villian and the heroes may help me get back home with no strings. But I like to pay my debts. Looky here, let me refer you to people who would help." And does so. May help out from time to time if bored.

  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Another set of quotes from last night. Both by the player of Disarray, the female mentalist/tk user.


    Backgroud: Trying to get information from a lowlife self-styled ladies man when he went into a bar the group tracked him to. 2 female players with female characters each plan to go "all-slut exotic dancers riding a Harley" Heavy discriptions as to dress, hair, manerisms - one Npc was amused, another quiet and the last a bit surprised. During the interaction:

    Disarray. OOC - "They're typical guys. They'd **** a table leg."


    Later when I described how they changed on of my plans - which I did not care about and am used to - this was said: Disarray OOC: "I would have said 'I'll shove this cue stick up your a** and play pool with your tonsils."

    Shes the new player, and I am so proud of her. And yes, I'm stealing the line.

  16. Re: Team size


    8 heroes seems to be my limit unless they are split into groups that are run separately. If larger (or even above 6, which is my preferred) either the other side has large numbers (confusing to run as GM*) a very big bad (normally meaning heroes drop early, meaning the players are stuck watching) or the villians fall quickly (too much of this is boring. Once in a while is fun.)


    * This can work if players also run some of the villains, and run them well. I had a group that could once.


    My eight group team had 4 players with 2 characters each. It was rare to have both of a players character out at once.

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