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Posts posted by Greg

  1. If you were to delve back into the 2006 pet projects thread you may find some mention of something I called Shonen HERO. Finally after over a year of procrastination Iḿ compiling stuff to make this happen. Sometime in the next month or so I should be starting a campaign that mixes anime and live-action martial arts movies into a fictional Japan-like setting. Iḿ looking for interesting resources I can point my players to for character ideas. I´d say only a few of them are very familiar with the setting precepts, but Iḿ hoping it´ll feel fresh compared to psuedo-medieval Europe. Things like cool art, interesting powers, names, archetypes or anything would be a great help. I can post links for them or compile it all into our group website.


    Hereś what I have so far (assuming I don´t lose my IP):


    Characters are going to be 250 points and very flashy. Players are more than welcome to crib from anime or similar sources as long as it follows the campaign guidelines and had a distinct Eastern flavor. A lot of that needs to come out through SFX and character background. If I had to liken the setting to something I´d probably pick Utawarareruno. It feels very Japanese, but doesn´t seem to actually be set in Japan. Other influences might be Inu-Yasha or Rurouni Kenshin which are technically period, but pick and choose what they want to focus on. A fair amount of my recommended source material includes China so Iḿ certain Iĺl mesh whatever is cool from the mainland. However, I know enough Japanese to add some flavor to the game, but maybe 2 words of Chinese (excluding Sheng Long).

  2. Re: New Mythology


    By request and only a few months late (sorry I don't check my 'user cp' ever) here's the next bit of Aulbreth's mythology:


    “Time passed, as we all take for granted that is does, and Aul became bored. For he no longer existed in a single moment. From within him sprung Light whose warm glow delighted Aul. Yet still as more time passed, Aul again grew restless and created Light’s brother, Darkness, to quench the ceaseless day. Immediately the brothers took a disliking to one another and clashed throughout the heavens. Light, it seemed, could be content with a peaceful cohabitation, but Darkness would not hear of it. At first their battles were chaotic with flashes of Light searing through Darkness and this amused Aul. However, Time wore on and it became apparent that the two were evenly matched and their battles became predictable. One brother would hold the other at bay, but before long the tides would reverse. This cycle continued on and on and while there were times when one brother seemed victor more Time would pass and it was clear this was not so.


    “It should hold no surprise then to hear what came next. Aul, who had watched this battle so many times, again grew restless. From deep within Himself, Aul broke free something unlike anything you can fully imagine. Man has not named it, because our words would only sully something so perfect. It has been said that it possessed every color, nay everything that one could imagine all at once. So beautiful was this thing that Aul turned all attention away from the bickering brothers and focused on it solely.


    “Those times when you were wicked and your mothers scolded you, saying you were taken by Darkness. Did you understand what she meant? Hate, jealousy and violence all of these things are born of Darkness. You must understand this to understand what happened next. That battle, which we call day and night, stopped for the first and only time. Darkness began to howl once he realized Aul’s attention had turned to this perfect being. Quickly, to act before Light could take seek some advantage, Darkness struck at this new thing, shattering it.


    “Aul was furious, it seemed for a moment that he would destroy his second child. However, He paused noticing something quite amazing. So precise was Darkness’ blow unto the perfect being that it had broken into four distinct forces. It was the child Fire who struck first. A plume of flame engulfed the twin sisters, Water and Air. Yet by enclosing Himself around Fire, Earth was able to seal away His chaotic brother. Shocked by all that had happened, it was Water who first approached Her brother. While she feared Fire, only a short time before they had been one. The aqueous sister embraced her stony brother, Her tears rained down becoming icy streams carving great canyons into Earth’s body. Yet she sought further still, forming caverns and ever seeking the warmth of the brother who had been taken prisoner. Next, the quiet sister Air, came near Her brother and whispered that she too wished to be whole again. Yet her own insubstantiality could only just encircle Earth and not become as they had once had been.


    I've got quite a bit more, but I'm having to retype it and change the language a fair amount from the first revision. I'm working off a printout, having lost the digital file which was more of a biblical style and less narrative.

  3. Re: Obakemono - A Gaijins Guide To The Fantastic Folk Monsters Of Japan


    I guess you'll just have to write a 3rd one to fill in the gaps you missed. Since Gencon where I picked up Ninja Hero and AB2, I've been threatening the group with a Japanese Fantasy game sometime in the near future. After playing Okami recently and flipping around that website it seems pretty clear that the fates want me to get something going.

  4. Re: Playing without END


    I basically only use END in superhero games since that's the only time people run out. If somebody had a 30 str or some sort of supernatural power with a x2 END limitation in a fantasy game I'd have them track END, but that's about it.

  5. Re: New Mythology


    It's always frustrating to read stuff like this when you've got something similar you've also developed. I've got a couple pages typed up that I just scrounged up the other day. So, yeah, it seems fine. Reminds me of an anthropology class that covered the 2 or 3 creation stories that cover most any religion.


    An old man sits by a fire, the young children of the village are talking to one another about families, recent events and the many other things children speak about. Finally, the last child arrives and sits down by the fire. The old man clears his throat and the children stop their chatter. “I know in the past I’ve told you many stories. All of them contained kernels of truth and more importantly taught a lesson. What I’ve got to tell you now is no mere story. It is the Truth of our existence and once you’ve truly understood what I’ve told you, everything you’ve learned till now and everything that will happen to you will all make sense.”


    “In the beginning, there was Aul. He simply was. There was no light or dark, no world, no nothing, only Aul. Yet, something sparked in His mind, a desire to have a past, something to differentiate his now from then. Hence he created Time which was truly the start to everything.”

  6. Re: Attack Questions


    I think it's in fantasy hero that when two opponents have unequal sized weapons the shorter weapon has a -1 per difference penalty. Once the shorter weapon has struck the opponent the advantage shifts the other direction because the shorter weapon is inside of the larger one's area of coverage. Basically a dagger fighter is at a penalty against spearman until he successfully lands a strike.

  7. Re: Lovecraft Stuff


    If you can find a copy of Champions 3D there's a horror world scenario that's straight out of Lovecraft. It has mechanics that models the Chaosium insanity rules as well.

  8. Re: Turakian Races: the Erqigdlit


    I've used their character blocks as gnolls in my games in the past. Physically they're pretty similar so you should be able to use the piles of D&D stuff out there. In the campaign I was running they lived in the savannah and basically had a tribal/native american society. I didn't have "classes" per se, but I basically made them a hunter society with shaman wisemen. They were extremely territorial and played the part of the non-evil antagonists once the party entered their lands.

  9. Re: Rifts HERO?


    Are you doing anything extra for "squishies" in regards to stun damage so they're not CON stunned all the time? My idea at one point was something like a force wall with one charge to simulate armor getting beat up, but the character didn't get hurt till the armor was gone. I can't remember the exact mechanic off the top of my head, but that was the gist of it.

  10. Re: Having a painful movement


    I didn't want to start a whole new topic and this is sort of in the same vein. I have a player who has a teleportation attack:


    Banishment: Teleportation 1",x4 Mass, Megascale (1"=1km), Ranged, Usable as an attack


    Obviously this can be severly abused. Since you've all thought about the repurcussions of teleporting someone somplace they don't want to go, give me some ideas on keeping this power under control. I've yet to have him select which "common defenses" need apply, but I'm thinking Power Defense and Teleportation and would like 1 more. It hasn't even come up in game yet, but I don't necessarily want to veto it without taking a little time to make it reasonable.

  11. Re: On Fantasy [G.R.R.M.]


    I think Martin basically knows who it's going to take to get from point A to point B and kills off character indiscrimanately if they're not required for that purpose. I think it keeps the reader on their toes and makes you actually worry if the protagonist is going to make it.


    Steve made some comments about the explicitness of the sex scenes back in FH and I thought it seemed odd then. We all have different tolerances I guess. I haven't read anything in the books that were even remotely more than standard stuff people do. You need to read some Piers Anthony to get the disturbing sex scenes.

  12. Re: Multipower active points vs. reserve points: why?


    ---Multipower A---

    60 Reserve

    3u 12d6 EB (Only vs. Undead) 60 active

    3u 6d6 Entangle (Only vs. Undead) 60 active

    3u 6d6 NND (Only vs. Undead) 60 active

    3u 4d6 RKA (Full Phase, ODCV) 60 active



    ---Multipower B---

    60 Reserve

    6u 6d6 Entangle 60 active

    6u 4d6 RKA 60 active




    You're just building your multipowers poorly. Give Multipower A (Only vs. Undead) for all of it's slots then you can apply the limitation to the reserve cost.

  13. Re: THE ULTIMATE SPEEDSTER -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    To my surprise' date=' I was told this isn't legal.[/quote']


    Sorry to derail, but that was because it was a 120-point Multipower. If you always want to run one then pay full price for it and put the other 2 powers into a multipower and buy them as fixed. Else you could put the whole thing into an Elemental Control which would let you conceivably use all 3 at once.


    In answer to the original question, I think everything I'd like has been addressed. A speed chart for to convert real-life speeds is nice. I'd like to see some ways to make speedsters different without them all just having move-by attacks and megascale movement (not in conjunction). I'd like to see how to build a powerful speedster who has a relatively low strength, but can still output good damage. Keep away from powers like Friction Control DR 20PD/20ED and instead look at making guys that are just hard to hit if they keep moving, but still can be dropped if they let down their guard.

  14. Re: Question on Elemental Controls


    The character is for AZ's brother and he wanted to run so fast you couldn't see him. Useful for "sneaking" into building or surprising enemies.


    We talked about giving him some PSLs for move-bys, but it's just generally easier for newbies to have straight powers without a lot of modifiers to OCV/DCV.

  15. Re: Question on Elemental Controls


    AZ and I worked the EC thing out by linking something to the lower cost power and bringing it inline with the rest of framework. Having said that it sort of encourages power gaming once you've bought the framework since everything from that point is going to be at least that level. I found some of my defenses were a little higher then my character concept, but I'm not going to finagle the points just to make my guy weaker.

  16. Re: Help with a Japanese name


    If she's young they could call her Yomi-chan. 'no' basically replaces apostrophe s or 'of' just use it in that order. -ko is a pretty common end for a girl's name or can be used to mean small. In an Exalted game I my Solar Sorceror's name was Kokami. (little god)

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