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Posts posted by Maur

  1. Re: Normal Smell/Taste one sense?


    Normal human sight is *very* accurate and detailed (more so than just about any animal).


    Most birds have far better vision than humans. In fact they can even see into the near UV, unlike mammals. Birds of prey can perceive objects at much greater distances and even in much worse light conditions (owls at night).

  2. Re: Solar HERO: Home of the wrinkles


    Charles Pelligrino had an interesting take on this.


    He noted the existence of the famous Galapagos Black Smokers


    The weird life forms there do not depend upon the Sun, they only need the planet's tidal heat.


    Europa, Enceladus, Ganymede and Titan might have similar smokers, and might even have life.


    Say they all do. That would mean that in our Solar System, there would be one example of hot planet life (us), and four examples of icy planet life.


    Scaling this up, it would imply that on the average, in the galaxy, icy planet life outnumbers hot planet life four to one.


    If the icy planets develop armed spacecraft, and take offense at our existence, we could be in real trouble.


    Even if Icy worlds with smokers outnumbered worlds like Earth, that doesn't make those lifeforms outnumber Terran types. The smokers here comprise a very insignificant portion of the habitable areas occupied by all the other lifeforms.

  3. Re: Tk with no strength defense


    Yeah, TK being resisted by STR really doesn't seem to make much sense except when a person is trying to "break out" of a grab (e.g. the TKer uses it to pin the persons arms down, and the grabbed person fights to get his arms out), but if I grab a foot with TK and pull you up into the air, what exactly are you breaking free from?

  4. Re: Question: Sidekick vs. HERO


    FREd (5th Edition Rules, "Big Black Book") contains oodles of examples and samples and longer explanations. But all the powers and whatnot from FREd are in Sidekick.


    Again, you don't need anything other than Sidekick, but FREd and the various supplements will help better customize your game, explain how to better simulate various effects, etc.


    Not all of them are in Sidekick... most powers are there though...

  5. Re: Shay, Wood Elf Beastmaster


    I would give the tiger some small amount of extra running, but that's a minor quibble. (Tigers can go at 35-40 MPH in short bursts, this one goes 12 MPH.)


    Overall, it's very nice.


    Well, that is at combat velocity... double for non-combat... A little slow, but not quite as bad...

  6. Re: 6th Edition WAGs


    I'd like to change everything to CHAR/3 or CHAR/5, rather than having both, and have everything work off a single central mechanic.


    In which case you might as well reduce the attributes values themselves to that same divisor. E.g. if rolls are CHAR/3, then divide all CHAR by 3 and increment the roll directly with the Attribute and call it done. Without figureds there is no point in having an attribute at anything but either the break point or the exact (e.g. 3,6,9,12 [CHAR/3] or 5,8,10,13,15,18 [CHAR/5], etc...).

  7. Re: Centaur Martial Arts


    Thinking about the way horses fight one another' date=' you could develop a fighting style for this. The problem with it would be the standard rearing back and hitting with their front hooves attack exposes their vulnerable stomach. It's safe enough against each other, but a guy with a sword? I'd call it an offensive strike that is +4d6N, +1 OCV and -2 DCV. I think that's pretty much the only way they'd fight one another. Well, that and traditional fist-to-coughs. [/quote']


    Horses bite and rear to kick as they lack the hands and arms that a centaur has at the front of his body. He might rear to kick, or to make it so he could drive a sword or spear down into his opponent.


    oh, and the term is fisticuffs, not fist-to-coughs...


    Maybe call punching with their fists a regular old martial Strike.


    When fighting against attacking animals, they must turn their back to use the very powerful rear kick. That would make a good defensive strike (using the offensive strike template), +4d6N, -1 OCV, +2 DCV.


    "Bucking" could be a straight martial escape.

    an escape with a throw element and possibly target prone since odds are the opponent they buck off won't just be standing there on his feet afterwards.


    Some levels with move-by, move-through, and moving grab by.


    I'd ditch the Defensive Maneuver because they'd just run from trouble they didn't want to be in.


    I don't know, just throwing out some thoughts, now.

  8. Re: Centaur Martial Arts


    Who says they have skinny legs? Centaurs not under breeding control of, well, say, humans, probably wouldn't go for a skinny-legged centaur. Yes, it might make them faster, but only on terrain really designed with no real obstacles. I doubt our skinny-legged companions would fair very well if released into the wilds with hills, mountains and rolling plains...

  9. Re: Non-humanoid races?


    The biggest problem with playing a non-humanoid is just how much stuff would not function/exist for those characters. How would one have been able to build, let alone use transportation, armor, weapons, etc...

  10. Re: Sleep Spell?


    Sleep might seem like a vastly powerful spell, but it really isn't once you get up a few levels. In 3/3.5 it has 0 effect on creatures above 4HD. So it's really just a way to get around weak mooks in the end.

  11. Re: Star Wars Hero Resources


    They might not have had limbs blown off, but they were still dead. I'm guessing Lucas just didn't want to have a lot of blood and gore in the movies. And Body damage is just an abstract mechanic. You don't have to really do a lot of traumatic damage to a body to kill a person.


    "Wanna see a magic trick"

    "I'll make this pencil disappear"


    "See, gone."


    Guys dead, yet no limbs were blown off...

  12. Re: Starwars Vehicles: Any ideas?


    Okay you're guy's insight has been rather helpful. Now I have somthing purely that I want to get your Opinion's on.


    Deflector shields.

    Normally when these are designed people think of forcefield or force wall. However even with things such as Ablative, activation roll, sectional defense etc...none of these give the proper simulated effect of deflector shields. The effect of course being that they can sustain a beating until they are knocked out which then the ship is now defenseless (unless it has armor of some kind) The problem lies in that with this technology one's shields can recharge if the pilot manages to evade fire for a few moments and until they go down the ship takes no damage (save for the pilot getting bumped around a little)


    A possible way myself and a friend devised was as follows


    Deflector Shields


    2 ED

    with custom adder of X10

    Custom Limitation of: Lockout once shields collapse

    Extra time 1 minute only to re-erect shields once down

    Focus OIF, Bulky,


    Basically this build was the what we came up with when we put our heads together. It gives this ship a total ED of 20 that slowly is whittled away bit by bit. If the ship avoids fire for at least 1 minute the shields recharge to full. Also in this manner one can divert power (Or in essense Push) the defense of the force field. (rather then make a roll the action just takes a phase). While i know this is a somewhat odd build for somthing that should be much simplier the truth is that there isn't. Thru standard means using the Hero system it's actually very difficult to correctly replicate that behavior of shields from things such as Starwars and Startrek.


    Well, this isn't really true. This is a takeoff from the X-wing and TIE Fighter games and not from the movies. The computer game made the shields much more powerful than they were in the movies or early novelizations. In the movies you can see that the fighters, while able to take some hits, weren't able to survive a barrage of hits (unlike in the video game where my x-wing with fully charged shields could survive a turbolaser from a Star Destroyer).

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