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Posts posted by Maur

  1. Re: Ability Check Variant: Count the Body


    Unfortunately it also covers things like knowledge skills' date=' so it seems to me it has a significant memory component. We really ought to think about seperating INT and PER.[/quote']


    Doesn't seem to drive mine. I have a character with a Per of 13- (18 INT) and most of the knowledge skills he picks up are 11- when bought as a full skill.

  2. Re: Ship-Flipping for Evil Bricks


    Moving and lifting are not connected to one another by the rules.


    Didn't think they should be directly. But they do have an effect on each other. Just because you're a fast swimmer with 60 STR doesn't mean that you should be able to lift up out of the water a mass greater than you per se as the water is a deformable material and will just give under the stress of you trying. Doesn't mean you can't throw that 12d6 punch...

  3. Re: Ship-Flipping for Evil Bricks


    As long as the character in question has some form of appropriate movement (swimming, flight, flight usable underwater) he is allowed to use his FULL strength for lifting purposes.


    A brick with 60 STR and 4" of Flight can carry 100 tonnes while flying straight up @ 1" per phase. The amount of Flight only determines how fast he can move.


    That may be so, but the default swimming that all characters are given isn't enough... or if it is, then something is broken here...

  4. Re: Jumping mouth!


    Since a normal person dies when their head is bitten off, damage to the head locations sufficient to kill the person is a good sign of "head bitten off". Also since BOD damage that goes through defences is doubled, you don't even need a huge attack - a 2d6 HKA (reduced penetration) would let it bite someone's head off in two phases (bite and chew) or one phase with a good roll (Chomp!) as long as they were unarmoured, while preventing it chewing through plate armour easily.


    cheers, Mark


    An unarmored person vs a KA would have no defenses so even an average hit would do 14 body which is nearly double what a normal has (8 body) and more than a starting heroic has (10 body). So that definitely sounds like more than enough to chomp through, heheh.

  5. Re: Ship-Flipping for Evil Bricks


    As already pointed out, once a ship is flipped it really doesn't take anything to hold it that way. Flip your rowboat or canoe over and they stay upside down until you try and right it again. With larger vessels you have the same problem (as already pointed out upstream in this thread). Just getting it unbalanced is enough to send it over the rest of the way on its own. The question is, what is the brick braced against to utilize all that strength. You could be the strongest thing in the universe, but try and lift a whale while swimming and you'll find that all you'll accomplish is to push yourself further under as you are outmassed by the whale. Same with flipping the boat.

  6. Re: Handcuffs on a budget


    Although the automaton handcuffs cost a mere 52 points and have 50 points worth of Disadvantages, it seems unlikely that any GM would allow them to be taken as a 2 Base Points Follower. Let's go with 50 Base Points.


    Buy these Handcuffs (actually an Automaton) as a Follower for 10 points. Or, if you prefer, Summon them.


    And if you're knocked unconscious, then no one else in your group can get the handcuffs if they lack the summon power or the follower... hmm, doesn't quite seem to match up with them as a piece of equipment.

  7. Re: Characteristic inflation


    I used to do HEROs to denote the HERO System (rather than typing the whole thing out' date=' I'm not a very fast typist), but a guy on the 6E thread complained that it should be HEROS. Don't know what differnce 's' vs. 'S' makes, but there you are.[/quote']


    A lower case s usually denotes a plural. E.g. 70s for the Seventies. An upper case S makes it part of the name or acronym.

  8. Re: Characteristic inflation


    Some of this goes back to the problem of the rate of hits in HERO vs real firefights and such. Even our well trained military units fire lots of rounds and don't hit a lot when they are in close quarters fighting. Look at the stats for the LA bank robbery where the suspects were in body armor with fully automatic weapons. How many shots were fired and how many people were actually injured? IIRC the ratio was greater than 100:1 (100 bullets fired to 1 casualty).


    When they are trapped and dealing with a mob (e.g. Black Hawk Down) they are just lethal because a crowd can't maneuver or hide like a person can.

  9. Re: gravitic well


    First person busts out a physics book or an equation, I'm 'a slap 'em.




    Just because...


    Vt = sqrt((2*m*g)/(p*A*Cd))



    Vt = terminal velocity

    m = mass of the falling object

    g = gravitational acceleration

    Cd = drag coefficient

    ρ = density of the fluid through which the object is falling, and

    A = projected area of the object.

  10. Re: gravitic well


    If I use movement suppression, it still models accurately the difficulty of moving under another gravity field.


    If flight UAA is used then I can really have fun with the whole attraction and repelling game.


    Decisions, decisions....


    Well, suppressing movement isn't quite accurate. They should be able to come at you faster than away from you (going down the gravity well rather than up it)

  11. Re: No Horses For You


    Yeah. And lack of consistency, the fact that any jobu can edit anything, the fact that certain factions of Wikipedia's management tend to edit things for a specific slant, etc.


    They put political slant into horses of medieval ages or in math? I know it, like any source edited by people has slants when it comes to some topics, but that doesn't invalidate the entirety of the body of work...


    Wikipedia is about worthless for anything other than the list of links at the bottom where you can do real research.




    Wikipedia is about as good a source of accurate information as Britannica, the venerable standard-bearer of facts about the world around us, according to a study published this week in the journal Nature.



  12. Re: gravitic well


    Well we might have to wait for a unified theory' date=' but gravity does not seem to work the same way as other forces. Gravity does not, for instance, seem to use energy, nor to decay. If something is in a gravity field then friction is certainly a major factor, but gravity acts (if I recall physics at all) with a bigger force on a more massive object, which is why small and large objects fall at the same rate. not sure that is true of, eg, electromagnetic force.[/quote']


    Gravity decays with distance as it is inversely proportional to r^2. All objects get the same pull (imparted acceleration) provided they are in a vacuum. This is why a feather and a quarter don't fall at the same rate. The feather has more air resistance than the quarter, but the Earth is pulling on them both just the same.


    Force due to gravity = G*m1*m2/r^2 = m1*Gc (assuming r is sufficiently small to make gravity seem to be constant)


    G = Gravitational constant

    m1 = mass of object 1

    m2 = mass of object 2

    r = distance separating objects

    Gc = acceleration imparted on object 1 by gravity force of character c


    Force of friction (static) = u*N = u*m1*g


    u = static coefficient of friction

    N = Force normal

    m1 = mass of object 1

    g = acceleration of gravity at Earth's surface (9.8m/s^2)


    So, the force of gravity created by a superhero must overcome the force of friction to get an object into motion. Which means that:


    m1*Gc > u*m1*g

    Gc > u*g


    to make the object move. If u = .2, then your acceleration constant needs to be 2m/s^2 or greater to make something move. This is why you walking by a car doesn't cause you to fall into the car (or it to come after you).

  13. Re: gravitic well


    That is a good utilitarian build' date=' although, for gravity sfx I tend to favour UAA flight for the simple reason that the mass/strength of the target should not matter much - they are going to move as if you'd dropped them off a building. Also a 40 STR TK can only affect 6400kg, not 6400 kg per target. Whilst UAA suffers a similar problem (you have to buy up the mass/nunber of targets you can affect - probably - it bears consideration.[/quote']


    Well, if the object is in the air then you really only have to overcome air resistance to move it via gravity. If it's on the ground, then you have to overcome all that mass' friction from contact with the ground. So, in general it will take a larger force to move a more massive object.

  14. Re: Philosophical: The Meaning Of Active Points And Real Points


    The solution is we re-write RSR, or better yet, completely get rid of it and use activation rolls instead. RSR is inherently cheesy because how useful a power with RSR is depends on the rest of your build. Arguably that is true of most attack powers (which ususally work better with a nice chunky OCV), but it makes a mockery of the idea that we are point balancing here. It is also aggravating beyond belief that it is a limitation that penalises you more the more you spend on the power.



    RSR with AP penalties is a reason I really don't care to play a spellcaster type in HERO. It also bit me when using some of the talents from Fantasy HERO, namely Evasion... where in HD you don't see anything about the build, just buy the talent and while the text says it requires a DEX roll, seems to also be at a -3 penalty due to be a 60AP desolid effect...

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