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Posts posted by jtelson

  1. Re: Fog


    Wet Strength of Kevlar 29 Ribbon Parachute Fabrics


    First, I exaggerated, but a 10% reduction more or less is nontrivial. Second, this is from 1980, it is quite possible improvements have been made.


    Just seems to be one of those things that make "real weapon/armor" a disad worth the points.


    [edit] Finding several other places where the sentence "It was determined that the penetration resistance of Kevlar was degraded when wet" is repeated, but no cites or figures.


    + Drain (All 1980's Kevlar based Powers) only up to a 13% reduction of value - That's a decent limit...

  2. Re: Fog


    Damp: Drain Con, Only affects Con Rolls to resist Illness + Drain Running (Can't run in wet clothes/soggy shoes) -2" max + Aid Pre, Only affects Interaction rolls where looking pathertic and bedraggled is a factor (Asking for help form samaritains, etc)?

  3. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    An option when I GM' date=' less available when I'm the player.[/quote']


    Really? As a GM if a player came to me and asked that something as minor as Instant Change (or Regen or some other single power with which there might be a mechanics issue) be done differently, absent a compelling reason not to, I would have no issue house ruling it back in.

  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Big fight. Hero whacks the villain with a table from the restaurant:


    "Your table is ready, sir!"


    Among that villian's bag of tricks was being able to arrange furniture such that the Feng Shui of a room would kill the next person who entered which then prompted a handful of comments after his defeat by table...


    "You overcame him with the power of artfully placed furniture"


    "See I can teach you a thing or two about Feng Shui!"

  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Well the beauty of this whole thread is opinion. The Hero system is great. My point on HERO/Gamma World is simply this: You can't keep selling the same game forever. Times change' date=' gamers change and the game market takes on new forms from time to time. If you keep your game static you go the way of Gamma World.[/quote']


    You know Gamma World had like 5 editions plus d20 Modern right?

  6. Re: Fog


    An alternative, cheap version might be:


    London Fog; 15 active 12 real

    Darkness to Sight Group 1" radius, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (15 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (You can see and hear but in an attenuated fashion and only at short range; -1/4)


    Which, IMO, demonstrates a lot of what is wrong with megascale :)


    Well yeah, megascale is one of those things you really have to sell me on as a GM if you're a player but since I'm looking for the Environmental Effect of London fog and not so much a character generated fog power - cost is, as they say, no object (Although knowing how it's built could be important for other character generated abilites). I'll likely end up defining it by hex (1" of fog is...)

  7. Re: Starting Point Totals


    As a GM, when I'm starting a new campaign, I make the call about starting points, disads, caps, ranges and limits - I don't think I've consulted the chart since 4th other than to note -hmmm they're suggesting more points.


    I decide based on the needs of the campaign and input from my players but I only run my own stuff or heavily me-ified versions of other peoples stuff so for someone playing straight out of the Champions Book or other Codex the suggested values may well be very important for balance.

  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Let's have a minute of silence for COM and get on with our lives.


    OK now that we've got that out of the way, what's next.


    How do people think the liberation of the formerly figured characteristics will effect character advancement, specifically in regards to XP awards?







    Since we have no information at all, this should be fun...

  9. Re: Fog


    Jack the Ripper? Victorian Superheroes?





    This is a little long winded so please bear with me (is that the right bear?), two members of our group regularly attend Gen-Con, so while they're away I try to run something different - Last year I started a 1950's OSI Atomic Horror game that's a bit over-the top (Players ended up defending Santa's Workshop from Space Orcs); Anyway - at the beginning of the year I started working on a follow-up for August - something about Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio while I was watching Fringe and I was struck with the notion the Biological Horror is the Atomic Horror of the 2000's, just as Computer Horror was in the 80's, this led inexorably to the 1890's and Electric Horror (There was then a brief foray into Bibliographic Horror with Johannes Gutenberg, Crossbow Horror with Urban II, Fire Horror with Prometheus, and then I ran out of rum)


    So to make a long story short


    The Chi (kai) Dossiers, the chronicles of Scotland Yard's famed 22nd division a game of electric horror

  10. Re: Appearance Effects, special and other


    Beneath your notice: levels on stealth and shadowing


    Oddly persistent: extra interaction levels when taking extra time


    Background noise: bonus to shadowing and conversation


    Firm handshake: extra levls when meeting someon for the first time


    Melodious voice: Bonus to seduction and conversation (and hypnosis)


    Odious voice: Bonus to persuasion skills where target can not just leave


    Why do people ignore me?: Bonus to stealth and shadowing, penalty to interaction skills


    Cold fish: Bonus to intimidation, command or logic based interaction skills, penalty to others


    Nutter on the bus: Bonus to interaction skills that involve minor favours (Alright - IF you'll go away)


    Against my better judgement...: bonus to interaction skills


    Distracting cleaveage: ...er...


    "You must spread some rep before..."

  11. So I'm considering a campaign set in 1890's London so I'm curious how people have handled Fog as an environmental effect in general and perhaps how they've described it in play to marry system effect to i game application.

  12. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    This is an extremely valid point.


    It would help that if sometimes a note were tagged on "This is how we wrote it on the napkin, which makes it the 'point legal build' - but really, it's only worth This Much."


    And then repriced to match common utility.


    System isn't perfect. But I like the transparency 5E provided. At least that way we know why something came out of X Points, even if it turns out to only be worth Y Points when the rubber meets the road.


    I seem to remember something like this with the 5th Edition (rather than revised) version of Eidetic Memory; They used Retrocognition and essentially handwaved the cost down.

  13. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Changing Killing attacks is a nasty can of worms. It shows the real difference between the Superheroic Genre and everything else. From this thread and the ones in the 6e discussion. I guess my group is one of the few that plays the other genres.


    We play other genres using Hero, once I see how Killing attacks work as part of the whole system, I'll decide if I need to change the stun multiplier back (or to some other number, which I've done in the past) based on the individual campaign.

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