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Dust Raven

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Posts posted by Dust Raven

  1. Re: Champion??


    I sure hope they drop the cookie cutter crap they force everyone into in City of Heroes.


    I doubt it. It's not like there's gonna be a live GM to approve character write-ups.


    Of course, I'm expecting a LOT of variety and flexibility in character design. At least more than is currently available in CoH.

  2. Re: Legsweep


    I would have use Double Knockback, limited to Knockdown Only, instead of the Position Shift. I think I like Position Shift better though... just easier to figure in. I suppose the "reasonably common" method of stopping the effect is to make an Acrobatics or Breakfall roll.?

  3. Re: Speculation on Hero Releases in 2099


    Yeah....Dune is awesome....Heroes with a Dune setting.

    Agreed... I want my Dune Hero!


    Note: Regardless of my strange perceptions of reality, I did not aquire them from "hype" or "hysteria" or "alcohol"....I dont buy into myth. Its all science base. I dont care how many other people believe what I believe. To site someone 1000 years ago believing the world would end AS A REASON to not believe it is a logical fallacy!


    Keep in mind that science is just another religion. Just because it has a bigger bible doesn't make it special. Also, the people 1000 years ago probably did as much research as you have personally, some likely more as more than one spend their entire lives obsessed with the subject. Also, think about how short of a time we've actually been recording the temperatures, and how shorter a time we've actually had accurate information about temperatures on a global scale. The information we have is minuscule compared to how long the Earth has been experiencing drastic and sudden climate changes.


    All that being said, I can validly admit I believe you might be right as we're all looking forward to extinction within the next 100 years.


    I also have to admit you might be wrong.


    I honestly don't think there is enough information collected or available to make more than a guess.

  4. Re: Modeling Parkour/Free Running


    Acrobatics is definitely Free Running. Plain and simple. Make a roll to move through a Hex with an obstacle without slowing down.


    Parkour is a bit different, as it's not really acrobatics because it's just efficient running and climbing. I'd be willing to say this is just levels with Running, extra DEX, or maybe some kind of Environmental Movement to negate penalties to movement for moving around or over things. Maybe just extra Running, only to counteract reduced movement due to Climbing.

  5. Re: Non-Combat movement in Combat...keep reading


    I'm not liking the complexity of the accel/deccel rules.


    So, if I have a move of 10, I cant move just 10 and stop moving? I have to spend time in my next phase to stop?


    Most sections of the book say you can simply move your move as a full phase or half move as a half phase.


    Also, the math doesn't quite make sense to me. If I can move a full move in one phase why cant I move farther in the next phase since technically I have faster velocity from the beginning instead of have to accel to my full velocity for the first two hexes.


    For me, its all about game play. Real world physics comes second. Not sure if I like the above conclusions; but not sure what to do about it yet; separate question: What negs from maneuvers or non combat move goes away once I take a new action...right?


    I agree, which is why I typically ignore the acceleration/deceleration rules. Ultimately, I just don't care to do the math on it. If you are going non-combat, then you had better not be in combat, and if you are, you had better be making a full move and running away.


    If using combat movement, they can be in motion or not in motion at the end of a Phase as desired.

  6. Re: Magic Spells


    I need advice on the best way to build a voodoo power for raising the dead for zombies. Not sure the best way to do this' date=' we are trying to make it linger and he had a skill roll.[/quote']


    A Summon is usually the best way to go for most write-ups. I've seen others done as Duplication when a necromancer can routinely summon an undead follower which is fanatically devoted (and can be directly controlled by the player), or as simple Followers if they are always around or so routinely summoned they may as well be always around.

  7. Re: Simple Falcon/ Bird of Prey


    Nope nope nope. :) The Flight and Gliding are in an MP -- the Stooping is outside it.


    28d6 Move Through Deathbirds Rule All!


    I know there was a reason I was gonna name my new supervillain organization RAPTOR.


    Oh, and it's a 28d6 Move By, not Move Through. Personally though I think it should be listed specifically as a Grab By rather than Move By, as the falcon will typically have its prey clutched in its talons after it passes.

  8. Re: Missile Deflection


    My own personal house rule is to eliminate categories altogether and charge a flat 20 points for Any base Missile Deflection. Then if it only applies to a specific attack type of SFX, it may be limited to do so. This way other characters don't get hosed just because their SFX is a bow or a gun rather than laser eyes.

  9. Re: Haymaker! Wants You


    I'm always halfway churning out stuff with coolness potential' date=' but rarely getting it all the way done. This might be enough encouragement to get me to finish something and polish it up a little, but at the same time, I'd feel better about it if I had a good stack of ready material to fall back on if I get busy with RL, or get a writer's block, or just get lazy and don't want to get dropped from the roster.[/quote']


    Same here. Over half of what I use in any supers campaign is my own original material, I just never get it written down in a way usable by others. And ALL of what I use for fantasy or future/sf settings is original. I would definitely like to share.

  10. Re: Characters Pictures


    Well you said you are a good graphic designer. You said you can't create people but can you edit the CoX image to get it closer to what you want? There probably isn't going to be a 1 step easy solution out there.


    I've thought about that, but it's one thing to create original or even a derivative work, but another to attempt to modify a 3d rendered graphic using a 2d tool. It's possible and I'm certain I can do it, given time I don't really have. My easy solution is to pay someone else to do the work form me. :D

  11. Re: Characters Pictures


    Curious' date=' is this for John's Champs game? If so, I can give ya details on my character...lotsa details... diagrams... style choices....hairstyles from day to day... :winkgrin: j/k[/quote']


    Yes, that's the campaign. And I've already designed the website, I just need pictures of the characters (and their bio/background info).

  12. Re: Characters Pictures


    Some of the players in My group make a new CoH/CoV chacter with the costume they want and take a screen shot of them.


    That was my first easy button solutions, but unfortunately the costume pieces available don't quite cut it for many of the characters. For example, one is a humanoid gila monster. There is a lizard like thing you can do, but it won't have the bumpy scales of the gila monster.


    What's his name? And please don't tell me it's 'Spiffy'! :rolleyes:


    Just teasing you!'




    His name is Levi Ashton. He has no "superhero identity" because he was a Silver Avenger and is generally knows simply as Ashton.

  13. Re: Characters Pictures


    If you have Photoshop and like the Bruce Timm style you can try using DCU Animated templates as starting points and modify then to suit your needs. I've done this with a few campaigns and it generally works out well' date=' though some characters turn out better than others.[/quote']


    I found this site:




    Is that what you are talking about?

  14. Re: Characters Pictures


    If you have Photoshop and like the Bruce Timm style you can try using DCU Animated templates as starting points and modify then to suit your needs. I've done this with a few campaigns and it generally works out well' date=' though some characters turn out better than others.[/quote']


    I have Photoshop and the like, but I know not of what else you type... I must look into this.


    I'd be happy to help out too. Just post descriptions (the more detailed the better) and I will see what I can do.


    I can draw a little.







    Spiffy! I don't have detailed descriptions, not even for my own character. All I have for mine is that he looks like a cross between Tim Thommerson, Kirt Russel and the guy who played Sledge Hammer on the 80s TV show. He doesn't have a costume, because he's an ex-silver avenger (was the Silver Avenger of Detroit at the time it was destroyed, and resigned soon after). So far, he just wears work pants, boots a t-shirt and his old Air Force jacket from before getting drafted into PRIMUS. Eventually he'll get a costume though... prolly something given to him as a gift from one of his contacts, but that hasn't happened yet.


    The others I'll have to get from their players.

  15. Re: You can't move! Ha ha ha!


    The pure mechanic Suppress SPD' date=' pretty potent, but conceptually stretches the special effect too far except for the most four-color settings, I think.[/quote']


    One applicable SFX for for a straight up Suppress SPD (or Drain SPD) which I may allow:


    Synaptic Dampening (doesn't make you dumb or dull your reflexes, just your reaction time... so you may make fewer decisions, i.e. actions)


    There are certainly others, but I'll have to think of them later. :)

  16. Re: You can't move! Ha ha ha!


    Well, there's nothing wrong with either Suppress, except the mechanic doesn't support the SFX.


    I'm picturing hitting ye average energy projector with a SPD of 5 with this, getting a lucky roll, and then nobody being able to hit him because he aborted his next action (which he isn't getting until the Suppress turns off, but he can still abort) to Dodge. I'm thinking it'll be even funnier if he aborted to Dive for Cover and actually moved!


    A Suppress SPD is only a fraction of what a "time dilation" effect should be in the minds of most players.

  17. Re: Haymaker! Wants You


    1. Google?


    Actually, Go Daddy, which is where haymaker.org is registered... although on a second check, it appears it's not hosted directly on Go Daddy's servers. Maybe I'm being blocked from the server it's actually hosted on. Sucks to be me then. I'll check it at home.

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