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HERO Member
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Everything posted by Diamond_J

  1. I've tried many systems; D&D 2nd & 3rd ED, witchcraft, paranoia, Palladium, SAS (D20 version), Shadowrun 2nd 3rd & 4th ED, and most white wolf incarnations. Of all the systems I've tried I'm most comfortable running Hero's. It's gotten to the extent that I've begun converting Nightbane over to the Hero system. The conversion is coming along but I felt I'd fish for opinions on the old Hero board. To those that aren’t familiar with Nightbane I apologize ahead of time, because this post will likely go over your head. Some question to get things started: What does everybody feel the base (lowest) Nightbane attributes should be? What kind of damage should they be able to take, and how would you represent this using Hero rules? How many points do you feel the players should be built on? Vampires are costly; how would you convert them?
  2. Re: My own character is too complicated for my li'l brain I would also have to agree with the general census that an invisible mind power would mean that you could not be detected by mind powers. If somebody could visually confirm you however, they know where you and your mind are and should be able to effect you as usual. If the GM is extremely nice he could impose some of the blindness penalties to you when visually confirmed. A mind scan should take the place of a secondary sense roll to reduce the penalties. This example shows how certain people over simplify builds to the point of causing a lack of clarity. What do you want this character to do? Once you have that figured out maybe you need to go about it another way. Keep note that EGO directly apposes the ability to track minds would an exceptionally high EGO not make more sense and avoid interpretation.
  3. Re: Story telling skills: Next scene Dr. Destroyer Sorry for the shit-tacular spelling job, I did spell check the previous post. I think I screwed up somewhere when I cut and pasted from word (where I always do my spelling and grammar checks. By the way I hope these posts keep going because they're allot of fun to respond to. Keep it coming
  4. Re: Story telling skills: Next scene Dr. Destroyer (Note: In 5th edition I don't believe Doctor Destroyer is scarred anymore; in fact he's descrebed as being handsome and youthfull in appearance, for his advancing years. He is however looking for the secret to restore his youth) Moliki walked past the doctors quarters. He couldn't shake the fealing that Cartwrite was hiding something. There was an intangability about the crazzy old man; his demenour, his deranged brillience, the technical prowess of his inventions. It was as if his bumbling and crazy demenor were natural, almost to demented for his abilities...like an act. Why would I.C. CORE feal the need to keep the old scientist employed, and in such a promenet possition. What if Cartwrite were to suddenly and completley lose his grasp on reality? All the expensive programs, the soldiers under his command; did general Ryjack know of Cartwrites Mental state? Moliki paused and glanced towards the double dors of Cartwrites study. It would be so easy to read the doctors mind. Moliki's Telipathic abilities were secound to few, he knew this for fact, and yet... Something allways warned the Arcadian prince. Everytime Moliki was tempted, urged to unravel Cartwrites thoughts, a sense of impending danger shot through his bones. Could Cartwrites mind be, so strong? The study was ajar, usualy Cartwright kept it electronicly sealed. Moliki felt the overwellming urge to find answers. Slowly he crept insided. Bits and pieces cogs, transisters and wire strewn with wreckless dissorder filled the study. Books lined all four walls and ever corner, an empty dissplay case hung above a custom built computer. Moliki stretched forth his hand and touched the wood dissplay. Imediatly he recoiled in terror, the image of Destroyes mask, at the fall of detroit flickered and flashed. "No, its impossible that was, was the original mask, but it should be locked away in the Detroit memorial musium. The old fool couldn't be, could he?"; Moliki mouthed the words in dissbelief. "This doesn't mean anything, just that Cartwrite stole the mask or had it stolen for him"; The prince thought self afermatively. It was then that Moliki noticed the technical journal. Jutting from the shelf as if recently read or updated an old leather notebook caught Moliki's attention. He opened the book revieling pages of schematics, numbers equations permutations. There were detailed pictures of power cells and notes on artificial intelligence. He turned the pages again revealing a drawing, more schematics of a robot. It was then Moliki realised what it was he read...Mechinon. Clap, Clap, Clap the sound of two hands smugly broke the silence. Moliki turned sharply. In the door frame stood Dr. Cartwrite his posture and demeour somehow changed, more confident, more regal. He was wereing the mask of Destroyer. " Good Prince, so curious like a moth to the flame. Go ahead try to assaile my mind." The doctor spoke with confidence his gloved palm turned upwards as he clenched it into closed fist. With every ownce of force he could muster, Moliki pushed his mental abilities. Over and over he attempted an offence yet could not bring himself to attack the doctor. " Did you not think I would employ an attack dog without a leash to keep him in check. Now prince, bow before your GOD."; He cast off his old mask and removed the prosthetics glued to his face. Below the descise the imperial Zerstoyten sneered. With a wave of his hand Destroyer motioned for Moliki to bow. The once proud prince crumpled to one knee, unable to dissobay his new master. A deep laugh echoed through the room as Destroyer sealed the doors and prepared for the next phase of his plan.
  5. Re: Heroes Who Mess-Up Okay, that was hysterical however... I'm suddenly reminded of my own role-playing group and a certain player in particular. This players screw ups are the stuff of legend. I swear to GOD anyone from my group would agree; they've never seen nor heard anything like his escapades before they met him. A small example of his Jackassery; (Keep in mind this is a supposedly a good aligned character/Super Hero). We were playing Hero's Unlimited (of Palladium fame). He had built a hero who resembled Iron Man the name of which was Quinton. Quinton was not just a “powered armour"; in my infinite wisdom I'd allowed him membership with a vast crime fighting organization named S.E.C.R.E.T. He was ordered to investigate the importance of an ancient artifact, of which an international villain Shadow Man was seeking to recover. Now, Quinton had tracked the Shadow Man to a private detectives office, which just so happened to be a fellow PC's operation. Having spied the two together he'd interpreted they were in "cahoots". Quinton decided to interrogate Celeste (fellow player/detective) who would not go into detail with her involvement. She'd sworn a vow of secrecy to her client. Enraged that Celeste had not disclosed what she had known Quinton made threats, only to return minutes later clad in his powered armour. There was a big struggle. Celeste withheld the bulk of her true power fleeing, but only after busting her arm in the stairwell. It gets better...Much better! Quinton now had a deranged vendetta against Celeste, insistent that she was a criminal. He discovered Celeste lived downtown just a few blocks from her detective agency. Armed with this knowledge his character (Quinton) decides to bug Celeste’s phone through the power lines outside the apartment. It should be stated this player had no relevant skills for this, and argued at length he should be able to accomplish the task without them. After pounding my own head on the table in frustration, he began extolling why Quinton (his character) should have the bugging and electronics skills. I calmly told him to shut his gob and explained that if he wanted those abilities he should've chosen them at character creation, instead of blowing all his selections on physical skills that boosted his S.D.C. Grumbling he diverged with an alternative plan to infiltrate the apartment. Keep in mind, Quinton had a vast organization at disposal with near limitless resources. If he wanted the place bugged there were many capable (and willing) operatives to use there skills in his stead. They would've done so with a merry skip and a "How'dja do sir. Would'ja like some oral satisfaction with that", uhmmm yeah back to the story... After the idea bulb burnt out he couldn't figure how to get through the front dour. One of the other players just blurted out a suggestion, just to get the game roll'n. "Why don't you just wait for someone to pass through? Someone who lives there will open the dour for you, unless they're a d*ck...you jackass". Fast forward on some minour frustration and Quinton resorts to climbing through a window. Needless to say he had failed at not sounding suspicious to the local residents, and had to fall back on this (he had climbing, it was a physical skill). He found jack, and certainly not the artifact he was looking for. Dismayed with his failed attempt at thievery Quinton exited through the front after messing the place up and stealing to onyx jewels worth no more then 80 bucks. This player felt if it looked like a robbery none would be the wiser to his master plan, sight. This is when the shit really starts to hit the fan; this whole story has been building towards this moment. Please bear with me it will be over soon... He was jimmying the lock on the apartment too as I said previously "make it appears as a break in". Suddenly he hears a tiny wisp of a voice at his back. "Whatcha do’n mister" He turns around to see the sweat innocent face of a five year old, petit girl. Immediately Quinton’s mind fills with questions. "What do I do? She's seen me trying to cover my tracks." So he reaches into his pocket and pulls out an industrial strength tazer, you know the kind that police officers use to take down huge 300 pound raging PCP users. He blasts a good 20, 000 volts into the innocent little girl and the player begins laughing hysterically! He's miming the tazering as he chortles like a Machiavellian demon. Next Quinton scoops the breathless child into his arms and hurls her like a javelin at a concerned tenants who opens her dour. Quinton misses the woman and the little girl’s neck snaps as hit collides with the dour frame (if by some miracle the girl hadn't been killed by the tazering she was dead now). The girl’s father rushes down the hallway covering his daughter from further harm. The tears are streaming down his face. Quinton not wanting to leave witnesses begins tazering the father rapidly. The player is laughing hysterically, as before. I turn to this player and tell him he's a sick f**k. Not only was this unnecessary but the hall has cameras and there are witnesses. It doesn't end there but I'm going to stop for now because this post is getting far to long.
  6. Re: I could use a liitle help I've grown to believe one of the very few flaws of the Hero system is the need to justify a 350 point plus, character with at least 150 points worth of disadvantages. It's the odd time that I create a villain/hero and can easily come up with the extra points I need. I don't believe Hunted’s should give character points, or that someone should get distinctive features from wearing a uniform. The game is going to be filled with GM inspired villains. What difference does it make to have Hunted’s on a character build when the GM's going to throw them at you anyway. I only allow these things because you can't scrounge 350 points without them and you need 350 in-order to compete with the average champions villain. I also feel that if you're creating anything other then an uninspired brick you need the 350pts to complete the character concept. Ugly bricks, may have size and appearance disadvantages from the Social or physical categories. If the characters a mutant, then you can milk anouther social disadvantage. But what do you do if the concept doesn't fit this mold? I think the thing to do is ask yourself the basic questions; Is my character a mutant? Is his appearance unusual? Does he change form, or is he always in his Heroic Identity (either may be built as a disadvantage)? Does he have a stringent code of ethics, or conduct that he adheres to, such as a code vs. killing a chivalrous nature or the like? If you're still struggling come up with some fears or a phobia that would fit the character (psychological). Susceptibilities and Vulnerabilities are often a necessary evil and you can usually fit at least on into the design with a solid explanation. Just do your best and use the published work as examples. If you don't have any world books, just get started with the characters and rebuild them once you feel you have a better grasp on the mechanics.
  7. Re: Show you story telling skills. (Actual rough excerpt from game) The bar rung with the melody of several dozen conversations, blurred by the numbing drone of the techno beat. An unassuming figure awaits his important guest; images of bloody vengeance hang heavy in his mind. If only the patrons and party goers new they were about to become front page news. The man's eyes narrowed and his attention shifted from the dark draft beer. His gaze suddenly fixes as his exact double brushes past the crowded dance floor. Though identical in form the two varied radically in mindset. A fact reflected by there dress. Waiting patiently the seated man is the picture of business; draped in fine swade jacket and tan slacks, his soft swade accented by fine, dark leather shoes, expensive sunglasses and smooth black silk shirt. The figure drawing ever near wore highly casual, jeans and a dress shirt slightly tucked and unkempt. The stubble of two days neglect, tells his general apathy. Withdrawn and uninterested the newcomer draws his chair forth and joins the man before him; a man more apart of who he was then he dare admit. With the Barest interest he engages conversation. "All right, what do you want, I'm a busy. No thanks to you I'm a married man now and my jobs in shambles; as I said, no thanks to you." The newcomer spoke, childishly directing blame. “Your job's in shambles because your an idiot, I held it for you. I continued your relationship with Sara, in your absence and if you’re having marital problems with her now that's your doing." A vane in his head twitched as if aggravated towards response. The waitress’s voice interrupts the mounting tension. "Can I get something for your brother?" "Oh, I'm not his brother" the drifter retorts "Don't be like that, little bro. I'm sorry miss; he just hasn't been the same since our issue with... dad. He'll have what I'm having." He removes his shades and leans towards the subject of his ire. The waitress smiles and walks off, her go-go boots squeaking as she retreats to the bar. "What do I want? I want the conduit to our father. I should be his herald and champion his quest. What have you been doing? How have you furthered the effort to free father from his prison? "There's a problem with that, I can't give you the orb. I need it, it's mine." He points at his chest with his thumb while scratching the stubble with his index finger "Need it for WHAT? YOU'VE BEEN DOING JACK SINCE ENGLAND. You're fucking useless. Sulking and pouting like a mere child. We were one; now I see if Cosmos is to be freed I'm going to half to tear the cosmic sphere from your damn bloody hands." "Whatever"; the casual twin responds rolling his eyes. "I've gotta visit the washroom" The drifter waves his twin off as he swiftly makes way to the restroom. Opening the door he scans the room, franticly looking for a window or any way to escape his problems. Looking for back doors is something Max has grown accustomed to. The portal sprang forth, CRACK. The finely dressed figure enters his pupils literally ablaze with blue ember. "You’re not escaping anywhere. This time Ill make you face your problems" His suit tearing slowly as his frame grew larger he pounds his right fist into his left palm emphatically. Max shifted form, now as the star spawned Paragon he prepared for the inevitable...
  8. Re: [Character] Paragon Its funny, I also have a character named The Paragon. Anyway my version was built on 350pts (340 with disadvantages if I recall) The write up you've posted is pretty basic Superman template. Flying bricks are quickly becoming there own genre of hero. The "Mutants and Masterminds" rpg actually does refer to these archetypes as "Paragons". I built my version years before its inception for a friend (on 450pts). The most recent version (a 350pt and a 450pt experienced version) is on reserve for whoever wants it, and can role-play it with a modicum of justice. Oh yeah, my opinion on your write up. It's a bit basic. Nothing to me sets it apart from the norm. If you really want it to stand out you need a well developed write up and a few modifications. The stats and abilities need some tweaking. I would seriously consider bringing the character closer to the 350 pt standard in order to deviate from the norm. Yes I realize this character is supposed to be inexperienced. To me that has little to do with point totals as it does with diversity of chosen abilities and skill levels. Depending on the concept a starting character could be built on 500pts and still be powerful but green or new to the hero world. I find it very difficult to create different concepts on anything less then 300. Keep in mind 90% of the champions Universe villains are created on 350 or more! Points can go towards flavour instead of power and you’ll find players prefer to play more fleshed out heroes. Unfortunately I don't have Paragon with me; at this time he's on my computer at home. If you’re interested I can summarize his abilities and most importantly is background. Feel free to steal anything (or everything) if you like. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “If I were powerful I’d have hair” ~Krillen-Dragon Ball z
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