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Everything posted by Acroyear

  1. Re: Ultimate Wonder Twins Alrighty, how's this: They come from a world with two classes of people. The ruling class, which can transform themselves into the elements (depending ont he person, fire, water, air, etc. Water the most potent since it can take on multiple states of matter most easily). And a servant class that can transform themselves into creatures/bestial things. It's not that difficult to control animals if you can control the elements, right? You would think, over time, that these types of people would eventually cross populate enough that it wouldn't matter. But, for some reason, "crossbreeds" generally are born with defects that renders them unable to transform into anything. These are, to this race, a terrible tragedy and practically "non human" (comparitively speaking). As such, these unions are forbidden. Zan & Jayna are the product of one such forbidden union (almost Romeo & Juliet-esque). As subhuman abominations, they are used for testing, caged like other test animals, etc. However, being twins - rare all by itself, the "missing" genetic material each of them would need to transform is present in the other (something no one would have guessed). With physical contact, they discover they can actually activate their powers. Shortly after they discover this, they stage a breakout, and free the other lab animals. One of them, Gleek, had formed an attachment to them (er, neighboring cage, perhaps) and followed them. Their ability to use their powers is almost more horrific to the ruling caste and a nigh-instant death sentence. The twins succeed in freeing their imprisoned parents and the family attempts to escape their world. Much drama and danger as all this occurs. The parents die, sacrificing themselves to ensure the twins get onto the ship. Off the twins go.... finding a habitable planet that is not developed enough to communicate to their own world. They land and try to make their home here. But it's not all sweetness and light. Cops from their world are in pursuit. The twins must do their best to fit into this new and alien world and evade their pursuers. However, they frequently break cover to help others and aid in disasters. Their reasons, however, are not the same. Jayna, the more headstrong of the two, is out to prove that she and her brother are not "useless abominations" if only to herself. Zan, however, is actually quite enamored with the idea of doing right for right's sake. As they get more experience with their powers, they discover that they actually have more options than most of their race. Able to turn into larger/more potent animals or a greater volume of water, for example (in essense, their limitation of requiring contact with the other to activate the power is balanced by their ability to have more potency of others of their race who can transform at will).
  2. Re: Ultimate Wonder Twins One of them is gay. Or both of them. Or they have a forbidden love for each other and angst about it often. Or for the monkey... Or are we trying to NOT be cliche?
  3. Re: Are you Judge, Jury, and Executioner? These questions are always character based for me. I have a character that would have smoked ALL the terrorists and not thought twice about it. I also have a character that would have actively defended the terrorists if I identified the attacks being used by the heroes as something that could have caused serious bodily harm. This character has no problem (and has on occasion) restraining other player characters and even pursuing their imprisonment. And this is where I'll make some of the people around here stain their shorts. I've got a character that has killed another PC for being an obstacle to that PC's version of justice. "With me or against me. Choose."
  4. Re: Acro is bored lol Thanks. I wouldn't count on any favortism, though. The "next post" method works great, because it's all right there on the screen and I don't even have to think about it. I guess you could bribe Ben to delete posts to make sure you're first, though, should I do it again. hehe
  5. Re: Acro is bored Cool See, if I did it, I'd just go all overboard with photshop filters or something to make up for my lack of ability. lol
  6. Re: Acro is bored I can't attach images to the email field through the boards, so Schir & SS, get your email addies to me. I don't do that crazy 600dpi thing, though. 150 prints plenty good, imo. Looking forward to the colors... If used, credit should read "J.J. Mason"
  7. Re: Acro is bored Appreciate the kind words, Gary. Thanks "Oh, it might take a few days" Ol' Acro says... lol
  8. Re: Gadgeteer/Martial Artist vs the Big Boyz/Gurlz Find Weakness is your friend
  9. Re: Acro is bored It almost looks inked. Now, let's see what Schir does to it.
  10. Re: Acro is bored I think I'm done.
  11. Re: Acro is bored I got it pretty much doodled out while I ate dinner. I'm not liking the foreshortening I'm attempting, so it'll likely be heavily shadowed in the black areas Or I'll start over. We'll see what I feel like. My art is usually "poses" to display costumes (we all know my long running "arg!" about current game art) - the intention is to show what the character's costume looks like, not his face, not his upper body... his whole costume. As such, I very rarely draw wild action poses (which simply distorts or covers up too much with all the flailing limbs and stuff). Add to that the rarity of my sitting down to draw, I never know what I'll get. lol. Thanks to the more simple style of Jack's costume (that means, no stripes and doodads every-friggin'-where) I'm attempting to put more action into this one. And see? We got a free colorist volunteer just that fast
  12. Re: Acro is bored Thanks, SS. Is that picture traced from the old Dr. Midnite Who's Who entry? (I have this bizarre pose recognition "skill"). Like hisowl is landing on his arm or something? Anywho... babbling.
  13. Re: Acro is bored Tsk. That doesn't jibe with the whole supervillain thing I have going on. After my girlfriend freaked out over the drawing I did of her City of Heroes character, I'm just in the mood. I have nothing to draw for myself, so... I'll make use of people here. Yes, my little pawnlings, you are but mere resources to me. Muwahahahaha. Ha. I have no idea how many I'll do and if I get this job I have an interview for on the 30th, I'll have less time to be bored (and will start looking at playing again! - but need to find folks to play with).
  14. Re: Acro is bored Winnah. Post the description when you get a chance
  15. Therefore... The first response to this thread gets a free character illo. I enjoy drawing, but am notoriously bad at drawing for drawing's sake. I like to have a goal first. So gimme something to draw. Rules: First response here wins. What you get: A pencil illustration of a character of your choice. Be aware - I'm better at human looking people, but will try most things. I'm only offering a single character illo with no background. The illo probably won't blow your socks off or alter your life, but I'm better than some stuff out there. I'm also not going to rush right off and do it. It'll probably be a couple weekdays before I get off my butt enough to actually scan it and clean it up, or it could be an hour. Who knows? What you agree to: The illo will be posted here. Anyone who wants to can snag it for their own, personal, nonprofit use. Any usage where it might be publicly viewed (such as a web page) NEEDS to give credit where credit is due. Such as art by (me) and costume concept by (the winner). What I will need from you: A description. The more detail the better. Feel free to use common reference points ("pointed boots like Batman's") if there are any. If you have a costume sketch or something, all the better. This is a one shot deal, no revisions. If I'm still bored afterwards, I might offer to do another for the next in line (no promises). Maybe one of our many local colorin' type folks might offer to color the pencils... Thanks in advance for assisting in my chronocide.
  16. Re: Does Champions encourgage conformity? That's cool. I'll just repeat that disads and limitations are also strictly optional
  17. Re: Does Champions encourgage conformity? No. What it does is it allows all players to have an equal chance to shine. Hawkeye could just as easily be 700 points as Thor can, they are just spent in different areas. He still won't have the same punch, won't take the same hit, etc. I've seen write-ups of, say, Batman that cost MORE points than Superman and I wouldn't say they weren't accurate. Yet there's still no confusion about who is going to survive a missile hitting them in the chest or who would be hindered by a wall of solid steel. Similarly, "comics" are written. Games are not. Would he want to play the guy that has no abilities except he can hear radio signals while the guys next to him are Captain America and Thor? If so... HE CAN STILL BUILD THAT if that's what he wants. For those people who want the same amount of spotlight, who want to have the same amount of "thunder" if you will... have a chance. Up to the "maximum point limit" of a starting character for that game. No one says you have to build up to that maximum point limit. If he seems to think his concept should exceed the limit, well, that says something about what he's really trying for. Limitations on powers, like advantages, affect how the power works (not just for color). These are intended to work beyond the standard advantages and limitations of your chosen special effect. Something like "can only use 4 times a day" or something. It would be a difficult argument that my sword that only hurts vampires is just as good/useful as a sword of the same damage without the limitation. So the former gets a cost break for being less useful. Not all characters have to have disadvantages. It's not "expected" of all characters. You get points for them to reflect a restriction to your actions (or other impacts to your character) that OTHER characters do not necessarily suffer. You certainly can't say that someone who takes twice the damage from fire attacks is on equal footing with someone who doesn't. So you get points for that. In the terms of psychs, which can be best argued against as something you should have with "personality" you earn points for the enforcement. I've seen many players change their minds about the personalities, morals, and values of their characters when it best suited them. This locks it in... and is STILL mutable by buying off or changing the disad, by working with the GM. Doesn't the WW system also have flaws and advantages or similar? Where you get some points for choosing flaws to spend on other things? Quite frankly, I find his reasoning irrational and likely fueled with unfamiliarity of the system and "stuck in a box" playing styles. Anyway, good luck
  18. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! Oh hell, I just do that with sheer power. Mind Control is for sissies I'm kidding, I'm kidding... ...and then there was the guy with the shapeshifting duplicate! He was rich! Rich! He always had movies of himself with movie stars which made him billions! God bless, Jack Action!
  19. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" I was involved in a similar plot (my character, too). I killed the guy. It was brutal. If I hadn't been powerful enough to do so (and it was a rough fight) I likely would have said "Go ahead... kill millions." Then again, that was an extra nasty character in an often nasty campaign. I think you're better off without that game, btw
  20. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!
  21. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! That's my Loknar, bitch!
  22. Re: All the superhero PCs I've ever played Having played many, many characters, I thought I'd share some of the favorites I'd built but NOT played. The Entropic Man (working name) - a scientist studying entropic theory (or whatever it is these days) has an experiment that goes awry and turns himself into an "artificial demon." Essentially, his powers are science driven demon magic. I don't remember the specifics, but he had a major issue in day to day life because so many people knew his "true name." Never named - The grandson (and weaker version) of a significant hero discovers a plot by a villain to go back in time and cripple his grandfather. He goes back in time, too, to prevent it but causes his grandfather's death. He attempts to set things right by "re-enacting" the adventures from his grandfather's journals (based on memory). Some difficulties include duplicating the feats of the original (because the current is watered-down/weaker) and the realization that the death occurred before the original met his wife. However, he did have a great knack for showing up in the right place at the right time for significant events. A nazi super soldier from nazi world/dimension who begins to grow rebellious concerning their way of life. He is put to death by disintigration (which, in fact, turns out not to disintigrate people, but transport them to our dimension - but nobody knows that unless they are disintigrated). Now, in a place which is "better" in his opinion, he realizes that every other terrible criminal from his world was set loose here (along with some "good guys" but they aren't a threat to the world, but to him as a "known nazi agent")....
  23. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! There was a monk... but he had an upside down face. A brain in a jar that controlled a robot suit of armor with devastating HKA blades based on a lawnmower. A guy who got earth manipulation powers from eating a radioactive gopher (because gophers, you know, tunnel...) Another guy with earth manipualtion powers who could fly by turning into green light (green light being an earth power somehow). A guy who surrounded himself with wads of paper. Enough paper padding and anything is invulnerable! Beer-kinesis (actually quite well built) - beer generation and projection powers. Moses. He never died. Check out the cool plagues I can put on people... Hand Man. One hand the size of a person... which was dressed up and acted as a decoy for the owner (ventriloquism, and all). Because, you know, hits to the hand do half stun and body. "I let my fingers do the walking..." I can't go on...
  24. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! The memories are so painful... it's hard to pick one. Maybe The Noid from the old Domino's Pizza commercials.
  25. Re: Trivia... Bulldozer? Yeah, I couldn't find anything either. Ok, new game... everyone vote how long ago he got his powers. Long enough ago for him to earn his reputation, be in and out of jail a bunch of times for mayhem or whatever. I'd say mid-80's.
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