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Everything posted by Acroyear

  1. Re: Superhero Images Dr. Kage Pretty much a Firestorm clone.
  2. Re: Superhero Images Dread! Kind of a Doctor Doom fellow. Not only was he a genius with top end powered armor, but he had a few nasty extras... like deadly bio-warfare weapons.
  3. Re: Superhero Images Deathstar Kind of like Dragonstar's Sinestro. One of his hands was severed and he uses his power ring to replace it. Originally the "Star Rings" were supposed to be one for each of the basic spectrum. We never got that far with it.
  4. Re: Superhero Images Dragonstar Green Lantern clone. The uniform is based on one of the various LSH reboots and this character was later developed into Long in that campaign setting I was working on for ages.
  5. Re: Superhero Images Cryomancer Kind of like Iceman
  6. Re: Superhero Images The Chessman Basically he had a variety of "forms" that had powers themed on chess pieces.
  7. Re: Superhero Images Found an old folder with a bunch of old character sheets in it. I scanned some of the pictures (barely put a dent into it) but thought I'd share some. All this stuff is late 80's to early 90's work. Anyway... on with the old school show. Archangel
  8. Re: Superhero Images http://www.ericlofgren.net/ Here's Eric's, btw, which appears to be working. Dunno if it's the same that Enforcer was thinking of.
  9. Re: What would your character do #83 ? I'm only operating with the information provided. If you don't like it, you can educate those who answer for you or ask them to consider you not available when they want to give answers. This is a discussion board. Answers are open to discussion as much as questions. I've seen many, many answers that all essentially boil down to "I fetch Horus-Re." Right. Just like if a player relies too much on an explosion attack all the time, every now and then you have to put them in a situation where they're in a crowd of schoolkids or something and can't just lob fireballs to their hearts content. "Whattaya mean let him go??? Bring me some more proof beyond 'I believe he's telling the truth' ok?" Obviously, what I listed above wouldn't be an issue if more was done than "he's telling the truth, let him go" style play. Of course I didn't consider it. It wasn't mentioned in the answer. ONE hero was approached with info. That hero went and fetched lie detector man who then forced the governor to release the prisoner under threat of being considered insane because he's so popular. How else would an outsider view these heroes if it appears the first thing they do is run to big brother? (we'll ignore the fact that they are amnesiacs or have been on the planet less than a day or something and wouldn't be highly considered to begin with in many worldviews). I'm happy that you guys play in a campaign where your combined abilities make it nigh-impossible for you to be fooled or to be in error. If you enjoy it, great on you. Seriously. Like I said, I wouldn't be a good fit for that game and was only stating what -I- would do when faced with such players who appear to be overly reliant on something. If they aren't overly reliant on something, then there's no need to get all bent out of shape when someone says "I don't like the idea of them being so overly reliant on this, if I had that in my game, I'd do x" and just keep hammering this idea that "oh, but he's so cool, but everybody loves him, but he's like Superman, but he spent points on rep!" Instead, you could simply point out that your answer was incomplete and you think a variety of methods at your disposal would help. That's much better.
  10. Re: What would your character do #83 ?
  11. Re: What would your character do #83 ? Keep in mind I can be totally off base on the campaign and a great many things due to my limited exposure to the world and the characters. Makes the other characters seem squeamish and unreliable, to me. Or maybe they're just message boys for the people who approach them for help. "Hi, Hero Guy. I have this problem. You're not much good to me, but can you fetch your buddy Horus-Re for me?" Don't take this as a slam against high powered play, either. I have a character over 2k points that lasted well over a decade. I also have a 'god' character with some unique senses he relies on to make judgements, too. But I'm never so crazy as to trust those abilities as flawless enough to go throwing my rep around to get convicted criminals set free with so little input Which is why I'd say I'd obliterate the infallible impression people have of these powers and abilities. A useful tool, yes, but it can be fooled and can't be relied on with such, for lack of a better word, arrogance. I mean, look at these answers... if they don't go along with us, they must be insane. We have them removed of their duties because they must be crazy or under some sort of mental dominance. They'd never get elected if they don't like him. I'm sure there's lots of people who would dislike him if he actually acted like that in the same fashion people dislike some celebrities who use their status to push there way around and get out of criminal punishments. I have no problem with the character concept or powers. I have a problem with the assumed infallibility. I'd something like the above just to diminish the reliance on the power (I've seen it mentioned a number of times) just the same way I'd take steps to diminish reliance on telepathy or any other such thing. Again, I could just be reading these responses all wrong.
  12. Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log I'd give it more oomf. Even secret oomf. Some college kid figured out how to recreate Destreum or something. He could just bump off the kid, but then people would look into it, see what kind of files he's accessed on the net (world over) etc. This way here, Joe Kid is dead and no one even thinks to investigate his library record or what he's been looking at over the net/in other places. Since he's the one who took multiple sources and came up with the formula, no one else is any the wiser. So Dr. D has to take out the kid, he leaks info to the authorities that he's (in the area getting supplies) and uses the battle to cover up that one, well placed shot "oops, missed that Primus APC" that destroys Joe Kid, his dorm room, and his computer & records. Boom. There, now Dr. D is true to himself using smoke (and explosions) and mirrors to hide his true goals, protect himself (and his inventions) and so forth instead of just having a hissy fit or being a random city eating monster. Everyone can suspect his blatant actions were a distraction from something, but with that kind of damage and such... they'd never be able to put the pieces together. All they have is that terrible knowledge that he must have accomplished something.
  13. Re: What would your character do #83 ? You know, in many of these situations I'd obliterate Horus-Re's assumed infallibility. I'd let him talk to the prisoner. I'd let him sense that the prisoner is being truthful when he says "I'm innocent of this crime." I'd let him essentially muscle the prisoner's freedom with his cult of personality. And then the prisoner would commit a horrendous crime again. You see, truth =/= fact. He may honestly believe he is innocent, claiming to be innocent is entirely truthful... and then the extra dimensional entity that once possessed him (but isn't there right then, so no detecting bad guys... because he is elsewhere now) will detect that he is no longer in prison and is a useful vessel, once more, and possess him again. Not trying to offend or anything, but answers to these things seem to include a lot of "I ask my old buddy Horus-Re to look into it, then he says 'boo' and the world bends over backwards." Obviously, I wouldn't be well suited to that campaign
  14. Re: Wwycd? #87 If he knew that much about me, he wouldn't be pestering me unless he was somehow invulnerable, too
  15. Re: What would your character do #83 ? I think in pretty much every case, we'd take down the guy planning the jailbreak. In addition, my less heroic character would bust him out but fake his death or something and keep him for herself (this character, btw, has the authority and/or legal and political connections to get him out legally...but it would defeat her purpose to use them in this capacity).
  16. Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log I don't really care for the Dr. D as rampaging monster style of threat. Might as well use Godzilla if there's no actual tactical need for the action.
  17. Re: WWYCD #86 (I think) My dreams are always telling me to kill innocent people. It's nice to see the face behind the voice, at last!
  18. Re: Am I Evil or What ... Diet Evil, at best. I'd find it hard to believe Dr.D doesn't have security or at least an alert that someone's in there. Of course... he does. And it's so keen to have the heroes under such constant observation, isn't it? And then there will be that time when Dr.D uses the base. Not that he intends to occupy it... but when he wants to accomplish something important and just locks all the heroes in there so they can't oppose him. Or just gasses them or nukes them or something without even having to show up. It can be an interesting adventure (or set of adventures) while the heroes try desperately to escape their own HQ and overcome all these security features they didn't even know about. But not yet... nooo, not yet. They need time to get used to having a base. They need time to consider the base an essential part of their team. Months from now, perhaps years... then you screw 'em over.
  19. Re: WWYCD? #80: Future Hope or Hellspawn?
  20. Re: Villain Group! Superion. Computron. Bruticus. Uh, whoever the Stunticons combined into...
  21. Re: Villain Group! Big combined guy is the main character (assuming he has all the powers of the components and not all new powers). He has duplication (all or nothing) not bought as "clone duplicates" or however it is now. The duplicates have watered down versions (and divvied up, I imagine) power sets. So the right arm guy has the same EB as the big guy, but it's not as potent, for example. Additional defenses and some powers are unique to the big guy (form blazing sword!). Each duplicate has multiform (turns into a vehicle). That's it
  22. Re: Power for Review: too cheesy? You might want to check out a similar thread from a few weeks ago concerning limited speed for aborts and such. +4 w/ DCV is 3 points cheaper, btw, and always there even when attacking
  23. Re: The EVILLLL That is... Gentleman Jim? The Gentleman Ghost idea I had (which is probably ripped off, but it's too hot today for me to think straight) had a ghostly gent with a bowler hat he could throw (like Oddjob) and an umbrella that he used Fencing martial arts (along with some hooked cane moves, 1" stretching to grab and pull, etc) and could open up into a "shield" or parachute style device.
  24. Re: Design Challenge: Robot PC Sure, but how would you simulate them getting trashed or torn off to begin with? A typical champs character isn't taking body damage very often to begin with, let alone having their limbs severed. Perhaps an oddity of a question in that players don't normally try to come up with concepts in which bodily mutilation is something they'd want to simulate, but a curiosity that came to mind all the same.
  25. Re: The EVILLLL That is... Gentleman Jim? I seem to recall a villain in our old campaign that got more powerful if he felt you weren't "fighting a fair fight."
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