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Harry Canyon

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Everything posted by Harry Canyon

  1. Hi! It just dawned on me that the Closed Circuit radio (an example using Mind Link) is for one person... It states up to 8 minds may be contacted, but anyone you wish to contact, would also have to pay the points for the device, correct? Thanks! Harry
  2. Hi all! I'm starting up a Champions game. I've given the players the Standard points allotment and the range of defenses as 15-25 with 30 as a max. I've run into a situation where ALL the characters have resistant defenses! One has Armor, three have force fields. (They're just coming off 3rd edition so that might be some of the issue... ) FWIW: Only one of these playes has ever played Champions/Hero systems and he had a really bad experience... I ask, because the current incarnation of Champions seems to keep defenses relatively low, such that almost any character takes some effect from a "standard attack". Perhaps in a future game, creating a list of powers which only one character in the group may have, would be a way to keep them different... Regardless, I'm curious: 1) What level of defensive powers do folks have/allow in their game? 2) Assuming you felt it was warranted, how have you appealed to their sense of fair play? 3) Am I making a mountain out of a mole-hill? Thanks! Take care, Harry
  3. Re: How to do this? This is what I was going to recommend. In this case the AI is just the special effect. Harry
  4. This is like the structure of so many things. But UI/Workflow design for software comes to mind. Frequently, if someone finds a really good UI/Workflow in a program, it's because the design follows how that person "thinks". They want tool x and, lo and behold, it's right there were they expect it. With a poor UI/Workflow, occasionally it's just designed by people with a different workflow, so it seems bad. Even though there are plenty of people who like that particular design. (Although it certainly could just suck by all standards! ) Several have mentioned some good things, for one a Damage Shield does seem a bit pricey to me. But I think they've managed to be very internally consistent with most things. First, I've yet to finish the entire Black Tome of Goodness. With that said, what I'd like to see in a future version is quite frankly, better organization. What? You ask? How can that be? Initially I was quite impressed. Quick rundown of the different types of powers, then on to the detailed descriptions of the powers themselves. Okay. So far so good. I finished the powers section and decided to create my first villian. (I'm a long time Hero player, so I figured I'd just look up the details as needed.) So I'm merrily jotting down powers and advantages/limitations and need to see their values. I look in the appropriate section. Strange... It's not there. On to the index! Oh, there it is. What's it doing there? Why are some advantages and limitations only listed within power descriptions or power examples, instead of in the logical sections titled "Advantages" and "Limitations"? Certainly some arguement could be made that those powers are the ones they are most commonly used with. But how does that help the reader find them easily? I can also see arguement for not repeating them to save space. This is certainly valid and allows for more data in the book, but it doesn't help the "workflow" IMO. Then again maybe "they" just "think differently" than I do. So, uhh... that's what I'd like... So far... Take care, Harry
  5. Re: Re: How to create a "Stun Field" Thanks for the info! This sounds like the way to do it Stun Drain with a small linked DEX drain. Others had suggested Stun Drain or Stun only attacks, now I'm on the same page! Take care, Harry
  6. If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Rasputin's in San Leandro, has a large selection of Martial Arts/Hong Kong movies. They aren't bargain prices by any means, but they do have them... They also have an entire section of B/Shlock horror films... Take care, Harry
  7. Good point. I hadn't thought of that... I can't figure this one out... Sounds intriguing. I need to get a "subscription", sadly I'm broke at the moment. Harry
  8. Re: Re: How to create a "Stun Field" Thanks for the input! Hmm... Upon rereading "Takes No Damage from Attack", this seems to apply when an attacker (i.e. external to the entangle) targets the victim of the entangle. Not the victim of the entangle themself... Or do folks think the victim also has a -3 OCV to target the entangle? (The only example power I could find with this advantage is Hand Cuffs which the victim could easily apply strength to without even needing to roll to hit. I was thinking of a Speed drain myself. (Since I don't envision the attack actually knocking people out, just paralyzing them through the electrical shock.) Although an effective speed drain would be really expensive. I'd need at least 6d6, which on average would be about 2 speed loss. Which is certainly significant but... Then again, that's still not quite the "flavor" I'm looking for. Hmm... I think Mattingly may be on to something... How about Mental Paralysis based on CON? I think that would do the trick! But the attack shouldn't be based on ECV... Auuuggghhh!! Harry
  9. I'm working on a villian with electric powers (real original huh? ) Anyway... For one of his powers/attacks, I want to create a Stun Field whose effects are basically identical to using a stun gun on someone. (Watch Cops sometime;) ) The ultimate effect is paralysis, or nearly so, over an area. Now here's my conundrum. The targets of this attack should be immobilized or dramatically slowed. My first thought was, "Gee. An Entangle would be the way to go." But the problem here is that an attack of some sort shouldn't allow the character to break free. So perhaps a drain? Any thoughts/ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks! Harry
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