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Posts posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. Re: Was Fantasy Hero 2nd ed self-contained? How was it?


    I think the concept of combining the basic rules with even part of a setting might do better. Keep it one book and price it around $25-30 and I think people will be willing to give the HERO system a try.


    I think you underestimate how much the standalone book would cost to produce, and overestimate how many people might buy it. Even if there's no original material, it still needs to be edited, laid out, and printed. You're also aiming it at people who wouldn't buy the basic rules separately, which I suspect is a very small group. Conversely, a bundle is just another entry at the Hero Games store.


    Mind you, I think the Hero System needs a turnkey fantasy setting. It just doesn't belong in the same book as the basic rules.

  2. Re: Was Fantasy Hero 2nd ed self-contained? How was it?


    I'm part of the fanbase that would love to see the HERO lite rules (Sidekick' date=' Basic 6E Rulebook, whatever) combined with a fantasy setting in order to attract some folks over to HERO.[/quote']


    It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it would sell. Hero might be better served by selling a bundle that included the Basic Rulebook, Fantasy HERO, a spell book, and a monster book.

  3. Re: Fortune favours the brave


    ALSO I was thinking of how I'd use this in practice: say someone who is lucky is playing poker.


    They could use their luck to get a good hand - even the winning hand - but they would still need their gambling skill to bluff others into betting big. The idea is that this power would give you an edge - possibly a MAJOR edge but would not displace role playing or skill use - or other powers. For that reason (and to be in keeping with the type of power it emulates) it should probably be quite unreliable, at least for extremely improbably tasks (card games only really involve quite small probability shifts: you only need to be able to sort out a 1 in 52 chance to be unbeatable: which is a -2 to the roll...


    Your grasp of poker odds is inaccurate. Frequently, there is more than one card that will make your hand. In other cases, you will need two specific cards to win. It's even possible to have the worst hand at the moment and still be the favorite to win.


    As a side note, there are over 8.06*10^67 possible ways to order a deck of cards. :cool:

  4. Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


    Not necessarily a problem solely for pirate ships. The better-organized fleets (such as the Napoleonic-era Royal Navy) usually managed to avoid the worst of this problem' date=' but even they had to be careful. Weapons standardization tended to be rather hard to nail down until the Industrial era.[/quote']


    Pirates might also have cannons from several different nationalities, which would compound the problem.

  5. Re: Evil org bases on chess pieces.


    Sounds good' date=' though it's been "done" so many times why not use "Chinese" chess, or Japanese[/quote']


    You could also use one of the medieval variants. Pieces had different moves, boards were different sizes or shapes, and some versions had pieces not found in the modern game. There was even a version where capturing the king was not the object!

  6. Re: Champions 6th version


    So there going to be a 6th version of Champions?, dam thats why my local store has some there 5th version of Champions books in there sale area.


    Does this mean I have to get new versions of Champions RPG books?,




    No. Hero is pretty good about keeping their material backwards-compatible. D&D changed more between 3.5 and 4 than Hero has between 1 and 6.

  7. Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


    Maybe include a "special capability" or two' date=' for the PCs' benefit - nothing game-breaking, just something to make them think they have an advantage.[/quote']


    I saw something on the History Channel a few weeks ago on pirate tech. Pirates would frequently modify their own ships. They'd chop bits off to reduce weight, add sails for extra speed, and add cannons for extra firepower. There was an interesting aside on how cannon weren't standardized, so pirate ships might have trouble when their cannonballs didn't match their cannons.

  8. Re: Making sense of Senses


    To add a bit more to this.... referring to an earlier post' date=' no Smell is not ranged. Technically humans have no senses at all that are ranged. We only percieve those items which go out of their way to come into contact with us. Sight is light striking us, sounds hit our eardrums, and smells are exciting the sensors inside our nostrils.[/quote']


    True, but irrelevant. Sight and hearing are ranged because we can use them to detect objects that are far away. Touch and taste are not ranged because we need to be in contact with the objects we are detecting. Smell is ranged, but has Limitations to reflect environmental conditions.


    Or am I taking your comment too seriously? :confused:

  9. Re: Hero System 60th Edition


    Later analysis revealed that there was one imperfection in the rules that caused the disaster' date=' and once that was corrected, the 59th edition of HERO was perfect. That one imperfection? ;):sneaky::rolleyes:[/quote']


    Failure to turn COM into a figured characteristic. :D

  10. Re: World of HEROCraft?


    As near as I can tell Magic will probably only have "Incantations" as a standard limitation. Some spells have regent requirements but precious little more than that...perhaps casting time...but probably not.


    I disagree. The only spells without Extra Time would be the instant-cast ones. Most spells would take at least a Full Phase, and many an extra Phase. Really long spells (10 sec cast time) would probably need a full Turn.


    I can also see spells needing Gestures (representing pushback). Channeled spells might be built with Concentration.

  11. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


    I'm curious -- how does a character in a superheroic game (buy everything useful with points) buy a modern smartphone with all the various tasks it's capable of?


    Access to the cellular phone network and Internet are probably best handled with Perks (one point each). GPS would be bought as Detect Location. A camera would be built as Eidetic Memory. Entertainment functions, contact lists, and daily planners are probably free.


    Some phones may require Computer Programming or Systems Operation to operate some functions.

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