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Posts posted by Tamashii2000

  1. Re: OIF for Powered Armor why?


    Lord Beavis, your right, with out with out the limitation power armor can be stolen, broken and so forth.. but with out the limitation.. it simply never happens.. just like Doctor Doom. (Ironman has in fact had his suit destroyed, stolen, and not around when he need it...)

  2. Re: Background Cliches


    Cliche: Magic, it exists, there are demon's/eldar gods that want to eat the earth for lunch and there is also one sorcerer/ess who is the greatest magic user on earth who's sole job is to prevent that from happening, normaly with NO help from the various magic using supers that also seem to run about.


    (aka Doctor Strange)

  3. Re: as the day approaches...


    Ahh yes, the Island of Doctor Destoyer. First module I ever got for champions, He was what? in the middle 600 points in that version?


    A far cry from what he is now. If you are using the module 'as is' then you might want to update several of the villains as they are likely to be concidered way underpowered (and a few probably illegal) by the current rules.


    There was an old V&V module I got at the same time about an assault on a nuclear power plant, for the life of me I can't remember its name.

  4. Re: Green Lantern Object Creation...


    Yeah, I'm not questioning it plays out like that in writing, but at least this explanation can be translated into gaming terms.


    The "what is yellow" thing cracked me up, it seemed like an obvious "oh, crap, we really shouldn't have picked something so freaking common and now it's too late!"



    The first Green Lantern (Alan Scott) had a worse weaknes. It was wood, anything wooden couldnt' be affected by the ring. First time he used it he took on several gangster types, scared the tar out of them with his ability to ignore thier guns.. then got taken out when one of the gangsters grabbed a chunk of driftwood and hit him with it......

  5. Re: Green Lantern Object Creation...


    How does it run out of power then?


    The length of the charge on Kyle's ring depends on how long he kept it pressed to the Lantern the last time he powered it and exactly what he is using it for. When he first got the ring (given to him by a guardian who basicly said.. Here use this..you will have to do.. then vanished) he didn't have a lantern to charge it with..and the inital charge lasted (As far as I can tell) for at last 2 months. If he does somethign 'Big' making an object that doesn't go away, stopping a sun from exploding, making a planet (he has in fact..done all these things...) then the charge runs out much much faster.


    Now the old rings (which were supposed to be all destroyed when the Guardians planet when boom but of coarse..have shown back up again..thanks to time traveling) still have all the old weaknesses.


    Idealy..they shouldn't work at all as the main power battery was absorbed and destroyed by Hal Jordan before he became the specter... coarse now they are busy making Hal back into a lantern..thats went out the window...



    And yes.. i am THAT big a lantern freak... :nonp:

  6. Re: Green Lantern Object Creation...


    Operative term "until his 24 hours ran out". But yeah, he could certainly create some 0 END items. My recollection is that they faded out if (as you said) his 24 hours were up, or if he was KO'd.


    I was looking at the suggestion of permanent change, however, which I read to mean surviving if the ring loses power and/or GL is taken out.




    Kingdom Come involved considerable character evolution. I don't recall seeing what would have happened if GL had been KO'd or his ring charge ran out, but he didn't need to spend time focusing to keep the city up there.


    Kyle the current (soon I suspect to be the ex) Green lantern can in fact create object that stick around even after his ring runs out of power (his ring for those who don't know is the 'last green lantern' ring created, out of the ruins of the central battery, it doesn't have the yellow or 24 hour limits.

  7. Re: commonality of unusual defenses


    Doesn't Find Weakness have Range Modifiers?


    Yes, as Far as I know Find Weakness takes Range Modifiers.



    Interesting topic, I have to admit I have always given flash attacks (gernades) and flash goggles, althrough most of the supervillians (I Gamemaster, rarely get the chance to actualy play) rarely have any. I can't think of a time I have used Power defence or Lack Of Weakness

  8. Re: Something to help New Players


    Two problems with the Random Character Generator:


    One they are not basic enough for my liking, also I wanted to do them at a lower point total (Not these are low powered characters)


    As for the Champions, those characters are flushed out, fully realised characters, these guys are not


    Ohh don't get me wrong, your generic characters are excellent, the Character generator in champions tends to make characters a bit to.... mish moshy for my liking (especialy bricks)



    Example arch-types would have been very nice!

  9. Re: Something to help New Players


    I would suggest an Egoist next perhaps followed by the Power Armor character or a Mystic.


    (Not to knock the thread, but isn't this what the Champions of that Genre book are for?)


    The Champions genre book has a random character generator (fairly good one) but it does lack 'generic' characters for archtypes..


    ... Unless you caught the champions :nonp:

  10. Re: Show me the PC


    Always the GM, never the player.


    I almost never get to play Hero except at cons.



    Same here.. but I am always A GM in search for a game...


    I love florida...but its a Hero Deadland......

  11. Re: Unstoppable


    But, can you only "tunnel" when you are physically breaking through a wall/obstacle? I'd like to be able to do move thoughs through walls and characters in one attack.

    Can't recall if it's even legal, but I doubt it.


    Fred has an example power under tunneling called "superstrength bust through" for smashing through walls easly..so Yep. I would say its legal :rolleyes:

  12. Re: UNTIL vs. PRIMUS?


    Has anyone ever given this some thought? I'm not talking about who has the best gadgets, agents, point totals, etc. That's not important.


    I'm talking about funding.


    Primus would (duh) be funded by the US government. And UNTIL would be funded by the UN. But who funds the UN? We do. We provide 40% (or more) of the UN budget. So my question is this: If push comes to shove, would UNTIL and Kofi Annan give PRIMUS and George Bush any crap whatsoever? And if they did, how many nano-seconds would it take for Bush and the Republican Congress to cut their funding?


    And if UNTIL gets their funding cut, do all the bad guys hunted by UNTIL get free experience to buy off that hunted?


    Most likely Mr Bush (I refuse to call him president) would not cut the funding as that would simple result in Until's funding being picked up by other nations and would result in the US losing all influence over them. We might provide 40 percent of the funding...but that still leaves the other 60 percent.

  13. Re: Aid in a VPP and Charges


    The only time I will allow for charges (and several other disadvantages) in a vvp is when they make a LOT of sense for them to be there and the PC can't change them at will. Such as a weapons vvp that can only be changed when your at your 'armory' which has say a gun (with charges). And even then in I make them take 'recoverable' charges if they don't want to temporarly lose the real points used by the power.

  14. Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


    I'm going to go 180-out and say you HAVE all the books you need.


    I've never liked the Database. I've always felt it was a book for people who didn't know how to create characters. I felt insulted by it. If using the rules to create things in new and interesting ways isn't something you enjoy, then you're playing the WRONG game.


    Until, Viper and Primus all get run out of my head. I don't NEED a book to GM those groups. Doesn't hurt, though.


    I'd say the only thing listed is the GM's Screen. (And that's the only thing you can't GET anymore! :mad:)


    Oh definitly, Fred is the only one you NEED. The rest of them are fluff pure and simple, but for the most part very well done fluff, more for the people who either don't have time or the willpower to come up with it themselfs (I qualify for both.) :stupid:

  15. Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


    Thanks for all the feedback guys. It looks as if The Ultimate MA and The Until Superpowers Database are the clear cut winners and Fantasy Hero a runner up, which works out well as I have a couple of players interested in keeping with a fantasy genre.


    Thanks, TWG



    Fantasy Hero and Star Hero both rock.. I didn't list them simply because this is the 'champions' thread (heh) if you get Fantasy Hero.. look out for the fantasy hero grimore too.. very good thing to have :snicker:

  16. Re: Calling all figure modders and painters, Champions Challenge!


    I've used Green Stuff by Jeff Valent, Squadron white and green and GW's Green Stuff (Which is basically the same as Jeff Valent's). BUT. What I use now is Tamiya Modeling Epoxy Putty. It's cheaper by volume than any of the above and is usuaully smoother than all of them as well. Overall a stellar product that I swear by. I have a small semi-tutorial on it's use on my webpage in the article on how to build Sergeant Kemlo from To Ten by Alan Moore. It's on roughly Page 2-3, here: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/proditor/KemloWT.htm


    You can get the putty from any really good modelling store, or on the web at: http://www.squadron.com/



    Ohhhh step by step instructions (Pretty much exactly what I was looking for.) MANY THANKS!!! :D:thumbup::hail:

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