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Posts posted by Osprey

  1. No doubt the most popular thread I ever started ;)


    Thanks for all the GREAT IDEAS.


    I will probably use the rule for varying Mana Recovery on Location and other factors.


    It seems to that The only difference between this and the END Reserve Idea is 1-8 points. In some campaigns it could be a balance consideration, but in mine (which is low fantasy) few are left in the lurch.


    I'm also trying to REALLY simplify things because the players range in age from 14 to 6!:eek:

    Yes I am finally teaching my kids (and their friends) to Play!:D


    I considered running a "No END" campaign, but don't want the kids using magic to do everything. For their benifit, I'm calling the Mana Characteristic, "Magic Points".


    Oh, and thanks Lucius for the spelling correction.

    As an amature theologian I should have realized that! :rolleyes:

  2. Thanks Derek for pointing out the similar statements in FHCII!


    I always thought I had a connection with the 4th Ed Designers!

    (Jury is still out with DOJ).


    The great caveat I see so far is to lessen the Recovery Rate: How about basing Manna REC on just EGO/5?

  3. In a new campaign I'm working up, I am starting a campaign Specific rule that adds a new Characteristic, Manna.


    Some GMs use Manna as Magic Only END.

    They allow Mages to get it from certain sources and then provide those sources in game play.


    I recently saw a web site that suggested letting the Mage recover Manna with a good night's sleep.


    I thought: why not make a new Characeteristic?


    It begins at EGOx2 and cost 1 point per point to increase.

    REC adds to it, just like END. But if it reaches 0, you're out until you recharge.


    Yes, I want opinions!

  4. Thanks for some REALLY great ideas, guys.


    I am the GM.


    I was considering "winging it" without the write up since these are plot devices that I don't expect to have used in combat. But just tossing the game effects around helps me plan even that stuff.

    I am allowing them to be shut down, with a simple spell or physical disruption. (Think Star Trek:TOS Transporter).


    I'm thinking of placing 3 or 4 per continent, or 1 per kingdom (whichever is greater).

    While the ancients that made them are still mysterious, the portals still see use. (I'm basing this world roughly on Aaron Allston's "Ean"{The Blood 'Home' World}, so nearly all royalty can 'Port).

    I forgot to mention: I'd like a "Gate" advantage too.

    I'd like the King to go up, activate the portal, and walk his entourage of diplomats through.

  5. I'm trying to place some "Ancient Portals" around my Fantasy World.

    They are Immobile Foci that allow those who already Teleport to Move (Via Megascale) to any other "Ancient Portal" on my world.


    Would anyone care to help a busy Father with the Write Up?


    I'm not sure if this should be a naked Advantage, for starters.


    Even Derisive replies are appreciated.

  6. Originally posted by ShinDangaioh

    Don't forget that an active force user has unluck when near a pit. :)


    Obi-Wan died after crossing a pit

    Luke lost his hand over a pit

    Luke had his bionic hand damaged when near a pit

    Palpatine died by being thrown down a pit

    Vader died after throwing Palpatine down a pit

    Qui-Gon and Darth Maul died in a room with a pit



    Which begs the question, how do handle unluck that only applies part of the time?



    Disadvantage: Hunted by Pits?

  7. I don't have FrEd either (that's a nickname for the 5th Edition Rulebook here on the board), but I would build this using a limitation I made up for just this kind of occasion.


    Power requires another character: the bonus is +1/2 for each specific character required (after the first). If any character will do, it's 1/4.


    Example: a Magician and a Pyrokinet use Multiform to combine into a Dragon.


    Captian Planet could be built using Duplication with this limitation.

  8. Re: Geezers unite!!!


    Originally posted by Boll Weevil

    Sign me up too. Hey, do any of you fellow geezers use the Champions I character sheet picture templates? There were four or five different ones...a brick, a chick, a flyer.


    I use them and a bunch of outlines I traced from my fave comics (the weed copies)!


    I get in on 2 out of three!!


    How many geezers out there are dying to teach their kids how to play??

  9. Originally posted by Yamo

    And what if the character plans to die pretty frequently (because he knows he can get away with it)?


    I'm picturing a kind of morbid Quantum Leap here. :)


    Try the Regen option so many people above recommend. But make it dependent upon an BOECV killing attack. That way he's got to kill the other person to take over their body (how unheroic).

  10. Originally posted by mattingly

    The Real Cost for Mental Illusions would probably work out the same, but the Active Points and END would be a lot higher.


    I think those active points are worth paying for it.

    MI may be the only way to truly take care of ALL senses.


    Isn't this basically what "The Shadow" has?


    Interesting question: If someone observes him clairvoryantly from outside the Area Effect, does he see him??

  11. AC9! Thanks for the reminder!:D

    Maybe it wasn't mine:(


    I've been thinking...


    The Autohypnotic wouldn't necesarily prevent the victim from falling. (In the movie, victims kept standing), so maybe adding a Speed Drain would be appropriate.


    I also remember a scene where someone who had just recovered from the guns effects could not see the gun weilder when looking directly, but saw his legs when looking under a table! Mental Illusions? Sense Distortion?

  12. I worked this up myself years ago.


    (From Memory now) it looked something like this:


    Looker Gun: 8D6 EB. NND (Flash defense). Limitations: Instant Awaken (-1), OAF.


    The "Instant Awaken" Limitation is from "Gadgets!". an 80s supplement for Champions and Danger Int.

    The attack is STUN Only.

    It only works if the stun of the attack exceeds the Victim's CON.

    Any stimulus that would wake a sleeping person returns all STUN instantly.

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