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Posts posted by levi

  1. Re: Needs Input


    Interesting idea...


    ~Hate: Now to me, the hateful mind is able to rationalize anything, so might this be the enhanced intelligence? One imagines a very angry personality, unhappy with his condition. Perhaps intimidation might go here?...


    Maybe Rage instead of Hate would fit the concept more accurately. I once had a Villain who embodied the 7 deadly sins with a Multiform and he was a great plot device as some of the sins were male and some female (oddly not Lust). In any event...add me to the "sounds like a cool character" bandwagon.

  2. Re: Storn Art from Idea to Full Picture Year 2


    Idea 1 - Cyberkinetic male or female cyber-punk type cyberspace hacker with circuit tattoos on his/her head (maybe a shaved spot with tatts underneath) accompanied by a group of makeshift (but dangerous looking), cyberkinetically controlled robots.


    Idea 2 - Religious (Catholic / Christian) Warrior, cross motiff costume and gear. Again male or female. Cityscape backdrop atop a church steeple (think Daredevil).


    Idea 3 - Malvan Brick (minor) / Energy Projector (primary) Former slave turned Gladiator. Looks Malvan (elven) except with blue skin and glowing eyes. Enjoys Professional Wrestling (believes it is not pre-determined) and looks forward to the day he can best Firewing 1 on 1.


    Idea 4 - Original Armored Character with lots of glowing ports, less anime more kirby-esque


    thats all I have off the top[ of my head

  3. Re: Seeds of Change PBEM


    I've picked the final characters:



    Android and Gadget




    Does this mean that those of us originally selected are no longer involved? Just curious as I have received no emails as of 11:45 am PST Sunday 1/13/05 thanks.

  4. Re: My little toy starship


    Not to be a nitpicker or anything' date='but I thought that the Immobile limitation was only for bases,which can't move.Vehicles have the Vehicular limitation instead.[/quote']


    Not knitpicking at all...I thought the same thing initially, but it was explained to me that the immobile pow lin could be applied to equipment in a ship that cannot be removed from or carried around within the ship.

  5. Re: My little toy starship


    Well Nightbringer I don't know how much this helps but here it is...






    Val** Char*** Cost
    40** STR 0
    12** DEX 6
    16** BODY 0
    4** SPD 18
    *0"**RUN-120"**SWIM-20"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 58


    Cost** Power END
    ** Power Systems*
    40** 1) Fusion Power Plant: Endurance Reserve (100 END, 100 REC) (110 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-1/4)* 0
    20** 2) Auxiliary Power Plant: Endurance Reserve (50 END, 50 REC) (55 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-1/4)* 0
    ** *
    ** Propulsion Systems*
    6** 1) FTL Drive: Faster-Than-Light Travel (1 Light Years/day) (28 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (5x END; -2), Extra Time (1 Turn, -1 1/4), Costs Endurance (-1/2)* 15
    20** 2) Realspace Flight: Flight 10", x8 Noncombat (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2)* 3
    ** *
    ** Tactical Systems*
    60** Combat Lasers: Multipower, 135-point reserve, (135 Active Points); all slots OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)*
    6u** 1) Distant Shot: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), MegaRange (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (135 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)* 13
    4u** 2) Close-Range Shot: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (90 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)* 9
    10** Combat Lasers: 3 More (10 Active Points)* 1
    17** Primary Force Shield: Force Wall (10 PD/14 ED; 8" long and 1" tall) (74 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), OIF (shield generators) Bulky (-1), Self Only (-1/2), Restricted Shape (-1/4)* 7
    5** Secondary Force Shield: 1 more Force Shields (5 Active Points)* 0
    14** Point Defense Laser System: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel), MegaRange (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Full Range (+1) (34 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2)* 3
    ** *
    ** Operations Systems*
    23** Sensor And Communication Systems: Variable Power Pool, 20 base + 3 control cost, (30 Active Points); all slots Only For Sensors And Communications (-1), OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2)*
    35** Long-Range Sensors: : Megascale (1" = 1 trillion km; +3 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4); OIF Bulky (-1) for up to 20 Active Points (35 Active Points)* 3
    7** Long-Range Sensors: +10 versus Range Modifier for Radio Group (15 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1)* 0
    3** Navigation Computer: +4 to Navigation Roll (8 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2)* 0
    17** Internal Monitors: Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Multiple Perception Points (x4), Multiple Perception Points (x4), Perception Point Cannot Move Through Solid Objects (+0) (50 Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2)* 5
    ** *
    ** Personnel Systems*
    12** 1) Life Support: Life Support (Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) (18 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2)* 2
    6** 2) Backup Life Support: Life Support (Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) (18 Active Points); Only Within Affected Area (2.5" x 1.25") (-2)* 0
    5** 3) Tertiary Life Support: 1 Additional Backup Life Support Chamber (5 Active Points)* 0
    3** 4) Food Supplies: Life Support (Eating Character does not eat), 1 Continuing Charge Lasting 1 Year (+0)* 0
    22** 5) Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis (20 STR), Selective (+1/2) (45 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1)* 4
    Powers Cost: 335







    Total Character Cost: 393



    Base Points: 260

    Experience Required: 133

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0


    DEF is 8 on the ship presented here (don't know why it didn't port over). I have added 50 total points to your original ship, but before you call me an idiot (appropriate as it may be), I have put it more in line with existing HERO published ships. I would suggest purchasing The Ultimate Vehicle character pack for HeroDesigner (since it seems you have HD). It is a bargain and will make anything with vehicles a million times quicker...as for skimming points and chopping features from the Vehicle, well obviously I am not the man for the job :) Best of Luck!

  6. Re: unexpected depth to the story - er, suggestions welcome


    The $2 ,000,000 is the key for me. Sort of a Two-Face kind of thing.


    The Double is behind it all. He's able to take on the form and ability of any one he meets. (One person at a time, must be most recent person). He ran into Foxbat previously, took on his ID unbeknownst to the 'bat. Now he's doing this contest in order to find the best, most powerful villain in the world (that wouldn't just kill him outright, like Dr. D) and take on their powers. The contest is just a ruse to a) sort out which villain is best suited to "Double" and B) arrange for the meeting with the "payoff". If the heroes wind up being too effective against the villains, he can just let them track him down and "Double" the team's most powerful member.


    **Applause** I really like this idea! I would Rep you, but I have given you Rep recently and can't.

  7. Re: PREDATORS -- What Do *You* Want To See?



    Originally Posted by Curufea

    Cultists, fanatics, secret societies, supernatural entities. Possibly even an equivalent to an Elder God - some form of evil entity behind the scenes with insidious and nefarious plans.


    And characters with good nemesis qualities - escape routes, bases, clones, personality transfers or just generally smart enough to be a recurring character.


    You do realize that this is for Dark Champions' date=' don't you?[/quote']


    I am definitely of the opinion that a secret society (of normals and paranormals) akin to the Illuminati or Marvel's Secret Empire or DCs Church of Blood would make a great DC Villain group. The best part is you don't need tons of write-ups, just a page on the origins and major concerns of the organization and a character sheet for the current Mastermind. Secret Societies make the best types of recurring villains in a campaign that features characters with lots of KAs because they are disposable. Even at the highest levels (#2-10) the members are easily replaceable and in the case of the Church of Blood, Brother Blood himself is replaced by his son (who kills his father) after each failure. Here's a quick idea for the Society - Have them all identifiable by a hidden mark that they could show each other without much trouble (ie, tatooed inner lip or even eyelid)

  8. Re: Unreal Tournament HERO?


    I know that HERO Games' February Con of choice is DunDraCon up north, but in SoCal on the same weekend each year is Orccon. The reason I bring this up is that each year they have a MASSIVE D&D game where 8 teams of four players attempt to gather the most treasure from a huge modeled castle. It takes 9 DMs to keep the game moving (one for each team and one coordinating the whole thing) an it is still an all day event. It is all run blind so that no team sees any other unless you cross paths and is full of the typical D&D rules raping that goes on at Con events like this. I think we all take what MMORPGs and games like Unreal Tournament provide for us for granted.

  9. Re: Effective Concepts Your GM WON'T Allow.


    Achilles, Aegis...Punching Bag This character has max DEF for the Campaign as well as max REC and BODY & STUN. He also has every DEF and Full Life Support. Of course he has NO Attack Power whatsoever, not even enough movement for a decent move through. This guy spends most of any fight insulting people, drawing fire, even Diving for Cover (into the line of fire) if necessary to soak up all the damage thrown around. For the sake of completeness let me also mention Force Wall Joe who uses max DEF FWs to accomplish much the same thing, but at range.

  10. Re: I love a parade!


    I don't think HERO would be too happy about us posting info from published works. Which I am sure you weren't asking. More like something home-brewed? Since the animals aren't the main adversaries and containing or calming them rather than fighting them will be the heroes' goal, I would say that you just need to set some Skill Roll Mods for likely situations and wing it from there


    some examples...

    Grabbing passing reigns: DEX Roll -2

    Digging in to stop a runaway horse by the reigns: STR -4

    Bracing to stop a charging elephant: STR -10

    Spooking a horse or elephant to make it change directions: PRE -3

    Spooking a horse or elephant to make it reverse directions: PRE -6

    You can assume all the animals are DCV 3


    Hope that helps

  11. Re: Effective Concepts Your GM WON'T Allow.


    ...The Voice: This guy has bought PRE up to the campaign Limit of Active Points' date=' and might even have Cost END on it to make it an actual Power. All he does is show up and tell everybody he encounters to surrender. For added effect, he has a FF that glows like holy fire and some Images for added ominous effects during his PRE Attacks...[/quote']


    Along the same lines come every adolescent boy's fantasy...

    Flasher: Much like The Voice above, she has the highest PRE possible as well as the highest COM and of course a lack of clothing beneath her trenchcoat. Even the women have to stop and say "Damn she's hot!"

  12. Re: America is Dead....


    Ran a Champions 3D-type game with this theme. More like when Doom took over the world in that FF TPB than the AoA, but same idea. Dr. D conquers the world and on the surface it is a better place. No war, famine, poverty, etc... but the entire populace lives in fear and those who exhibit any free thinking are summarily destroyed. Ran it like Fahrenheit 451 - the people were mostly prozaced out and had no individuality...except the resistance fighters who were seen as criminals by the populace at large and villified by Dr. D's propaganda machine.

  13. Re: X-men on 350


    Nice right up' date=' the following is a critique, so I am pointing out things I disagree with/would do different, overall I think you did a better job than I could...[/quote']


    Borrowed your disclaimer JmOz as I feel the same way.


    I would also have used the Images power instead of Shape Shift to represent the Image Inducer. Could represent it more accurately and save you some points (a rare thing in HERO).

  14. Re: Sharper than a Cottonmouth's Tooth


    ...Concerning Cottonmouth: yeah' date=' I'd just use Diamondback with STR 40 and SPD 6, maybe a higher DEX too. If the PCs have already encountered Diamondback, I'd probably change up his venom -- maybe a Sight Group Flash instead of an RKA for poison spittle, and maybe a STR and DEX Drain (paralysis or something) instead of CON for Venom.[/quote']


    Thanks Allen, great suggestions. As the co-authors of VIPER:CotS Scott & Steve what would you suggest for a Cottonmouth write-up?

  15. Re: With GM's Permission ...


    ...Although I DO remember once' date=' a few years ago, I had to instruct a particular player to go through his rule book with a red pen and next to every place where it said "With GM permition" write "phydaux is an asshole."[/quote']


    So do you use your real name as your sign in name as I do? If so, it is quite interesting.


    Levi "this post should have been a PM" Mote

  16. I just purchased Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth and finished reading it. Allen please add mine to the long list of names who loved this product. King Cobra was always a favored villain in my group and I'm glad to see him and COIL handled well in the 5th Ed.


    The specific reason for this Thread is that as I read through the adventures, there is a suggestion to bulk up COIL's superhuman ranks by stealing from VIPER. I think this is a well stated idea, but I thinking along these lines...what if Cottonmouth had faked his death with help on the inside from Dr. Blank? King Cobra could trust him not to betray him as he had Viper through the use of the COIL Gene and it would be a great surprise to drop on the players to have a (believed) dead villain return.


    I'm sure this isn't an original idea and I was curious if any of the rest of you had done this and made a character sheet for Cottonmouth that I might stea...borrow. I was thinking something along the lines of Diamondback, maybe a bit less raw power due to Cottonmouth being an earlier mutate, but more finese due to his longer standing as a Viper (now COIL) operative.


    Bravo again Allen! Anyone have any feedback?

  17. Re: Solar Hero


    Another alternative to being strictly in the solar system would be set a thousand years in the future, but mankind never attains FTL, Inertial Dampeners or Artificial Gravity and have simply had a steady expansion into the heavens using Bio-Stasis for long hauls betwen systems. At near-light speeds (solar sails, reactionless drives, etc...) in a thousand years you could cover a HUGE radius, of course communictaion and reinforcements would be extremely hard to come by.


    This setup has a few advantages in that it doesn't have to be set in this Solar system and as such you aren't tied to the hard SF "realities" of this solar system and are free to have more creative license.


    How to make it fit in the "Hero-verse"? The first explorers found a "stable wormhole" just beyond the solar system that deposited the entrants into an alternate Hero-verse where the magic ebb doesn't come back around so quickly (ie, 3000 AD with no supers).

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