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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Both the Roosevelts seemed anti business abuse. I remembered the old cartoons of Ted dropping blockbusters on industries CES
  2. Watched disk one of Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Some of the antics were funny, but I had forgotten about how the boys were left as yard dogs by the Kanker sisters at the end of the hypnotist episode. There also seems to be a episode timing change as one of the episodes has the meeting of the Kankers after their first appearance. CES
  3. I had some other dreams but I never wrote them down before I forgot but I just woke from a dream where my father and I were talking about how tips worked at my job. He became angry at me. He became so angry that he started oozing fluid from his skin like he was about to burst. CES
  4. The shooter at Forsyth Tech is said to have a ghost gun with no serial numbers. He apparently had this gun at his school, then at Tech so they are charging with two counts of weapon on premises. I might have glazed over it but I didn't see how he shot himself in the hand. The gun apparently can be put together with pieces over the internet. Did he have it together and then shoot himself by accident, or did he shoot himself putting it together so he could assault the school? CES
  5. Guy shot himself at Forsyth Tech. Police and Sheriffs were on the scene. Details were sketchy when I saw the story, but at that time they didn't know if he shot himself because he was getting ready to shoot up the school, or because he was fooling around in the bathroom and accidentally pulled the trigger. CES
  6. Watched John Wick 4. Once again Wick shows he loves dogs more than people. Also the callback to the first meeting with the Marquis was unexpected but shows how WInston is one of the most conniving guys around. CES
  7. My state has decided to take away background checks for pistol purchases. The state government overrode the Governor's veto for this. CES
  8. Thanks, guys. I am not really up on gun culture as such. I write a little bit and look up stuff as I go. I do know that some states have made sawed offs illegal and define that by stock and barrel length. Essentially if you can conceal it, it's too short. I think the mare's leg falls into a different category because of it's a cut down rifle CES
  9. @Pattern Ghost The picture of the shockwave looks like a sawed off. Is it supposed to be like that? Now I am wondering if the sawed off and the mare's leg were/are really common. I do know Clyde Barrow was supposed to have a cut down BAR and shot his way through a roadblock with it. CES
  10. I remember Trevor Noah saying that he was in that part of the world (I want to say Nigeria) and the guide told him he couldn't be gay. So this law was already a shadow ban in that part of the world before they made it official. CES
  11. The rioters are getting their day in court. Out of I think 900 charged, 450 have been quietly convicted and sent to jail. Some have already served their time in the two years since the riot. CES
  12. I think so but the headline I saw didn't say anything about the victim's past. I thought it said wife's lover, but maybe I am wrong CES
  13. I think I need two picks for my draft. I would like to pick Merlin of Amber as my professor of interdimensional studies, and the Tardis for my field trip bus. CES
  14. Two animal stories that caught my attention. The first one is a neighbor's pet monkey attacked a woman. Her friend shot it dead. The second is a man killed his wife's lover with a moose antler. CES
  15. I'm picking Luka, the god of fortune raccoon, as a pledge to the fraternity. CES
  16. The villian's ability is blinding people. So he blinded a blind man CES
  17. I would like to pick George Taylor for the Editor of the Magus University newspaper The Daily Star CES
  18. Someone tried to get pizza for three dollars. Jerry was like no, we don't give discounts here. Try the internet. CES
  19. I would like to option Steve Rogers as my basketball coach CES
  20. Slikmar, if you saw Vox Machina, the actual gameplay is on Youtube if they kept it posted. The sessions were like three hours long. Watched Matrix Resurrections with the boy. Neo is drawn back in to oppose the new machine behind the Matrix after being rebuilt. Two favorite scenes are with Groff as the rebuilt Smith. One is Smith showing up at the old building where Morpheus was captured and he and Neo are talking. The human crew with Neo are freaking out when they realize that this is the Smith from the first trilogy. The second scene is the villain thinks he has everything in the bag and Smith shows up and turns everything into a firefight at Starbucks. Nice callback to the agent possession at the end. It's not as flashy as the originals, and the kung fu doesn't seem as polished, but once the actual plot got started and it became a rescue story it moved fast to the end. CES
  21. This law is as dumb as HB2. There are so many other things Texas could be worried about than this like the fact they still don't have a power grid after two disasters led to loss of life and power across the state in the last five years. CES
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