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Everything posted by GrooveD70

  1. Hi all! I am probably going to be running a Champs game again soon for some people that are new to both Hero and Champions. I have had difficulty in the past helping players with Char gen because of the immense flexibility of the system. I have just gotten the Champions Genre book and have the Until Superpowers Data Base, which I think will help a great deal. My topic is this. A friend of mine has done a great job of creating handouts for new players for his Fantasy Hero game and I was wondering if any other seasoned GM's had any examples of what info they give to their players to make their transitions to Hero and Champions or any given genre as easy as possible. Thanx!
  2. Hi all! Im trying to get a Champs game off the ground and Ive been using the FRed, Until SPD, CkC, and the UMA. While these give me a lot of material to work with, my biggest obstacle seems to be players new to the Superhero Genre and Hero in general. Character Generation is quite a hurdle to say the least. I was wondering if anyone who owns the Champions Genre book could comment on how this book might help me and any other benifits before a decide to shell out my hard earned Skrod. Thanx Lonnie
  3. Thanx! Thanx for all of your great ideas! I too like the open ended approach so that you could use skills rolls to improvize stunts. But would also like to have some clearly defined abilties in place as well. For example, if I wanted to move at full combat spd balancing on a stair banister while fighting 3 incompetent mooks and I miss my skill roll ,the stunt or scene is ruined. But if I have clinging or flight with the appropriate limitations he can just do it and the conditions are clearly defined. I'll probably use a combination of the two approaches with my GM's approval. Thanx Again!
  4. I am playing in a new Fantasy Hero campaign and am playing a swashbuckling duelist sort of character. I would like him to be able to do kewl wild and wooly cinematic stunts by constructing them in the same way you would a superpower. I have had some of my own ideas and am inspired by the material in ninja hero. I was wondering what ideas any of you have had? If you have any of your own examples and you think they would fit in a FH game, could you share? Im looking for powers in the 20-60 Active Point range.
  5. To Serve and Protect Anyone know where I could get a copy of "To Serve and Protect"?
  6. V&V I used to play V&V too. Man Im old But I only have Crisis at Crusader Citadel and have never seen any other Module for that game... I used to love V&V!
  7. Eclipse and Mechanon My old early 90's campaign used Mechanon, who I thought was fun. But my group recently got spanked by eclipse from the Crowns of Krim..... that was fun:D
  8. I just converted MnM's "Time of Crisis" to Champs and I think its going to be pretty fun. I know there have probably been posts asking this but, game system aside, what is your favorite Superhero "module"?
  9. I have a player that wants to do one of those kewl 180 turns on a motor cyle where the back tire spins out while the bike stays in the same "hex". He wants to use this to aviod having a turn radius. He also have a good combat driving skill. How would you all handle this?
  10. One of my players wants to play a charector who wants to be able to make things ,including himself, grow by touching them with one hand and and shrink by touching them with the other. The effect on himself would only effect a body part. For example he could touch one arm,leg or whatever and it would grow muscular and large, be super strong and the other hand would return it to normal. Im not sure how to handle partial growth, or should I be thinking str for arms, running and superleap for the legs. And the effect on other items get even more confusing. Any suggestions?
  11. Ive read that Champs Battlegrounds have a lot of maps. Anyone have any leads on a good source of cheap (or free) maps for modern settings (champions)? Thanks Lonnie
  12. I have a new charector that I am trying to find a name for. He is a gadgeteer/highly trained normal, that rides a hover board w/clinging (think extreme Skate/snow board) and uses two light saber looking escrima/kali sticks for combat. They do impact dmg instead of cutting.... Any ideas?
  13. Thanx! Thanks for all the kewl suggestions guys. (Im still wondering how to incorporate the monkey) Alex, is the Ultimate Vehicle have a lot of material to use in this situation, or are you getting commision from Steve!?
  14. GrooveD70

    Car chases

    Im running a session this weekend that will involve vehicle combat. I want this to feel like a ultra fast pace action movie. It will invole superheroes two motorcylces, a van, and an armored car. Any tips to help this scene to kick butt?
  15. Thanks! Exactly what I was lookin for I'll give it a try! Lonnie:D
  16. Does anyone have any advice for scaling challanges for my game? Im having a hard time finding the right balance of power for adventures in Champions.... how do you judge what villians will be at the right power level for say 150 point heroes? thanks Lonnie
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