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Mark Rand

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Posts posted by Mark Rand

  1. I'm thinking of a young (20 something) female ninja, who watched the series and, living where it gets cold in the winter, decided to call herself Black Scorpion and, after getting some scoripion-styled gear, started to fight crime in her home city.

    A snug-fitting leather (or leather-look) jumpsuit would show her curves, giving the T and A look. It would also help her when she's crawling through tight spaces.

  2. The Avengers are Marvel's best-known and well-respected teams. By a vote of the United nations, they are also a world power.

    Besides their main team in New York City, they have teams or individual heroes in trouble spots in various places.

    Assume one team, based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (my home town), covers southwestern Pennsylvania. What would cause a team to be placed here?

    Does the Marvel Universe have its own versions of PRIMUS and UNTIL?

    What is the Marvel version of VIPER, HYDRA or AIM?

    Please assume this is the mainstream Marvel Universe.

  3. According to the TV seriesThe Queen of Swords, a young Spanish noblewoman fought crime and corruption in the town of Santa Helena, California in the 1820s. Let us assume her female desendants also took up the fight.

    Would the current Queen of Swords be Spanish?

    What city would she protect?

    What kind of sword would she use?

    Aside from sword fighting, martial arts and knowledge of her home city, what skills and powers, if any, would she have?

  4. According to the comics, Batman has safehouses, vehicles hidden away and at least one secondary Batcave, the one Batgirl's using.

    Although Batgirl knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman, Alfred and Oracle wouldn't want the other heroes to know this. Therefore, they wouldn't be based in his Batcave. Would they use Batgirl's Batcave or another one?

    What kind of support staff, if any, would the team have?

    Would Batman use Dr. Arcane's house as a connecting point to a safehouse, vehicle storage area or backup Batcave?

  5. Sorry I forgot to make it clear from the start. Although it's not DCs Gotham City, it's still the same one. Batman is as stubbern as ever and supers have to do what he wants. He lets Dr. Arcane stay active because he deals with the supernatural world.

    Although he has had trouble with federal agencies in the past, having checked up on Mariko, he's willing to give her a chance.

    Now, what's my gripe with the DC universe as is? Simple. It's too complex for what I want and the people at DC keep making it even more complex.

  6. Great stuff so far, folks.

    Here's a bit more info that could help or hinder your ideas.

    We're not in the DC universe. Instead, we're in a version of the CU where space aliens aren't publicly known to exist, the DOSPA isn't the only federal agency to appoint liaisons to superhero teams and Gloria Valdez is President of the United States.

    She became President when a series of explosions destroyed the Capital, killing President Bush, not to mention most of the rest of the government, moments after he started a State of the Union address.

    PRIMUS does exist. Silver Avenger Mariko Nakamura respects Batman and his allies and, unless VIPER or DEMON raise their heads, let them handle Gotham City while they deal with the rest of the area they watch over.

  7. A tip of the hat to Blue for this idea.


    Batman, Robin and Nightwing have vanished. Who can protect Gotham City now? Doctor Arcane, a mage and one of Batman's friends, can't. He's too busy fighting undead forces to help.

    Alfred and Oracle decide to form a new team to protect Gotham City. One member is Batgirl, who has been, with Batman's approval, Barbara's student for the past two years.

    Where do we go from here?

  8. Some of the gear in the Gadgets and Gear playtest are perfect for Black Scorpion.

    Also, the Scorpionmobile should look like a normal car, both when Black Scorpion's in costume and her secret identity. When Black Scorpion triggers the car's change all that should happen is the license plate spins and the body changes color.

  9. Her ninja night suit could be skintight. Of course, I could replace it with an armored, multi-pocketed, black, leather-look, catsuit, like in the X-Men movies.

    Any suggestions for the Scorpionmobile's base vehicle?

  10. What do you think of metal or plastic throwing scorpions? It's based on the iron mandarin duck, found in The Ultimate Martial Artist, which was written by Steven S. Long.

    Should she carry knives and a sword? If so, what kind? Both the katana and nonja-to were used by ninja, and this Black Scorpion is one.

    On pages 75-83 in The Ultimate Martial Artist, advanced ninjitsu is discussed. There are variant styles of taijitsu (the proper name for the ninja's martial art). Which one, if any, would she know? There are also both mundane and mystical ninja abilities listed in the chapter. Which ones, if any, would she know?

    I found an interesting article, FU SCHTICKS FOR CHAMPIONS: Wild Martial Arts Powers Derived From the Pages of Fung Shui on Michael Surbrook's site.One that caught my eye was PATH OF THE SHADOW's COMPANION. Think Black Scorpion would know this?

  11. When I called Black Scorpion's ninja garb traditional, I should've said, the garb we traditionally associate with the ninja.

    The grapple hook and line idea is a good one, but I might have it hidden in one sleeve of her costume, or an armguard, while the dart gun, or an electronic stinger, is in another.

    The tremor sense might be a device in her misc gear VPP or multipower.

  12. What I'm thinking for the Scorpionmobile is this: it looks like a 2002 (ram-air, if possible) TransAm, but is armored, can spray oil or smoke out of rear sprayers, has revolving license plates, three energy beams under the hood, a stun beam, a laser, and something to jam electronic systems at short range. Other gadgets may be added, but I haven't thought of them, yet.

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