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Dr Rotwang!

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Posts posted by Dr Rotwang!

  1. Hiya!


    I'm building my first...well, second battlesuit character, using Hero Designer. I have some questions on the subject -- not about the software, but about the theory of powersuit design.


    1) What, exactly, is stopping me from building the whole thing as a single compound power? I mean, isn't that what is is, example power suit (Destroyer) in Champions notwithstanding?


    2) What's the advantage of putting the weapons in a Multipower, besides, you know, the price break?


    3) Relating to 1) above, how much sense does it make to put, say, Armor, Life Support, Flash Defense and maybe even Endurance Reserve together as a Compound Power?


    I'll be the first to admit that I'm not yet expert at using HERO, and the third to admit it as well (may the honor of second go to one more worthy). Thankfully, no one's tried to kick me off the HERO boards yet, so I don't mind asking if you don't mind answering.


    Thanks ahead!

  2. TWELVE BUCKS?! Jebus! You wanna take my horses, and the rest of the stagecoach, too?!


    No, I'm kidding. Her birthday is in September. How big is the print? Is the size variable?


    I'm seein' it floated on a matte, under frameless glass, hanging in the living room.



  3. STORN --


    Dude! How are ya?


    I like your stuff, here. But then you know I'm a fan, so it kinda figures.


    Don't worry about people not liking palettes. More to do with one's natural aesthetics than with your skill.


    About that piano picture -- I told my wife the other night that when we get to be insanely wealthy, I'll buy her a print of it, and put it in the living room of our (future) super-cool house, 'cause she likes it so.

  4. I've not read TE, but you could do a LOT worse than to read Asimov's Foundation novels.


    You could, say, watch "Charlie's Angels", or, or, or punch yourself in the face with a hammer.


    That's not to say the Foundation novels are --


    Look, maybe you should forget all of this business about hammers and read the Foundation novels instead.

  5. Ya know...for a while now, I've wanted to do a Miami Vice-style game -- very, VERY 1980s, with the pink shirts and the New Wave music and the white Ferraris and maybe even Sheena Easton.


    Better yet, there's my idea for a cyberpunk/near-future game called Orbital Heat, which is about vice cops on a space station. The station being, of course, the primary gateway between Earth and its colonies, every stripe of human is passing through there -- and staying, sometimes, since it's a resort as well. And being who I am*, it'd of course be all 80's in space, with the New Wave and the maglev white Ferraris and maybe even Sheena Easton.



    *If you don't know me from RPG.Net, I feel about the 1980s about the same way that the Pope feels about Catholicism, or fish feel about water.

  6. Originally posted by Lord Liaden

    In the free Genre-by-Genre document available here on the site, Steve Long proposes an optional figured Sanity Characteristic that can be used like similar stats in other games.


    So, your choice is really a matter of taste. :)

    Oh, yeh! I totally downloaded that .pdf a'ready. I ought to have looked at it.



  7. So! Not having Horror Hero, how DO you do fright/sanity checks, ayway? Presence attacks of at least 6d6 when the Nightgaunts come down from the steeple, their leathery wings churning the air, shrill unintelligible cries rending asunder your very humanity?


    How good IS HERO for horror, by the way? It strikes me as a wrong fit. Enlighten me! ROTWANG! COMMANDS!

  8. I'm building a pulp character with precognition today (you can see her picture late in the "Superhero Images" thread in the Champions forum). I'm using an old Justice, inc. character sheet and everything! Whooo!


    Anyway, I wanna use FREd rules instead of JI rules, but I looked up JI's Precognition power first. It's simple; you pay 10 points to have the power with an activation roll at 9+(EGO/5) or less, and 3 point for every subsequent +1.


    Building sort of the same power with FREd, it looks like this:


    Precognition: Clairsentience (20 pts); Precognition (+20); MegaScale (1" = 1000 km) (+1); Requires activation roll (10-) (-1 1/4); Time Modifiers (-1/2); Vague and Unclear(-1/2). Real Cost: 29 pts.


    Wow! What a difference twenty years make! (Crappy modern pop music aside, anyhow.)


    This isn't a question; it's not a request for revision, either. But if anyone can offer clarifications, suggestions, insight or just funny jokes, I'm open to that.


    Hoo-hah! Rotwang! can type!

  9. URBWAR --


    Thanks! I can only get better, huh?


    I hafta work today, else I'd finish the picture I started last night -- a villain named Voltang, who answers the immortal question: "What if Thor had a flail, and were a drunken, shirtless hobo?"


    Meantime, here's an uncolored, unstatted character naned Lorna Trent. She's a slinky, two-gunned precognitive chanteuse in exotic 1930s Shanghai, perfect for a Justice, Inc. game. In fact, she's good for ANY pulp game. I might stat her up on break at work today; I have GURPS stats for her upon request. I hope nobody minds that I said "GURPS".


  10. Belya Auri


    AKA "Ice Maiden" -- one of my wife's growing collection of HERO characters (of GURPS characters she has a Geek's Ransom). The human incarnation of Winter, and the Daughter of Mother Nature. Crazy, huh?


    Drawn by hand, scanned into and screwed around with Paint Shop Pro 5.0.



  11. A Purely Technical Question


    I have PSP 5.0, a scanner, some pencils and about 15 years' worth of trying to draw. I can sorta draw, so I'm part of the way to contributing.


    ("You can draw just fine!", says my wife, with finality. The Scotman's wife on Samurai Jack she isn't, but I'm inclined to agree with her lest she be angered.)


    Can anyone suggest a good way to prepare a B&W outline for coloring in PSP 5? All the online turorials I've found refer to using tools ("Load Channel as Selection" and such) that PSP 5 either doesn't have, or calls something else. Julie Dillon's old "How to Color your Manga Pics" tutorial is totally rad, but she's usin' Photoshop and I'm confused.


    Your help is appreciated. So appreciated, in fact, that if you help me, I'll post some half-arsed pictures of superhero-like thingamadoodles!


    EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out.

  12. Hey, thanks!


    She likes both ideas and wants to try them, see how it comes out. You guys are good.


    What I'd come up with was to let her buy a power called "Combat Mimicry". 30 points, period. THEN, she sets aside a buncha points and just buys maneuvers and WFs (but not CSLs!) when she comes across 'em. It requires a skill roll and so has a Limitation mod, but that's OK.


    So if she watches, say, a Barsilat fighter do his Staff of Grisly Hopping maneuver, she can make her INT roll and spend the points to have that maneuver (with attendant SFX) on-the-spot.


    'Course, now that I think, Monolith is right in saying "most Martial Arts packages consist of only a few maneuvers renamed due to the SFX of the style".






    Back to the drawing board and so on.


    Thanks for the welcome!

  13. Hi, everyone. New poster, sort of. As always, leeching off of everyone else's expertise! Hoo-hah!


    Well, my wife's got this idea for a character, see. She can learn to do anything she sees -- if she reads it, she can recite it; if she scans the recipe, she can cook it; if she watches Legend of Drunken Master, she can...uh...get drunk and beat the hummus outta people, I guess.


    So...outside of a Taskmaster-ish VPP that'll let you re-assign combat maneuevers etc (she wants to KEEP what she learns!), what would you guys suggest?


    The Legendary* Dr Rotwang! Depends On You!










    *No Longer So Legendary. Void Outside of RPG.Net, and even there, not so hot either.

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