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Colossus on 400 points


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Let's see on the Thor front....I figure 35 DEX +/- a few skill levels or MA for Spidey so a 14-18 DCV (9 SPD). IMO Thor weighs in with a 23 DEX and 4 All Combat Levels and a Speed of 4 (maybe 5). Spidey can bounce around and if he capitolizes on his superior speed he should be able to stay ahead of Thor unless there is a lucky shot. If however, Thor out foxes him (very possible) then he stands a very reasonable chance of tearing the wallcrawlers head off.


Thor probably only thows 14-18 dice of his (IMO) 25d6 max against foes like Spidey.




PS - I have seen several times where DC characters are compaired to Mavel character with Mavel able to hang on these boards. That seems quite odd to me. Marvels big guns would be the weaker bricks in the JLA. Thor or the Hulk get nowhere near Superman or Shazam in terms of raw power. DC is just a step up in the ole power scale cause that is the type of stories they tell. It is not better or worse it just is.

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I'm working on the Ultimate Universe Colossus at the moment, and I noticed a problem with making Colossus' powers OIHID:


"In order for this Limitation to be valid, the character must have some difficulty changing forms - the change must take at least a Full Phase, if not longer, and/or there must be other difficulties or ways to prevent him from changing identities." - 5th Ed., p.197


Colossus' transformation is pretty much instantaneous. He could even arguably Abort to his transformation in Hero System terms.


Since OIHID is already a -1/4 Limitation, there's no real way to create a "cheaper" version for instantaneous transformations.


So.. break the rules? Not so good.


Multiform? Maybe, but his armored form is pretty much the same, just with the addition of some powers.


A bunch of powers Linked to whichever power is most expensive? Doesn't really work - Linked doesn't cover the main power and the Linked power both having to be used together with neither available separately.


Patrick J McGraw

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I'm not talking about the adder, I'm talking about the Power. It's been relegated to a crappy sidebar writeup (p. 152) as a costume change under Fifth. What I'm saying is just use the 4th Ed. version and call it a day. Or use the sidebar version from Fifth and call it a day. The point is, if you play up the inconvenience of the OIHID form, you don't need to adhere strictly to the time to change part of the limitation. Sheesh, it's only a -1/4 limitation afterall. Make the character pay an extra ten points or so to offset a small part of the limitation. Seems fair enough to me.

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