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How "intense" is intense heat for life support?


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How intense is intense heat for life support? Can a super stand in a bonfire? Can a fire elemental stand in a lake of fire? can a sentient ball of plasma stand on the surface of a star? Or does only energy defense protect? (disregard other life support required for examples ie. radiation, breathing etc..) I would just like to know about the heat component.


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There's no number associated with it, just as there is no number associated with intense cold. The idea is that a person can exist in enviroments that would kill other people. So you can have Lava Men climbing out of the burning flow or Ice Men cracking out of the artic ice sheeth. The SFX of the power when purchased determines the degrees that can be withstood. A Lava Man, for example, probably could not bathe in the sun the same way the Silver Surfer could.

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Originally posted by Demonsong

So said Lavaman that latterly lives in lava can still be killed by a flame thrower that is not any wear near as intensely hot as lava. That’s cool.

Yep, but I would hope the Lava Man would have been designed with some fire/heat immunities such as additional Armor or Damage Reduction. :)

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Originally posted by bjbrown

Or Desolidification, 0 END Persistent, only to protect against heat damage.

The Desolid option does not work because I believe the Rules FAQ states that the character must still buy Affects Physical World on all of his attacks/abilities even when using Desolid as a defense. That +2 Advantage makes Desolid useless as an immunity power.

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You know depending on the genre I may not, as a GM, enforce that. In Champs, absolutely. If however, say in fantasy hero I had a character from the pit and he wanted desol only versus "fire". I may consider allowing him to have it and not carge 3x's for everything else. Though I may intead apply the +2 advantage to his desol.

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Originally posted by Monolith

The Desolid option does not work because I believe the Rules FAQ states that the character must still buy Affects Physical World on all of his attacks/abilities even when using Desolid as a defense. That +2 Advantage makes Desolid useless as an immunity power.


It's listed in the power description in Fred as a "GMs option" kind of thing.


I didn't see any clarification in the FAQ.



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Thank you for your responses. Here are a few more thoughts.

A person with sufficient life support to walk around in air (as I would hope we all have) would still take damage from an air blast. Yet he could run into a house full of the stuff. I would not have any problem with a fire elemental taking damage from a fire blast (it might even be physical by comparison), as long as he could run into a house full of the stuff.

Also, all things being equal. a 200 point air elematal would have more available points than an equal 200 point fire elemental as the fire elemental was required to purchase large amounts of defense verses its natural environment because we as humans perceive fire as deadly dangerous; where as we perceive air as safe and would not generally purchase 75% damage reduction (or force field or other mechanic regardless) verses air effects.

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I don't recall what they cost in the Beastiary, but I would think and Air Elemental would cost about the same as Fire, if not more. After all, while Fire has to buy all those immunities to Fire, Air has to buy immunities to just about everything (Desol with APW on everything else). Ever try to burn, stab or punch air? Doesn't work too well.

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I use the optional rule for Desolidification that wouldn't require Affects Physical World for Desolification just to avoid damage from a certain physical affect. (So it's a power with a real cost of 40: Desolidifcation (40), Reduced END: Zero (+½), Persistent (+½), Only to Protect Against Limited Type of Attack.)


If you use Desol. in that way to simulate complete immunity from a certain form of damage- fire for example- I think Life Support vs. Intense Heat is unnecessary. The Desol. already provides complete immunity to heat damage.


I have been creating custom elementals for my Fantasy Hero game, and just like Fire Elementals get Desol. for immunity to fire damage, Air Elementals get Desol. for immunity to air-related damage. Maybe an air blast is less common than a fireball, but if for some reason my air elemental gets hit with an air blast, I don't want it taking damage.


So at least in my case, the immunities to their own elements cost about the same.

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