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NPC for Review: Opinions Please

Guest Worldmaker

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Guest Worldmaker

I'm interested in some critique of this NPC. She's intended to be the "Bullseye" of the Guardians Universe. What do you guys think?





Does she float? Does she make a credible threat? Is she overpowered? Can you see things I missed, or things I added that aren't necessary?

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Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


I'm interested in some critique of this NPC. She's intended to be the "Bullseye" of the Guardians Universe. What do you guys think?





Does she float? Does she make a credible threat? Is she overpowered? Can you see things I missed, or things I added that aren't necessary?


She seems pretty cool, but for some reason the direct use of Bullseye's quote from the Daredevil movie bothers me.

The rest of the character seems like a homage to Bullseye, but that line makes it feel more like a rip off. If you see the difference?

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


Hurm... contradictory advice regarding the quote...


I intended the quote to be a tip-off to those people who didn't catch on that she was a Bullseye riff... should I change it?

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Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


Hurm... contradictory advice regarding the quote...

Heh. Different strokes show again. Perhaps I'm the only one it bugs.


I intended the quote to be a tip-off to those people who didn't catch on that she was a Bullseye riff... should I change it?



Wait for more input. Heck, if you want, make ten quotes for her (One of them the movie quote) and put up a poll about it letting folks vote.


Oh wait... that's my advice for most things around here ;)

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


Wait for more input. Heck, if you want, make ten quotes for her (One of them the movie quote) and put up a poll about it letting folks vote.


Oh wait... that's my advice for most things around here ;)


I don't know if I could come up with 10 quotes.

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Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


What would I know, huh?


The quote annyoed me also, and it is a quote form the original Frank Miller story. As far as I recal there WAS NO Daredevil movie. I have NO idea what any of you are talking about. Surely not that crap with a guy with a brand on his head, yet he is still supposed to be the most anonymous assassin in the world. Bleh... character assassination plain and simple.


But I digress....


The character as a concept isn't bad, but little things like being a fashion model OR an Plypic athlete rub me wrong... as the physiques of each are generally diametrically opposed. Bulemic does not look athletic.


I don't think teh character is overpowered, but I wonder about a few ways you priced things that i may be missing. You have a skill for each use of the power, for each individual slot. isn't this enough to cal it one general ower use skill? And does a skill roll need to be made before the object can be used as a weapon, if not why is the skill there in the first place?


I think i am just missing something on those particular issues.

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Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


I think she's a credible threat, but not overpowered. However, she is very specialized - if she runs into a brick with lack of weakness - she is dead meat. Of course, the same would be true for Bullseye - not necessarily a bad thing for Demise.


On the whole, I think she's far less powerful than 600 points would indicate, mostly because of construction inefficiencies (4 seperate power skills, buying each one up individually instead of using skill levels, paying for WFs as well as powers, etc). Again, not an issue just so long as GMs using her bear in mind that she's not as powerful as her point total indicates.


So far as the quote goes - maybe come up with something similar, but not verbatim; make it clear that it is a Bullseye reference, but not a quote. I'm not so hot at quotes, but maybe change the quote a little bit to "You may have skill...but my talents are like magic." OK, not to that, but you get the idea.


If you actually want to cut her down to a point total that reflects her abilities:


Lose the multipower, and change it into a single partially limited HKA - 2d6 base, then Ranged with Limited Advantage (Only if the Object Is Reasonably Aerodynamic) and +1d6 (Only if the Object Is Concievably Dangerous).


If you don't like this, at least apply the common limitation to the MP pool.


The quadruple power skill, each bought seperately, is IMO redundant. Power Skill: Improvised Weaponry Tricks should be plenty.


IMO again, she doesn't really need the weapon familiarities, since she paid for the ability to use improvised weapons as a power.

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Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


The prices and rolls appear to be off in a few cases. I may be missing some cases (or some reason for this), but I note that she's paid 16 points for 4 levels combat luck, rather than 24 points - Luck Based is, I believe, standard for Combat Luck (and not a -1/2 limitation).


Among her skills:


Given PRE 20, Persuasion looks like it should be 13-, not 12-


Seduction, with points for an extra +1, is 13- and it looks like it should be 14-


Security Systems with points for an extra +1, given a 13 INT, looks like it should be 13-, not 14-


Otherwise looks good.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


The prices and rolls appear to be off in a few cases. I may be missing some cases (or some reason for this), but I note that she's paid 16 points for 4 levels combat luck, rather than 24 points - Luck Based is, I believe, standard for Combat Luck (and not a -1/2 limitation).


Among her skills:


Given PRE 20, Persuasion looks like it should be 13-, not 12-


Seduction, with points for an extra +1, is 13- and it looks like it should be 14-


Security Systems with points for an extra +1, given a 13 INT, looks like it should be 13-, not 14-


Otherwise looks good.



Thanks. I've corrected the math errors.


Hmmm... all of this gives me an idea.

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Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please


Only If the Object in Question is Conceivably Dangerous (-¼)


If she's using the Bullseye schtick, you might consider dropping this limitation. In Elektra Lives Again, Bullseye nails a fly with a seed from his orange juice, and when Hand assassins come after him (he's tied up tighter than Hannibal Lector at the time), he looks for another seed, implying that he at least thinks he's capable of killing a human with one, too. Then again, it's no biggie.


I'd think as an assassin, she'd have at least one or two contacts or followers to use to line up jobs. Her background seems to indicate a positive reputation as a reliable assassin, as well. (Positive rep with a limited group, of course.)


"Vengeful" and "Lives for the Kill" seem like double-dipping. Not a big problem for an NPC, but I generally don't like psych limits that overlap at all.


Likewise, "Bored by Normal Life and Normal People" and "Lives for the Kill" seem to overlap, since someone who lives for the kill presumably doesn't care much for normal life. Being bored by normal life is just the SFX for Lives for the Kill.

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