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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




Actually, our good friend is married to a Swede, so she spent a year or so over there with him. While she was there she came down with an illness that required surgery, I think it was appendicitis, but not positive now. Anyway, she went to the hospital assuming things would be just like over here, and to cut a long story short, they gave her all the things that she would need to prep herself for surgery and sent her home. Apparently, she was going to have to wait for several days, and the day of her appointment she was to prep herself for the surgery and then the surgeon would do the rest... Yeah... Her reaction was what one would expect from anyone familiar with medicine here in the states. However, that is just the way things are done there with the socialist medical program they have. And to the Swedish doctor's credit, she did say that he did an excellent job and she was in and out in no time flat, and there was only the smallest of scars from the surgery. However, she insisted at that point that they had to return to the States as soon as possible before something worse had to be fixed. I'll say this, if that is typical of Swedish medicine, those Swedes are some tough cookies!

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Hah! My county! ^^


Can't answer for what the routines are like up here, though -- I have surgery next term, I think. But it would seem that the surgeons judged her case to be sub-acute, and would have taken her in for the procedure immediately if her condition worsened. The physicians at Kiruna hospital are pretty good at what they do, and have to be, since the nearest regional hospital with a broader competence is my hospital at Sunderbyn -- almost two hours away by commuter air travel and something like four hours by train.


None the less, Kiruna is full of miners, Sami, Finns, and northern Swedes. They have two solid months of darkness without sunshine every winter. They break teeth. They are not knappsu. ^^

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Definitely remote... Carrie, our friend, mentioned that she was north of the Arctic Circle and that it was so remote that the dialects were even different. She went down south to visit with some of her husband's family and said that she couldn't understand a word they were saying because it was so different sounding.


What's knappsu?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


"Unmanly behavior." Like pushing strollers and putting up curtains. Until recent years, at least, the inland mountains and the Finnish border had a very macho culture and mindset.


And regarding dialects -- thanks to cultural mixing, Kirunites speak as near as standard Swedish as damn. ^^ The borderlands -- the Torne river valley -- and the Sami of the mountains have a very distinct dialect.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


And how do you pronounce it?


What I find sort of amazing about the dialects is how a country's terrain has such a huge impact on segregating the language for so long. I'm sure tradition and family culture plays a huge role as well.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


"Knappsu?" Pronounced like it's spelled. ^^ Not "ker-NAP-su" but "KNAPP-su." And while we're on the subject, it's "Knut", not "Canute".


Sorry, pet peeve, there ...


This part of the land has been under Swedish rule since about the 1300s. Before then, we spoke various Finnish dialects. 600 years without most people hearing outsiders speak is a lot of time to develop dialects.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I remember a snowfall in San Jose in the winter of 1961/2 (or perhaps the winter before that). Nice snowball snow. It was all gone by 4PM. That was the only snow I'd ever seen until we got to Germany in December 1962, at which time there were 17 cm of ice on Tegler See in Berlin. :angst:

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Probably more of a general environment shock than culture, though of course it was accompanied by culture shock, as we went from central/south California where we'd lived all my life, into West Berlin shortly after the Wall went up.

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