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Glad to be back ...


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Greetings heroes!


Well, its been almost 2 decades since I last played CHAMPIONS. Army and new family commitments kept me out of the role playing realm. Recently I'd started playing CITY OF HEROES online, and that of course sparked my desire to return to the Champions fold.


My concern, since I'd been gone for so long, is that I don't have a good touch of what a "decent" or "realistic" starting character would be, so I present the following not so much for the math issues, but for the GMs to comment if a character such as this would last more than 30 seconds in your games. He's pretty heavy offense and light defense, but that is mostly from his direct translation from CITY OF HEROES. Do you think the choice of Multipower for the framework is more correct than Elemental Control, or would you require an EC framework, etc. Oh, I built him entirely from HERO 5th as I am still awaiting the UPS truck with my copy of CHAMPIONS.


[EDIT: UPS mis-delivered my package to some other address, and only heaven knows how difficult this is going to be to correct. Next time you see a person in brown shorts kick them in the shin for me.]


Appreciate your comments.







Lost son of Atlantis




10 STR ---

18 DEX 24

14 CON 8

15 BODY 10

18 INT 8

19 EGO 18

20 PRE 10

14 COM 2


8 PD 6

13 ED 10

4 SPD 12

10 REC 10

60 END 16

27 STUN ---


8" RUN 4

2" SWIM ---

3" LEAP ---



SKILLS________________________________ 42

0 Language, Atlantean, 4 pts (Native)

1 Language, Greek, 2 pts

1 Language, English, 1 pt

10 Defense Maneuver IV

5 Knowledge Skill, Magic +3

5 Tactics, +3

20 4 Cbt Skill Levels (Magic Attacks)



POWERS_____________________________ 115

20 Flight, 10"


12 Mage Sense, Detect Magic (Sense, Ranged)


83 MAGIC Blaster (En/En) Multipower, 60 Pt Reserve

3u Power Thrust -- HA, 6d6 (30 pts), Double Knockback (+1.75), HTH Atk, Inc. Endurance (x2)

6u Energy Torrent -- Energy Blast, +6d6 (30 pts), AoE: Cone

3u Sniper Attack -- Killing Attack, Ranged, +4d6 (60 pts), Increased End (x2), Extra Time (Extra Segment, No actions)

6u Power Bolt -- Energy Blast, +12d6 (60 pts)

5u Power Blast -- Energy Blast, +6d6 (53 pts), Autofire, 2-3 Shots (+1/4), Reduced END, 1/2 (+1/2)




+5 Distinctive Features - Eyes (Easily concealed, Always Noticed)

+15 Public Identity (Frequent, Major)

+20 Psych Limitation: Honorable (Common, Total)

+10 Psych Limitation: Overprotective (Uncommon, Strong)

+25 Hunted: Fellow Atlantean (More Powerful, NCI, Public ID)

+20 Physical Limitation: Knows nothing Modern (All the time, greatly)




Midnight Blue is a lost son of the destroyed continent of Atlantis. Atlantis was destroyed when evil Atlantean magi, aligned with Athenian warriors, used dark powers to wage war against the Atlantean peoples in a bid for power. Midnight Blue was a battle mage in charge of a group of javelineers, pole weapons, and swordsmen, lending his powers to theirs in order to achieve victory (note that it was because of this that Greek mythology developed having humanitized their gods.) When positive and negative arcana met in such numbers it created a cataclysmic event of great magnitude, destroying Atlantis and scattering its few remaining peoples. Midnight Blue was defeated when the powers shifted, just before the cataclysm, and bound within a sorcerous prison-artifact, where he remained, at the bottom of the Mediteranean Sea until the balance between positive and negative arcana balanced out enough for him to free himself. Struggling to the surface, Midnight Blue was rescued by an American cargo ship. His name is in reference to the first words he heard from his rescuers, describing his unusual eye color.

Today, Midnight Blue lives a public life. Various organizations struggle in court to gain control over him for research or other activities, media persons swarm him at every moment, and several racial groups have decided the world would be better off without him. Unbeknownst to all, another Atlantean survived to this age, having built a vast financial, military and mystical network named Poseidon. Midnight Blue represents a clear threat to his plans, and he is taking steps to eliminate this plan. Poseidon is based in a large underwater "research station" in the mediteranean Sea, near where Atlantis once stood, and is funded through several corporate holdings and activities in America and abroad.

Midnight Blue is strongly overprotective. He struggles with thoughts of failure, having had to experience the destruction of his ancient peoples and way of life, and refuses to allow it to happen again. There is some level of self-destruction too wrapped up in the sorrow and guilt of the loss of his peoples, and he is sometimes prone to doing reckless actions. He also has a very strong honor code that he adheres to, convinced that it is the last tie he has left to his old life, and he cherishes it greatly.




City of Heroes, NCSoft, 2004

Timaeus and Critias, Plato, circa 360 BC

ATLANTIS The Lost Empire, Disney

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Re: Glad to be back ...


He is a supermage type right?. his defences seem very low compared to his own attacks.


you have bought alot of seconadary chars up, usually more effective to increase con to about 30, or str 15 con 25. To resolve your end use remove all the x2 end cost they save you very few points.


The MP costs 83 points for the 60pt reserve, it should only cost 60pts.


Use saved point to buy a small EC with flight and Force field


is there a reason for the 19 ego? use 18 saves a couple of points


Rc Ap

15 30 ec battle magic

15 30 flight 10" o end

15 30 Force field 10pd 10ed 0 end


maybe with gest inc to activate, extra time etc. Reason for the force field is i think your defences really are to low especially as you have low stun and CV. a 12d6 eb will ko your character quite often


I like the background

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Re: Glad to be back ...


Great comments, Vorsch. Exactly what I was looking for.



He is a supermage type right?. his defences seem very low compared to his own attacks.


you have bought alot of seconadary chars up, usually more effective to increase con to about 30, or str 15 con 25. To resolve your end use remove all the x2 end cost they save you very few points.


Use saved point to buy a small EC with flight and Force field


is there a reason for the 19 ego? use 18 saves a couple of points


Rc Ap

15 30 ec battle magic

15 30 flight 10" o end

15 30 Force field 10pd 10ed 0 end


maybe with gest inc to activate, extra time etc. Reason for the force field is i think your defences really are to low especially as you have low stun and CV. a 12d6 eb will ko your character quite often


Yup. His powers are a direct translation out of CITY OF HEROES. Blaster = heavy attacks, glass chin. The END are more to match how the character sucks up END in that game as well - a Sniper Attack is good for about 1/5 total END! As to the characteristics, to be honest I started with powers and everything else, then went back and tucked in the characteristics. It was the area I was greatest concerned about as it was more of a "how can I balance the points" than a "this fits my character." And I was confused on what a decent mage character would look like CHAR-wise. Great comments - thanks.


The MP costs 83 points for the 60pt reserve, it should only cost 60pts.


My mistake on how to write it out. I did it as "83 points for the whole shebang. Out of that 83, 3 pts are this slot, 6 are this slot...." So the 83 = 60 +slots.


And glad you like the background!


Okay! So this answered a lot of my questions - mostly if the characteristics were in the realistic range for a Champions character, and that it may fit the CoH character but I'd better get some defense in.


Thanks again - appreciate the help!


Midnight Blue

- Virtue server

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Re: Glad to be back ...


Looks like a decent character. Your secondary energy blasts are a little light, but if you only use them for mook-sweeping, they should be fine.


You really don't need 15 BOD, though, unless you're expecting to play him in a very lethal campaign. Even then, I'd be more concerned about his defenses than his Body score. Shifting 10 points from Body into, say +5 Strength and +3 Constitution would be more efficient. You'd end up with more Stun and Endurance for one thing, and I think it makes a better blaster concept than a high Body score (To me, 15 BOD says "Big hulking brute", whereas similarly above-average STR & CON says, "He may be small, but he's wiry!"). I realize that I'm talking about turning 10 points into 11, but such are the magical powers of STR and CON. You'll be able to more than make up the extra point by not spending as much on END, REC, PD & ED.


I wouldn't recommend this kind of point-fiddling if I thought it would go against your character concept, of course, but it doesn't look like it will.

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Re: Glad to be back ...


Thanks Haerandir, exactly the sort of feedback I am looking for - intelligent discussion of how characteristics integrate into character conceptualization.


Two questions:


Is Flight: 10" fast enough? I deliberately set that as just a little bit above running as Flight in CoH is a little bit faster than a sprint but not much moreso.


Also, as to the energy blasts. Again, these are CoH translations, but is a multpower a decent method of portraying these different blast types? So 6d6 is pretty low, huh? Good input - since I don't have something to compare with what level a starting character should be wholloping at, and again I am suffering from CoH bias (just about everything is a mook at the level I am at - few powereds at all.)


This is really good advice. Its one thing to have a decent grasp of the rules, but it takes experience that I don't have to get a feel for power levels and conceptualization issues.


Based on this I will work out a more utilitarian character and we'll see what he's like later this weekend.




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Re: Glad to be back ...


Well, obviously 'high vs. low' damage comparisons vary by campaign. In the game I'm playing in, we've got characters who can sling up to 21d6 damage. But that's an exception, rather than the rule. Most campaigns conform to a 10d6, 12d6 or 15d6 standard. However, given the nature of defenses in Hero, an attack that delivers 1/2 the DC's is going to be less than 1/2 as effective against the same opponent.


12d6 = 42 Stun/12 BOD on an average roll

6d6 = 21 Stun/6 BOD on an average roll


Now, if we take a look at your character, a single successful hit from an average Power Bolt is pretty much guaranteed to drop you, while a single hit from a Power Blast or an Energy Torrent will take only 8 STUN. Even if you jackpot on the Power Blast attack roll, you're only looking at 24 Stun, compared to 29 from the 12d6 attack.


(As an aside, you really ought to consider raising your defenses. I'm playing a blaster in CoH myself, and fragile though he is, he can take more than one attack from an equal-level opponent.)


Now, in a game where people are built to a more traditional Champions standard, you'll see people with 12d6 EB's going up against opponents with 40 STUN and an appropriate defense of 25 or 30 pretty routinely. In that campaign, you might as well not have the 6d6 blast, as it will generally not penetrate your foes' defenses.


When I'm designing characters, I tend to set my 'main' attack at whatever the standard value for the campaign is (10d6 or 12d6 usually), and pitch my 'secondary' attacks to approximately 75-80% of that value. I wouldn't consider an attack at half the standard campaign damage classes viable unless it went against an exotic defense (Ego Attack, NND or AVLD, for instance) or was specifically designed for taking out large numbers of wimpy opponents. That's where I base my comments about your Energy Torrent and Power Burst. They're fine for taking out mooks (or Minions, to use the CoH term), but you'll want to ignore them when fighting Lieutenants and Bosses. Of course, in the case of Energy Torrent, that's true to the CoH genre, but Power Burst probably should be more of a staple power. I'd make it a 9d6 1/2 END EB, myself, and handwave the recycle rates. It's really not 2-3 times as fast as Power Bolt. That would necessitate tinkering with the points in the MP pool (take them up to 62, I believe).


I believe that a Multipower is the perfect way to model CoH-style Blaster powers, by the way. It very nicely models the 'switching between appropriate attacks' effect, and is the only rational way to model the fact that you tend to gain lots of new powers fairly often (at least at low levels). It's good for just about all of the 'click' powers (as they're described in the manual). The 'auto' and 'toggle' powers are better bought individually or in an Elemental Control.


Speaking of Elemental Controls... Having a given Power Set is probably sufficient special effects justification for buying an Elemental Control, if you're concerned about that. The Power Sets are all pretty internally consistent. If you decide to go that route with any of your characters, though, be aware of the rules regarding Elemental Controls and powers that don't cost END.


Also, as regards your Sniper Blast... I'm not sure an RKA is the way to go. City of Heroes distinguishes between normal physical damage and 'lethal' damage, much like the Hero System does. I believe that all of the Energy Blaster powers do a mix of 'normal' (or physical or bashing or whatever it's called) and 'energy' damage, so Sniper Blast should probably be built the same way as the rest of your blasts (save the KA's for Claws and Assault Weapons characters). If you want to make it more damaging than your other attacks without being forced to increase the size of your MP pool, consider making it an NND or AVLD, or buying some additional dice of Energy Blast (outside the multipower) that are Linked to the Sniper Blast slot.


I'm at work, so I don't have my rules or HeroDesigner available, otherwise I might be able to put together a writeup for what I'm about to suggest. You could probably even dispense with the Sniper Blast slot altogether, and simply buy the extra dice outside the multipower with the 'Sniper Blast' limitations (i.e. Extra Time and Extra END) and link that to your Power Bolt. Thus, the attack is a Power Bolt normally, but you can take the extra time and pay the extra END to 'convert' it into a Sniper Blast. But that's kind of a wonky construct, I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to clutter up your character sheet with something that complex.

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Re: Glad to be back ...


Reading Haerandir's post got me thinking, I don't know if you need Sniper Blast at all. Hero allows your character to 'set' or take an extra phase to get ready to shoot at range with a bonus to hit. I think this would model the the Sniper shot in taking a few extra seconds to get better aim with your main attack. Or even buy a couple of Penalty Skill Levels against range with a time limitation (if you can take an extra time limitation on PSLs).

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Re: Glad to be back ...


Forgot to mention your concerns on Flight...


Again, by the standards of a 'normal' Champions campaign, 10" is a little low. However, given what you say about scaling it to your Running, it's not treasonously bad. A couple of suggestions:


1) The CoH 'Flight' power (as opposed to 'Hover') is probably best represented as 'using Non-Combat Movement' in Hero. By this logic, your actually looking at moving 20" a phase, which is perfectly respectable for 'getting around town' purposes.


2) Very few people are wasting Enhancement slots on their basic 'Sprint' power in CoH, at least not if they're planning on taking a real movement power. Conversely, many who do take a real movement power are going to Enhance the heck out of it. I know I'm planning to. I managed to get Flight with 2 DO Flight Speed Enhancers in it during the beta, and it makes a difference. For higher level characters, Flight really is significantly faster than running. Of course, since you're modeling a starting character, that's not 100% relevant, but it's something to think about for advancement purposes.


3) More point-efficiency considerations: Were I you, I'd take my Flight up to 11", rather than leave it at 10". Odd numbers are better (you get the extra round-up inch on your Half Move), and the extra inch of movement won't increase your END expenditure, either.


Also, I notice that your current build appears to be 285 total points, which is an unusual number. Were you specifically aiming for that amount, or are you planning on refining him until you hit one of the more traditional superheroic starting values (like 250 or 350)? We might be able to give you some additional advice on things that you can afford to trim (if you're shooting for 250) or things you could add (if you're heading up to 350).

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Re: Glad to be back ...


Also' date=' I notice that your current build appears to be 285 total points, which is an unusual number. Were you specifically aiming for that amount, or are you planning on refining him until you hit one of the more traditional superheroic starting values (like 250 or 350)? We might be able to give you some additional advice on things that you can afford to trim (if you're shooting for 250) or things you could add (if you're heading up to 350).[/quote']


Hmmm, thought it was 295. Will have to check my math now - even though I did it about a hundred times :D


I guess I should be clear about my construction intents. This was primarily a mechanics exercise in hero development using 5th Ed rules (HERO book only.) I decided to stick with pretty much just a straight translation of a CoH character because he is well-defined, with very specific abilities, yet the downfall is that the character is limited by the very linear character progression of CoH. The feedback I have received has been excellent in my being able to gauge power levels to translate what I see in CoH to a CHAMPIONS game venue, and points out that regardless of CoH a character will need better rounding out to survive in CHAMPIONS. My greatest concern was for the characteristics which I didn't have an intuitive feel for at all, and I wanted some wisdom before progressing further.


The 295 points was because I was thinking the standard was a 200/100 build as opposed to the 200/150 build I am seeing in my finally-arrived CHAMPIONS and CU sourcebooks. I'll be adding some elements to take him up to the 350 point arena.


Now that I have a better understanding of values (everyone's comments and the chart in Champions) I can better portray a CHAMPIONS character: increase points, add some defenses, and do some general all-arounding (MB is pretty much a One-hit wonder as stands right now.) I appreciate all the offers for help, but would prefer to do the work myself, as this still remains an exercise to assist me getting a better feel for character development, power levels and the like. Having to work it out myself will just make me a better player!


All that being said, once again thanks for the insightful and informative comments. You guys have been great! Everyone's help has been of great assistance, and I am excited to start working on a more rounded character. I'll be posting the rework some time this weekend and will look forward to your more exacting scrutinization!


Best of gaming to you all!



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Re: Glad to be back ...


Welcome back to the fold, ParadigmShift! Looks like you'll make good contributions to our discussions here, and I look forward to them.


When designing characters for a given Champions campaign, here are a few rough guidelines I tend to follow in my games. I hope they're of some use to you:


Among superheroes in a team, the range of Dexterity between lowest and highest DEX characters should be no more than 10, e.g. DEX 20 - 30;


Most character Speeds should be within 2 points of each other, such as SPD 4 - 6;


Maximum OCV for all characters' attacks, accounting for DEX and Skill Levels, should be within 2 points of each other, 3 at the most;


Total Defense (natural + Armor + Force Field etc.) should be between 1.5 and 2.5 times the Damage Class of the average attack in the campaign. So, if the average attack is 10d6, Defenses should run between 15 and 25, with most centering around 20;


Characters hit with the equivalent of their own largest attack should be able to absorb a number of consecutive hits equivalent to 1/3 - 1/2 their possible Phases, without taking a Recovery, before being Knocked Out. For example, a SPD 6 character with a 10d6 attack should be able to take 2 or 3 10D6 hits without going down;


I tend to trade off DEX, SPD and CV against Defense and Attack size. For example, a character with the lowest DEX, SPD and OCV will usually also have the highest DC attack and Defenses.


One additional note about your character's Flight velocity: while his combat movement is fine for dealing with many opponents, there are times when he may have to pursue enemies in cars or other vehicles which can, frankly, easily outpace what he's capable of now. Your 10" of Flight for a SPD 4 character would translate to a top non-combat movement of around 30 mph. To avoid the embarrassment of being outrun by a guy on a bicycle ;) I think it would be worth investing in a x4 or x8 Increased Non-Combat Multiplier for it.

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Re: Glad to be back ...


Greetings heroes!


Oh, I built him entirely from HERO 5th as I am still awaiting the UPS truck with my copy of CHAMPIONS.


[EDIT: UPS mis-delivered my package to some other address, and only heaven knows how difficult this is going to be to correct. Next time you see a person in brown shorts kick them in the shin for me.]



First, welcome back to the fold.

I may take a look later on at your character, but first let me give you my UPS rant!


My wife bought an extremely fragile porcelain doll on eBay, and the seller insisted on using UPS despite our begging them not to.

The seller accidentally left off our apartment number, which was indeed his fault.

However, we only live a half-mile away from the UPS center that this came through.

And they had delivered a package to us only a week before.


So, what was UPS' reaction to a package with the same name, the same address, the same everything except the apartment number?


They decided that we must have moved!


And they decided that we must have moved back to an address where I lived 6 years ago!


As soon as I saw on the tracking site that there was a problem with the address, I began sending email to UPS Customer Service.


I know that you don't know the dates, but the first two emails arrived while the package was still at the local office.


Before it was sent to Louisville, KY (right across the river), to Lexington, KY (80 miles away). According to the tracking site it also made a round trip to Indianapolis, IN another 100 miles or so, each way.


As part of untangling this mess, here is what I found out.


UPS keeps a file of the last address it had for you.

It could be an old work address.

It could be the address of the ex-girlfriend you used to live with.

It could be the address of someone with the same name as you if they lived in the same neighborhood.


If they have a problem delivering a package due to any problem with the address (misspelled, illegible, whatever) their standard policy is to ship it to the last address they have on file for you.


Even the Customer Service Rep said this was stupid and she did not know why they did it. She also said that the address information should expire after a certain amount of time so at least they weren't sending things to places you used to work, but they don't. They last forever unless you go to the local office and ask them to change it.


Just for laughs, I am going to post the correspondence I had with UPS Customer Service. I have changed all my personal information, not because I distrust anyone here, but because this is totally public and I already get enough junk mail.


Oh, one more thing.

Guess what happens if UPS tries to deliver a package and you are not in your apartment?

In our complex, they take it to the office and have the Apartment Complex Staff sign for it, then you can pick it up there at your convenience.

So, since they had the address, which tells them what building it goes to, and there are only four apartments per building, why the f*** couldn't they have just gone to the office and asked which of the four apartments belonged to Kent Allard? Or, just dropped it off and let the office staff let me know it was there? They drop things off there all the time, it's not like they don't know where it is!





-----Original Message-----

From: mozilla@ups.com (kent_allard ..@ ..hotmail.com)

Sent: 23 Apr 04 20:31

To: customer.service@ups.com


Name:K. Allard

Email:kent_allard ..@ ..hotmail.com

Phone:818 999 9999


Address1:200 main st #100





Comments:The package with this tracking number (1z9365110310063120)

was shipped to me by Michael Anders.

It should have been delivered on Friday April 23rd, but it appears

that the Apartment Number (#100) was left off the address, or was


I do not have an InfoNotice number, because, without the Apartment

Number, I am sure the driver did not know which apartment to leave one on.


How can this be resolved?


K. Allard




From: Customer Service

To: kent_allard ..@ ..hotmail.com

Subject: UT20091910_0000087814 Tracking

Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 13:14:04 -0400


Please include the following line in all replies.

Email Reference Number: UT20091910_0000087814



Dear K. Allard:


Thank you for your inquiry. We apologize for the inconvenience

caused in this matter. Our records indicate that when the first

delivery attempt was made on 4/23/04 it was noted that the apartment

number was not on the address label. An address correction was

then processed noting that the receiver had moved on 4/23/04.

The delivery address was changed and is scheduled for delivery

on 4/26/04 to:






If this address is incorrect for delivery, please advise.



Thank you for using UPS Internet Services.




In an effort to improve the service we provide through UPS.com,

you are invited to participate in a survey to help us evaluate

your overall experience when using UPS.com. Please visit the

following URL to access the survey:






-----Original Message-----

From: "Kent Allard"

Sent: 24 Apr 04 11:28

To: CustomerService@ups.com



276 Green lawn Rd. Is NOT correct.


The only problem with the address on the package was the missing

apartment number (100).


The correct address is:


K. Allard

200 Main St #100

Centerville, IN 41021.


Please send it to this address.


Thank you.




From: Customer Service

To: kent_allard ..@ ..hotmail.com

Subject: RE: UT20091910_0000087814 Tracking

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 12:55:04 -0400


Please include the following line in all replies.

Email Reference Number: UT20091910_0000087814



Dear K. Allard:


Thank you for your e-mail. We apologize for any inconvenience

caused in this matter. We have forwarded your correct address

including apartment number to the local UPS Delivery Center.

You may expect delivery by the end of the day, 04/27/04. If

we may be of future assistance, please let us know.


Thank you for using UPS Internet Services.






-----Original Message-----

From: "Kent Allard"

Sent: 27 Apr 04 09:09

To: CustomerService@ups.com



I am just double checking.

According to the online tracking system, this package was delivered

yesterday at 2:57 PM.

It was NOT delivered to me.

This is the fourth email I have sent attempting to straighten this problem out.


I spoke to someone from UPS ((818 266 5013) on the phone yesterday at 1:45 PM, who assured me that the package was on its way to my correct address, which, just for the record is:

K. Allard

200 Main St #100

Centerville, IN 41021


Is this just an error in the tracking system, or was my package delivered

to the wrong address?


Do I need to start trying to retrieve it myself?


Thanks for your help,


K. Allard





Please include the following line in all replies.

Email Reference Number: UT20091910_0000087814



Dear K. Allard:


Thank you for your e-mail. We apologize for any inconvenience

caused by this matter. Our UPS Online Tracking system shows that

your package was delivered to 276 GREEN LAWN RD LOUISVILLE KY

40203 on 04/26/04 at 2:57 p.m. and was driver released to the



If you did not receive your package, a tracer will need to be

initiated. Please contact your shipper to request a tracer be

placed on your package. We request to speak with the shipper

of record directly concerning tracers so that we may obtain and

confirm information such as invoice and reference numbers issued

to shipments, along with complete merchandise descriptions, and

part numbers. We have found that this often times will expedite

the tracer process and is less likely to require additional telephone

calls to obtain information that the receiver may not have available.


Thank you for using UPS Internet Services.







-----Original Message-----

From: "Kent Allard"

Sent: 27 Apr 04 09:09

To: CustomerService@ups.com



I have not had a reply to the last letter I sent, so I am sending this again.


1) I have not "moved"!


The Package was sent to the correct address:

K. Allard

200 Main St #100

Centerville, IN 41021



Only the APARTMENT NUMBER (100) was missing!

Please deliver the package to this address!



2) GREEN LAWN RD. has not been my address for over 6 years.

I have no idea where you got that address, but it is incorrect.

I have no idea who lives there now, do not deliver the package there!


3) According to the latest tracking information, my package has now been sent

to Lexington KY. That is 80 miles away from where I live.

The UPS center in Centerville, where the package was just a few days ago, at the time of my first email, is less than a mile from my apartment. All you needed was the apartment number, and since you have delivered to my name at this apartment before, it should be on file. Instead you have sent it to my old address, and from there on to Lexington.

Now it has gone from a mile from me, to across the state line, to 80 miles away.

Please deliver this package before you send it the rest of the way around the world!


K. Allard

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