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Character Transformations

Citizen Keen

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Re: Character Transformations


I was at my FLGS yesterday and I talked to a guy who was running a new character. He had been playing a character called Fahrenheit, a standard flying fire-based Enery Projector. (It was his first HERO character and the GM wanted to give him something simple.) Two years later, as he fully understood the HERO rules, he wanted to create a new guy.


DEMON summoned up an earth elemental in Millenium City, and this beast was big. Fahrenheit plowed into the elemental just as the team mystic unsummoned the elemental. Fahrenheit was halfway trapped in the body of the elemental, and became Dark Magma, a heat-based brick.


Remembered this thread and thought I'd post it here.

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Re: Character Transformations


Nova was a running speedster with light-based powers based on an Ankh that she would point and emit light from in beams.


After she sacrificed the ankh in the cause of saving lives, Toth appeaed to her in a dream and gave her a riddle. Upon figuring it out, she realized that she no longer needed the Ankh to control light. (Basically the OAF had been bought off by the GM... Me, with filched experience points; My players let me set stuff aside for "radiation accidents").


Upon realizing that the light was no longer part of the object but her, she toned down the egyptian garb and beame SuperNova.


Made for a nice story when resolved, and a chance for me to redraw the character, which I enjoy doing for my players.

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Re: Character Transformations


My first Marvel Superheoes character was named Bobcat. He was a normal man who was almost killed in a battle between the X-Men and some other group, it's sort of unimportant. He was saved from death's door by an unusual application of Warlok's transmode virus, which healed him and granted him superpowers of his own. He is a durable, feral warrior with the ability to control his transmode virus infection to perform two notable effects beyond pure fighting:


He can override computers and AIs with no range and extra time;


He can infect others with his version of the virus, bringing them from death's door (and sometimes beyond) back to full health.


He also has the drawback that he is affected by mental powers which only affect the animal class or the machine class of minds, as well as the human class of minds. Incidentally, those he infects with his virus also have this limitation.


In a few cases over the years I've played him off and on he has infected people who have developed their own, unique transmode-derived superpowers. This of course is a GMO thing, usually to explain an origin of an ally or villain of his (or another PC who wishes for a radiation acident!)

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Re: Character Transformations


I had a PC named Nightstrike, a male ripoff of Marvel's Black Widow. He had sweet MA skills, wrist rockets and normal char max, which left him at the bottom of the dex chart and constantly recovering from being stunned.


After he was paralyzed by an explosion, his latent psi powers kicked in. He now had mind control, TK, limited flight, and a bad morphine habit. He was also quite mad. His main power was an ego-based entangle from which he got his new name, Stage Fright. Unfortunately, he still sucked.

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Re: Character Transformations


back in our old Champions campaign I had a couple of characters go through transformations. The big one happened to a powered armor character of mine named Vengance. A climatic story arc ended with his background nemisis/ main hunted suffering a catastrophic reactor meltdown. Thus removing his main hunted, his unique focus powered armor, and a good amount of his anatomy. When he returned to the campaign, it was as a cybernetically enhanced martial artist/gageteer with a number of mystery disads related to the labs who rebuilt him.

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Re: Character Transformations


IIRC in the old series Optimus was originally something akin to a very small landrover who was shot and taken by the time traveling aerobot's to the work shop of another transformer who rebuilt him to be an "autobot in decepticon clothing" so that was a transformation. Or you could be talking about the time he was turned into a robot crocodile, or about the beast wars series.


As for bumblebee becoming Golden Rod, that was more Bumble Bee being given a face plate and increasing his speed.


So. It has come to this. To use my extensive Transformers knowledge for the good of the Hero-boards. Optimus was Orion Pax, a shipyard worker, who was damaged in Megatron's first assault. He was then re-built by Alpha Trion("A3") into the first Autobot; a warrior capable of fighting Megatron on his own level. The Bumblebee/Goldbug things was a push for new toys, though in the cartoon he was just damaged and re-built in a new body. Beast Wars actually had a lot of superhero-esque character transformations and mutations.


As far as Hero goes, our current team was disbanded for 3 months, in which our members went their separate ways. My character, Ronin, was a time-travelling soldier from the future, the last human alive, and has been fixing history best he could in battle. In the 3-months off he returned to an alterante future, and was told by his(unknown at the time) future self his answer would lay in the past. Through a lot of detail I don't need to go into, he went from a guy with super-powered future weapons to merging with the Japanese storm god Susano to become his current incarnation, Shogun.

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